OK I am a fat chick who loves wine



  • Sheirai
    Sheirai Posts: 79 Member
    Feel free to check out my diary. I have 1-2 glasses most nights of the week and have lost over 30 lbs. Now... I wouldn't advise trying to fit in more than that, and you have to work for them, but it can be done.

    Me too. But I have cut back on how much and how often I drink it, and I think that it really made a difference in my losing those last 5 stubborn pounds. And I've noticed that on the days that I do drink, often my calorie intake tends to be over my goal. I believe that moderate drinking can fit into a healthy lifestyle, and some research suggests that drinkers actually live longer than non drinkers, and that moderate drinking helps protect women from bone loss. check it out : http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2017200,00.html and http://news.discovery.com/human/women-alcohol-weight-gain.html
    However, the calories consumed in alcohol have to be accounted for, and drinking and not eating enough food is a fast path to cirrhosis and other health problems. Moderate drinking for women is generally agreed to be around 5 oz per day of wine.
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    I would cut it to one glass. A 4 oz glass of Our Daily Red Organic red wine is 85 cal. I used to drink a lot....and my gut showed it. I actually don't miss it as much as I thought I would and I feel better in the morning. LOL My weight totally stalled when I drank, even if it was within my calorie range so who knows what was up with that. When I cut it mostly out (I still drink when I go out with friends or my husband or a wedding or something social, I am not going to be a total snoozefest) but the weight came off (and has stayed off.)
  • GeekyGoddess
    I like wine as much as the next person but a few glasses a night seems like more of a problem then enjoying drinking. Every night? Cut down, your liver will thank you. Do you buy good wine or cheap wine? Maybe buy more expensive wine and enjoy one glass a night, or every other night?
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I think people are harsh because for some of us, we see this all the time. You get to a point where you say, "I can't seem to lose any more weight, but I'm not giving up my wine". That's fine, but you can't have both.

    Alcohol prevents the processing of fat. So, it's possible to lose weight, but at some point you'll stall, if you drink everyday. But, that's where the gut comes from with drinkers. The fat is stored while the body prefers to rid itself of the poison or alcohol first. It s a form of poison. I'm not anti-alcohol, I'm just stating a fact. Biologically speaking, it is a poison to the body.

    I say moderate. Try to drink every other day rather than every day. If you can't or won't stop, you probably have a problem. I know you'll scowl at that comment. Most people do. But, that's just a defense mechanism to allow your behavior and deny the problem. If its not a problem for you, simply don't drink for one week. If you can't do that, it's a problem.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    OK I know I am overweight, and I know I love to drink wine.....

    Are you single, and would you be willing to share that wine?
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    "A few glasses every night" and an unwillingness to give it up sounds like you are on the road to alcoholism. That's a bigger problem than just the calories.

    --Child of an alcholic
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    The French drink wine every night and they are not a fat culture, rude yes, fat no.

    Bad stereotype! When I visited France I found the only rude people I encountered were tourists. The French people I met were friendly to me. I guess you get what you give. :flowerforyou: It's true that I don't remember seeing any fat people. I'm sure there are a few - just not noticeable.

    OP, how about cutting down to one glass a night. If you're cutting backon food, then it makes sense to cut back on drink as well, yes?

    Well said! My OH family have a holiday home in France and we go regularly, we have found them tobe a very friendly nation.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    OK I know I am overweight, and I know I love to drink wine.....where is the happy balance in that?

    If I cut down on the food calories and pad my daily goal with wine calories will my weight loss continue to stall?

    Please don't offer advice on how to stop the wine its not happening.

    Gym time? yes 1 hour 5 days a week!

    Wine time yes few glasses each night!

    Food time yes veggies are on my plate

    Let's change one thing about the question and see how it sounds...

    I know I'm overweight, but I really love chocolate. I eat several hundred calories worth of chocolate everyday, and I am not giving it up. Can I eat that chocolate instead of nutritional food and still lose weight?

    I think if someone posed that question they would mostly get the answer of "to do this right I'm sorry but you need to cut out some chocolate"

    Losing weight and eating healthier, unfortunately, are about moderation and compromise. A few glasses of wine every night that you refuse to give up isn't moderation in my opinion.

    Let's get back to the chocolate for a minute. Thats me. Love chocolate. Would eat candy bars everyday if I didn't care about my body. Used to eat them everyday. Now, I eat a small piece of dark chocolate a few times a week. If I really have a sweet tooth, maybe two (under 50 cals each).

    I guess you have to decide which is more important, your health, or your nightly few glasses of full strength wine.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    The French drink wine every night and they are not a fat culture, rude yes, fat no.

    I live in France some of the time -- don't know what to say.
  • JennWeighZen
    JennWeighZen Posts: 32 Member
    I have no valuable input seeing as it is so early in the morning, but I have to say, with it being so early and all... when I saw "ok I am a fat chick who loves wine", my immediate thought was, "I don't remember writing a forum post!" ...........
  • veggiebound
    veggiebound Posts: 78 Member
    What about a low alcohol percentage wine? I opt for a red one that is 5.5% and 60 cals a glass.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    OK I know I am overweight, and I know I love to drink wine.....where is the happy balance in that?

    If I cut down on the food calories and pad my daily goal with wine calories will my weight loss continue to stall?

    Please don't offer advice on how to stop the wine its not happening.

    Gym time? yes 1 hour 5 days a week!

    Wine time yes few glasses each night!

    Food time yes veggies are on my plate

    I suppose it depends what you want more - the weight loss or the wine
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Half wine, half sparkling water in flavor that complements the wine. Wine Spritzer! It's still yummy and you're only getting half the calories per glass. If you have a Kroger near you, they have flavored ICE water...best I've tried so far.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I love wine too. The prob is that it makes your liver process it first. Alas that means fat burning is on the back burner. what I did, look forward to a bender one night a week. That gives all your hard work in the gym fat burning instead of acetate burning.

    When you reach your goal go back to your wine. If you gain, go back to once a week. Having something to look forward too will help you stay the course.

    Ignore the alcoholic references, people are often overly judgemental without thinking what they sound like. They probably regret it later. Glass houses anyone?
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    OK I know I am overweight, and I know I love to drink wine.....where is the happy balance in that?

    If I cut down on the food calories and pad my daily goal with wine calories will my weight loss continue to stall?

    Please don't offer advice on how to stop the wine its not happening.

    Gym time? yes 1 hour 5 days a week!

    Wine time yes few glasses each night!

    Food time yes veggies are on my plate

    Let's change one thing about the question and see how it sounds...

    I know I'm overweight, but I really love chocolate. I eat several hundred calories worth of chocolate everyday, and I am not giving it up. Can I eat that chocolate instead of nutritional food and still lose weight?

    I think if someone posed that question they would mostly get the answer of "to do this right I'm sorry but you need to cut out some chocolate"

    Losing weight and eating healthier, unfortunately, are about moderation and compromise. A few glasses of wine every night that you refuse to give up isn't moderation in my opinion.

    Let's get back to the chocolate for a minute. Thats me. Love chocolate. Would eat candy bars everyday if I didn't care about my body. Used to eat them everyday. Now, I eat a small piece of dark chocolate a few times a week. If I really have a sweet tooth, maybe two (under 50 cals each).

    I guess you have to decide which is more important, your health, or your nightly few glasses of full strength wine.

    this is a good point. do it for the weight loss. See where that takes you. Success will taste much better and you`ll be kicking yourself if you didn`t try cutting out the wine and that could have been the only thing keeping you back.

    What if it was just that easy? drinking once a week instead of 7 days. Or cut down to 3 and see what happens. Try something different, you don`t want to be classified insane.
    YOu know Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.... yadda yadda yadda.

    P.S. it took me three weeks of cutting back to one glass 2 nights a week, and however much I want one night a week. (with lowered tolerance I got up only to 3 glasses maybe. ) To finally see results. Now I really think it`s worth it.
  • jeanmoody1
    I've tried about a million times to lose weight and drink wine. ( I also love good beer-NO light!) It doesn't workk for me. And if I do manage to lose weight, I can't maintain the weight loss. That being said, I also seem to lack a stop mechanism once I have one glass of wine/bottleof beer, so my problem is a little more complex, I suppose. So I gave alcohol up altogether. Just examine your habits honestly, and you'll figure it out. An occasional one or two glasses shouldn't hinder your weight loss any more than an occasional cookie or chocolate. Good luck to you!
  • mingecrackers
    As long as you are keeping active, you can eat and drink what you like and still remain at a deficit.

    For example, I eat fairly healthily yet have a bit of a wine and cake addiction. But since I work in a kitchen and am busy on my feet all day, I can happily indulge myself and I'm still losing weight.

    I'd say just kick up your exercise another notch and you should be able to enjoy your wine and lose weight ^_^
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    When I can afford it, I drink 1 to 2 glasses of red wine a night. It hasn't effected my weightloss. I am doing South Beach Diet and on Phase 2 you can have 1 to 2 glasses of red wine. Love it.
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    As long as you are keeping active, you can eat and drink what you like and still remain at a deficit.

    For example, I eat fairly healthily yet have a bit of a wine and cake addiction. But since I work in a kitchen and am busy on my feet all day, I can happily indulge myself and I'm still losing weight.

    I'd say just kick up your exercise another notch and you should be able to enjoy your wine and lose weight ^_^

    of course you can lose weight doing it but that doesn't make it healthy.

    as someone said, everything in moderation. the OP said they weren't giving up their multiple glasses of wine a night. depending on her glass size, that could be 200 calories a glass, for a total of 600 calories in three 8oz glasses. That is a lot of calories to waste on wine.

    i guess it depends on what she is in this for. health? if so, the wine ain't cutting it.
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    Gosh it sounds like a couple people could use a glass of wine. Chill out. Why such hostility?

    Nope. None at all. Tired of all the people who want get fit fast diets but still want to eat crap.

    I was pushing 200 lbs and there was no way I was losing weight continuing to the unhealthy person I was when I started this journey. It is how I got fat to begin with. I had to change my lifestyle. If you come here expecting to be able to do the same things you have always done and magically lose weight, you are in for a rude awakening.

    And of course the next post we see from this poster is, "I've been at this for a year. Why haven't I lost weight. I'm so frustrated."

    This board is cyclical. The same questions over and over.

    The things you will see from the people who have actually made big changes in their lives...they are all the same. Start living a healthy lifestyle...including nutrition and exercise. And don't put stipulations on what you will and won't do.