1300 calories???



  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    I am only allotted 1,200 a day...it was awful at first but now it's all good and I make much better choices and am healthier. To your point, going out for drinks will certainly put her over the edge, kills me every Fri and/or Sat but overall I am still seeing results and am healthier!

    Tip: I switched from beer to vodka sodas!
  • oonegative
    I do 1300 a day and an hour of cardio everyday.But I think someone posted earlier about when you eat different its enough.Like I eat a lot of vegetables and chicken.(cause I can't cook) and I find myself under on my cal intake..But I guess the point is if you want to lose weight you have to make changes like soda and beer...So I smoke pot!lol jk jk
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Sking pot can lead to binges. Make sure you have healthy munchies handy
  • marybell82
    marybell82 Posts: 122 Member
    I do 1300 a day and an hour of cardio everyday.But I think someone posted earlier about when you eat different its enough.Like I eat a lot of vegetables and chicken.(cause I can't cook) and I find myself under on my cal intake..But I guess the point is if you want to lose weight you have to make changes like soda and beer...So I smoke pot!lol jk jk

    Good answer! and yes i do too!! sometimes it does help curve my appetite.. it really surprises my sisters cause ive lost weight and maintained and i smoke everyday.. i try to do 1200 cal a day and usually go over to 1400 which is still not that bad. its all about choices.
  • marybell82
    marybell82 Posts: 122 Member
    Sking pot can lead to binges. Make sure you have healthy munchies handy

    it does, but if your smart about it.. fruits and veggies are great snacks and when i get a sweet tooth.. i slice up an apple add cinnamon and microwave it. =) its like apple pie..
  • Solisci
    Solisci Posts: 63 Member
    I do 1300 a day and an hour of cardio everyday.But I think someone posted earlier about when you eat different its enough.Like I eat a lot of vegetables and chicken.(cause I can't cook) and I find myself under on my cal intake..But I guess the point is if you want to lose weight you have to make changes like soda and beer...So I smoke pot!lol jk jk

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Most people don't get that you really need to eat very little in order to lose weight. That's why so many people fail at it.
    I disagree! Unless you would say that eating 1800 calories or more per day is very little, because I eat that much and am losing. '

    Well, I guess it depends on what results you're going for. Eat very little and you will probably lose weight, and end up nice and soft and skinny. Eat well, get a good mix of strength training and some cardio, and you'll lose the fat, probably lose some pounds, but your body will be fit and strong!

    A great example right here, with plenty of before & after & progress photos: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/709987-how-wrong-i-was-600-days-of-mfp-lotsa-pics
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    If I can keep my metabolism ticking over nicely, and maintain my weight on 1800 + without exercise, what on earth would be the point of dropping it lower? The reason most people who eat only 1200 or less a day ultimately fail and regain the weight, is because they are on 'a diet' and not actually really doing something sustainable for life. The number of people I have seen who have dieted, come back, lost, regained, back again, and they still don't get it into their heads that you do not need to eat such stupidly small amounts to lose weight.

    And for the record, I am 5'10 and only 126Ibs, so if I could lose weight on 1500+, I fail to see how on earth those heavier than me could not. And, I eat pretty much 80/20, the 80 comprising of fish, vegetables, greek yoghurt, fruits, nuts, organic sprouted bread and eggs. I find it incredibly easy to hit over 1500 eating these foods, and fail to see how anyone else would struggle to get to 1200 eating 'clean' given a serving of nuts is around 150-200 calories, and a 200g serving of fish is 200-300 calories. Toss in a few eggs, and there is another 150, decent amount of veggies for another 150 and a decent serving of greek yoghurt or quark for another 150-200.

    The reason people stop being hungry when they drop to 1200 and maintain that, is their body has slowed down to be able to continue to function on such a low calorie intake. It seems kind of counter productive to me. Why not eat more so your body is more happy to function at its optimal level?

    Ah well, to each their own, I suppose.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    And for the record, I am 5'10 and only 126Ibs, so if I could lose weight on 1500+, I fail to see how on earth those heavier than me could not.

    the important part of what you said is: " for the record, I am 5'10"
    which makes your requirements a LOT higher than someone who is 5'2"
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    I think it really depends on what you eat/drink. If you stick to lean protein/veggies, its doable. Plus, I don't drink alcohol/juice/soda, so its not too bad.

    Definitely this. I'm supposed to eat 1300, which is totally doable without hunger if I'm eating beans, whole grains, veggies and fruits. Once I start sneaking in the snack foods, though, I go over really fast.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    its very easy to limit your calories mine is limited at 1200 a day for food but my supps push me up to 1500.. i could include it all at 1200 but i choose not too.. its just about eating the right foods and smaller portions and been constant
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    To lose my weight I ate a strict 1200-1300 cal diet plus exercise(Idid not eat back my exercise calories) I am currently at goal wt and have started adding in more calories, but I seem to gain 5-10 lbs then resort back to the 1200 cals to lose it again.
  • jodil68
    jodil68 Posts: 36 Member
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Yes, per day. Sorry - corrected that.

    I have a bodymedia FIT, which measures my activity level throughout the day. I have a desk job, work 8 hours a day, go home and sit on my butt or exercise and then sit on my butt. When comparing MFP to my bodymedia fit, "sedentary" is too low. I think it is for most people. And for most people 1200 calories per day is below their BMR. Not healthy to eat so little every day. Yes, if you exercise, you eat more, but for a lot of women here, they are not eating those exercise calories. They claim they aren't hungry, or they are "short," or have some other excuse that makes them a unique and special snowflake. I think most women can eat 1700 calories or more and still lose weight, retain their lean body mass, have energy, and maintain their sanity. This is sustainable to me.

    The fact that we continue to perpetuate the idea that women need to eat so little and torture themselves for several months to weigh some magic number that will supposedly bring them all the happiness in the world really bothers me. It's not reality.

    Agree totally, but really REALLY want to be a "unique and special snowflake". Just sayin...
  • Lookingforfitat40
    Hardly. Once I reach my goal weight, even as a man, to keep losing from there, I have to have 1300 or less. And that's for a goal of 190lbs.

    This is nuts! You need way more than 1300 cals a day as a man. The recommended absolute minimum for a male is 1500, and that's if you are morbidly obese.

    A man 5'10" 35 years old, 190 lbs, has a BMR of 1897 (using an online calculator). You would then add your activity ( you know, brushing your teeth, getting dressed, walking to your car, going to ANY type of job)...so , say another 600 on top of that...that would make your TDEE about 2400 - if all you do is sit on your rear all day at work. Subtract a 15%- deficit for weight loss (because that's really all you can subtract at that weight), and you get ....wait for it....2040 - that would be the absolute lowest you should be going.

    Where did you get this notion of a male eating 1300 at his healthy weight? You can do it for a while at 311 lbs, but you're asking for trouble at 190.

    I'm 40, 5'8", 189-190ish (16.7% BF and a goal weight of 175) and MFP has me at 1360. That's a 1000 (2lb per week) calorie deficit. If I cut my deficit in half I'm still only at 1860. You're saying that's still too low.

    In a coma they feed you your BMR to keep your body from atrophy....like when your body starts eating it's fat reserves....and loses weight. I'm combatting atrophy by working my *kitten* off in the gym but guess what, I still want my body to eat itself for energy.

    How is this wrong? Why not try and lose my 15 remaining in 7.5 weeks?

    My diary is open. Take a look I'm actually putting more food in my mouth now than I was when I ate like sh1t.

    Comments/advice/thoughts all welcomed.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I am a tall woman and have no problem on 1300 except that just with walking I'm too far under my net calories. Choose your food wisely.
  • smokinjackd
    Yeah, I don't get the guy that said 1300 calories to maintain 190, the numbers don't add up.
  • jchizick
    jchizick Posts: 12 Member
    minimum for women is 1200
  • DreamerZenko
    DreamerZenko Posts: 59 Member
    my intake is 1400 and I can't even stand that. Sometimes it means staying hungry at work so I can eat dinner at home

    To all those who can do it and also have smaller intake, kudos. You are way better then I am at this XD
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I also eat 1300 calories and I try to burn anywhere between 300 to 600 calories a day. This is the only thing that has worked for me. Yes you must make smart food choices but that's part of making this a life style and not a diet. Of course there are days when you may eat a little more but everyone is different. We all will take different paths the most important thing is that we all finish this race.