At what age/point in your life did you meet your SO?



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I met him when I was 14 and retained a huge crush on him for years. When I was 20, just after I'd had major surgery on my dominant arm, we started talking after having not heard from each other in two years and a month later he asked me out. Turned out he'd had a crush on me too and we had a lot in common. Been together now for almost 3 years. We plan to get married and, at some point, have a child though I'll be gaining a stepson since he has a kid already.

    In my case I didn't really go looking for anyone, I had long given up finding someone who'd like me much less love me due to abuse from my father and years of being tormented by male peers for my weight and "weirdness." We started off as friends, became increasingly honest with one another, and one night he asked and I said yes. I think sometimes life just hands you happy accidents when you least expect them.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I hear all the time about how "it happens when you're not looking!"... the thing is, I live in an incredibly small town. There's no one to run in to even when you've got your eyes closed.

    I used to have this problem. So I met people through the internet from neighboring towns/counties. I was very young, but it worked for me and I'm still friends with some of those people to this day. Even my boyfriend and I met online, and he's definitely not the type you'd think to even look online...he wanted to expand outside his circle as well. I moved to Los Angeles two years ago and still didn't know many people. Everyone is right, it happens when you're not taking things too seriously or not looking. I was casually dating, trying people on. Didn't think I'd end up with him, I didn't even really like him at first! Now, I couldn't be happier with him and can't believe if I took any kind of different turn, I would have never met him.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I was married to a loser for 1 year, 1 month and 17 days when I was 22. I met the love of my life at age 28, when I wasn't even looking for love. We were married when I was 32 and have been together for 16 years this month. It is possible. Just stay positive.
  • I met mine when I was a junior in high school. He was a year older and just fell for him right away. We've been together 15 years now and married 9 and I'm only 31. We have 3 girls and we have never been happier. Ahhhh how my heart still melts for him. :love: Boy I feel super cheesy right now.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I met him when I was 19 almost 4 years ago.


    I love him a lot and I'm so happy I found him. He's my best friend.
  • KarenAnnne
    KarenAnnne Posts: 190 Member
    Met mine on a blind date when I was 18. I know that seems young (it was in the early 80's though:) I had just graduated from (Catholic) high school, was working at an insurance company and a co worker wanted to set me up. I went home having to ask my parents permission because he was an older boy (23 at the time). I knew I had to have details about him because I was sure my father would ask questions before giving me the okay. As expected, he asked details about him and his family and I was ready. I told him about Charlie and his parents and so on. After much detail; my father looked me in the eye and with a smile on his face said "Karen, as far as I care, you can marry him"

    What?!? It turned out that my father and his father had been friends for years and had been in the local Lions club and other charities together. He liked and respected the family for many years and knew that I would be safe going out on a date with Mr. Wagner's son.

    26 years later (On Sept 12), we are still going VERY strong and I haven't regretted anything. Up's and downs, good times and bad, the deaths of both our fathers, life has been great. Grab love where, when and if you can.

    You only go around once; no do overs!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    I was 39, never married. He was 45, divorced with 2 almost grown kids. I wasn't even looking for someone but mutual friends fixed us up and we've been inseparable since then! Got married just over 5 years ago, together 9 years total.

    And I was at my highest weight when we met, then I gained 30 pounds just for the heck of it in the first 2 years we were together.
  • jessicalynn75
    jessicalynn75 Posts: 371 Member
    I'm 37 do not have a significant other in my life. Starting to wonder if Mr. Right will show up anytime soon. :)
  • 31. :smooched:
  • icrant
    icrant Posts: 41 Member
    I was 16 and a good girl, he was 18 and not so good ,,, dated for 8 years (with a few quick "breaks"), married 15 years with 5 kids. He did a complete 360 and is a great guy.

    Be patient, take care of you and your kids, and the right guy will come along. I've seen to many woman jump into relationships because they think they "need" a man. . . people who are on their 3rd marriage! ....on the other hand, I don't envy having to go through the whole dating scene again! Good luck to you!

    Very nice story! I am a bit puzzled! Mathematically speaking, if he did a complete 360, this means he did not change a bit, since the "length" of circle is 360deg! ... :)
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    um well i met my SO in college, i was 18 he was 20, and he was dating this other girl, and when she finaly left for the weekend i ****ed the hell out of him. they broke up the week after(he gave me an awsome quote i bring up from time to time during this week)

    " i can live with and *kitten* you, date her and get every thing i want right now".................yeah hes like that.
  • jpohoney
    jpohoney Posts: 66 Member
    I met mine when I was very drunk at a bar. All I could get out was where I worked and that I would be there the next night. So he rented a car and drove the 40 mins to come see me at work (first he dumped his girlfriend). 6 weeks later we were married. He was 21 and I was 27. He just turned 22, 5 days before we got married. We have been together for almost 14 years and I have 1 daughter and we have 3 boys together
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I had just turned 22 and he 30. We worked at the same company. We met when he came off the road as a service techician and into the office as an engineer. I'm a technical writer and we ended up writing a manual together about a new piece of equipment our company manufactured.

    That was in July 1999, started dating in March 2000, moved in together in August 2000, got engaged at Christmas 2000, signed the closing papers on our house 5 days later. Been together for 12 years and married for 10 on October 4th. We have 2 kids, a 6 year old son and a 3 year old daughter.
  • Angela_2_Oh
    Angela_2_Oh Posts: 579 Member
    Met him at 21, engaged at 25, married at 27. (Him: met at 25, engaged at 29, married at 31.)
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    I still am waiting.....
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    I have read every response... it's amazing how many started relationships as friends.
  • sixrings
    sixrings Posts: 96 Member
    I was 18 and had gotten hurt earlier that day in a wrestling tournament and was at a fraternity party that night on valium for a dislocated elbow and drinking tequilla when i met my future wife...though she was dating someone else at the time...we didn't start dating until the following year...I'm sure I was an idiot when i first went up to speak to her since I recall the room would not hold still
  • I was 19 and working at a small grocery store, he was 18. I said "Hi" to him in passing and he just smiled and kept walking. I decided at that point he was mine-I asked him out-We dated for a year, got married in 1998 (I was 20, he was 19.) In May 2013 We will be married for 15 years.

    2 children later- I love him more today than I did when we were married. Its a very good thing I'm outgoing because he's admitted he never would have asked me out due to shyness (he wanted to though:wink: )

    (btw- I was done with all the guys in my small hometown- My husband lived in the next town over)
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I was divorced with a toddler at the ripe old age of 22. Started working as a new-grad RN not too long after that, met a handsome respiratory therapist while working the night shift...we got married when I was 25 and he was 32.
    Been married 13 years and are on our 6th baby together. :laugh: He's my lover, best friend, knight, and hero.
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    I am 24 and just got divorced, it's encouraging to hear stories of people moving on and finding someone better.

    I'm not looking atm, but I'm so happy for everyone on here. :)