Sixers Valentine Vixens WK 2



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    amyls...i did have 2 cookies. i was still within my limits. just had to dig into my extras. i only log 1/2 of what i burn in exercise so i was maybe in about 100-150. not much.

    oh also forgot....tamm....i was going over some past logging and started putting something together. when i started gaining this weight was almost 4 weeks after i cut my metformin in half. this has been use as a weight loss drug for some. not common. anyway i thought that when i see my doctor next week i am going to ask him if i can go back full again to see if the weight starts coming off better. people are also on it for PCOS. my gyn has suppected me to have that too. but, i already have done what can be done. so he said he won't go into it. theres nothing else i can do. just a thought for you for maybe a new drug to help with both for you.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    looks like workout will come this afternoon. it will come this afternoon.........

    gotta run
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Morning Sixers!

    I cant believe this, but this is the third time in a week that I have gotten up early to go to the gym and work out!! THAT is something I thought I would NEVER do!!!!! I am going to do W1D3 of C25K, and Lula you are totally right running is becoming addictive!!!!! And I think I am going to follow your advice Amy S and do a Day 4 at higher intensity, really push myself...

    So I dont have time for personals, I have to be showered and gone from the gym by 9:10 or so to make it to my 10:00 am class on time, which i have to because I was late on tuesday. haha I cant wait for classes to be over this week!

    So BYE SIXERS! hope everyone has a good day, I should be back after 3:00 pm or so!
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Cathy(chipper).........................SW 241 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 241.2 lbs / PROGRESS +.2 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)................SW 146.8 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.8 lbs / PROGRESS -1.0 lbs
    Alison (ali258)..........................SW 225.8 lbs / GW 219 lbs / CW 227.8 lbs / PROGRESS +2 lbs
    moonq8.....................................SW 200.6 lbs / GW 190 lbs/ CW 200.6 lbs/ PROGRESS 0
    Amy S (amyls8710)................SW 271 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 267 lbs / PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)....................SW 185.0 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 184.0 lbs/ PROGRESS - 1 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 154 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 155.8 lbs / PROGRESS +1.8 lbs
    B (its_B).....................................SW 210.0 lbs/ GW 200.0lbs/ CW 210.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- 0 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)................SW 198.0lbs / GW 192 lbs / CW 200.0 lbs / PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    Nicole(nicolee516).................SW 168.4 lbs/GW 165 lbs/ CW 167.4 lbs / PROGRESS - 1 lb
    Amy (amypyr)............................SW 158.7 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 157.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.9 lbs
    Kelly(redneckwoman)............SW 152.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 150.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)............................SW 146lbs / GW 136 lbs / CW 148 lbs / PROGRESS + 2
    izzypup.......................................SW 187 lbs / GW 180 lbs / CW 187 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Verda (vhuber)..........................SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Em (greenerme) ......................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.4 lbs
    primalB.....................................SW 137 / GW 128 / CW 133 / PROGRESS -4 lbs
    Lorna (iftcheiaf).......................SW 142.4 lbs / GW 137.4 lbs / CW 141.4 lbs / PROGRESS - 1 lb
    Emmie (emmie110)...............SW 218.4 lbs/ GW 209 lbs / CW 218.6 lbs / PROGRESS +0.2 lbs
    Pam (PamH555).....................SW 203.5lbs / GW 193.5 lbs / CW 201.5 lbs / PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Amy (pdxmomof2)...................SW 201 lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW 199 lbs/ PROGRESS - 2 lbs

    Melanie (Melanieann48111)..SW 153 lbs/ GW 146lbs/ CW 153 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    2bskinnyagain1978................SW 186 lbs/ GW xxx lbs / CW 186 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs

    Hello ladies, sorry, I am a few days behind. Its been a busy week with getting everything taken care of for the new job. Drug tests, customer service tests, etc. Got my offer letter in email the other day. Its great to have it in writing.

    I am down 2 pounds but cautious. I ALWAYS lose these 2 pounds. Then I gain them back. We will see if I can make it stick plus take off 2 more before next weigh in.

    Too much to do personals. Good job everyone who is losing and hang in if you are not. I cant believe I was the 3rd to last to check in! That is great attendance!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Amy Lou - congrats on the job!!!

    Tamm - I LOVE water aerobics. When I was losing weight before, I did it a couple of times a week. I love that you do the whole workout and it doesn't feel too bad, I didn't feel sweaty or anything because of the water -- almost like I didn't get much of a workout, and then I would get out of the pool and barely be able to stand up. I would love to get back into my cute water aerobics bathing suit!

    It's funny how different people react to birth control. I have depression and birth control regulates my hormones enough to make my mood better, so I actually LOSE weight on birth control because I'm not depressed. Exercise does the same thing though, and it's free and has no negative side effects that I'm aware of (like my chest doesn't get bigger when I exercise, thank goodness!).

    I kinda dropped off the face of the planet yesterday. My ears have been bothering me for about a week, so I finally went to a Minute Clinic, and the lady was so nice, and didn't charge me because she said she's not charging just to look in my ears. I just have fluid in them from my life-long allergies, and need to take a daily decongestant. I was taking them at night, but I hate being a zombie all day, but I guess it's better than getting an ear infection or just dealing with my ears feeling full and painful and getting a little dizzy sometimes.

    I didn't track my food yesterday because when I woke up I thought I might be sick (probably just the same icky allergy problems bothering my ears) and spent the morning trying not to throw up and get some breakfast down so I could take medicine, and then felt a lot better in the afternoon. So, my food for today was mostly high-sodium soups and carbs (graham crackers, a bagel thin). I feel bloated now, but it's okay because water is free so I will just drink a bunch of it.

    It's cold outside today, but I might take a walk and see if that can take away some of the decongestant-zombie feeling. Probably won't do C25k today, but hopefully after my ears clear up, I can do 2 days in a row to catch up. I'm not really keeping track of doing 3 workouts a week, I'm just going with a comfortable pace for my body, but I don't want to take 4 months to get through 9 weeks of workouts.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning Sixers!!

    Kel - How was level 3 Shred? I belong to Netflix & found it on there, so I'm going to check it out there for free before buying it. I don't want to buy another DVD that I won't use.

    Cathy - I hope your dh is feeling better.

    Amy lou - Congrats on the job!! That's great!

    Alison - I love MinuteClinic! I've gone there several times between the 4 of us, and I've always had good luck there. They are good about not charging for certain things like that. I hope your ears are doing better today.

    I know I've missed a lot of you this morning, but I'm thinking of you!!

    Well, DH wasn't able to make it to Lowe's to get the new feet for the couches, but he did get the TV for our bedroom. I'm so excited about having something else to do upstairs during his Superbowl party this year! Until last night, we only had 1 TV in the house. This is his 4th Superbowl party. The last 2 years the kiddos & I went over to a friends house. The kids would play while us 2 mommies would eat & talk & watch the Superbowl commercials. Unfortunately, they were just renting the house & bought a new one last March.

    So, living room isn't back together, so no treadmill, but it's fine for my Jillian Michael's DVD (lots of open space at the moment!). I did make my goals of eating fewer cals yesterday than the day before. I was 1200 cals over instead of 1400 over. And I drank my 9 cups of water. My goal of walking to pick up kids today probably won't happen since dd has piano lesson right after school. That won't give me much time. So my goals for today are:

    Drink 9 cups water
    Eat fewer cals than yesterday
    Do part of exercise DVD (too out of shape to do the whole thing right now)
  • amyls8710
    cathy --- ick I FEEL so bad for you ! men can be big babies when they are ill hahah ! and lord help us if we get sick cuz then we DONT GET ANY HELP hahahah ! I dont blame you for not wanting that ! I dont eat my exercise calories either ! .... i just pretend they arent even there !

    B- you go girl ! KEEP IT UP !you will be running that coast guard run TWICE in your sleep soon ! hehe

    amy (pdx) - WAY TO GO on the 2 lb loss ! i believe ya ! I AM PUSHING HARD THIS WEEK becuz the lowest ihave gotten is 260 .... a few months ago... AND SO THE DAY I SEE 259 hahahah im gonna JUMP UP AND DOWN cuz ive lost and gained the same 15 lbs hahahah OVER AND OVER hahaha ! so i am pushing thru! AND YOU CAN TOOOO !

    Alison-- isnt that hilarious that when you get OUT the water its like GRAVITY says HOLD UP .... hahah HERES THE PAIN u was wondering wasnt there ! hahaha ! well its not good that you battle depression BUT its great the birth control keeps it away !! AND HELPS you lose the lbs ! aww sorry about the fluid in your ears ! FEEL BETTER !

    amy (pyr)-- yay for a new TV for upstairs ! good luck getting your GOALS accomplished today ! HOPEFULLY hubby makes it to LOWES !


    I just finished a 45 minute HIGH intensity full body workout from the FIRM ! AHH It feelt SOOOOO GOOOD !! and i burned over 600 cals ! WOOHOOOO !
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Quick check in! No time for personals! But I'm thinking of you all! Let's all do GREAT today!!!!:heart:
  • PrimalB
    PrimalB Posts: 12
    I hope the week is going well for all. I have posted my stats the past 2 Wednesdays but never got a chance to say hello.

    The end of the week is always the hardest for me to stay motivated; more social activites, more free time on the weekend to sit around the house and snack, etc always tend to veer me off track. I pulled good numbers last week b/c I was coming off TTOM. Hopefully, I can stay on track through the next weigh-in and keep the numbers in the negative.

    Great work from everyone!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    having food issues today.......

    tomorrow is a new day and a gym visit too.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have been under my cals BUT they have not been healthy cals:huh: ! Fitness has been good, 1 hr od P90X Kenpo X yesterday and today was 40 minutes on the elliptical and then 1 hr of P90X stretching! It is soooo good to read all your words but I won't even go near posting personals, I would have everybody messed up!!! Hang in there group, another day done!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    OMG Girls Here is the Shred report for the day......Day 1 level 3 = 21 days of shredding.

    Yes I did it and boy did I feel like the biggest KLUTZ ever. I know it takes a day or two or three to get the hang of a new workout. But you talk about having 2 left feet. LOL Plus I think I am trying to have TOM. At my age I never know if it's really here or not. I feel a little bloated the past few days and a bit short with others. An some what spotty, so I think its here or on its way.

    I am so happy that the weather is sunny today. So I am back to work. YEA. Tomarrow I will have a full day of yard cleanings at three different customers. Today I dug up 3 fruit trees and replanted a bunch of flower pots for my customer. And did storm clean up. I burned approx 500 cals just at work for 3 hours. Tomarrow with the type of work I will be doing I should burn double that. One of the benifits of working outside.

    I would love to do personals but I need to get some of my chores complete before dinner time.

    Love to you all

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    OMG Girls Here is the Shred report for the day......Day 1 level 3 = 21 days of shredding.

    Yes I did it and boy did I feel like the biggest KLUTZ ever. I know it takes a day or two or three to get the hang of a new workout. But you talk about having 2 left feet. LOL Plus I think I am trying to have TOM. At my age I never know if it's really here or not. I feel a little bloated the past few days and a bit short with others. An some what spotty, so I think its here or on its way.

    I am so happy that the weather is sunny today. So I am back to work. YEA. Tomarrow I will have a full day of yard cleanings at three different customers. Today I dug up 3 fruit trees and replanted a bunch of flower pots for my customer. And did storm clean up. I burned approx 500 cals just at work for 3 hours. Tomarrow with the type of work I will be doing I should burn double that. One of the benifits of working outside.

    I would love to do personals but I need to get some of my chores complete before dinner time.

    Love to you all

    Hey Kel, you are doing great shredding and sooo what if at first you are "klutzy" it will come around for ya! Just laugh it off and do your best and forget the rest!
    As for the TOM your symptoms are me EXACTLY! hate it, are you hot flashing too?
    I wish I could come help with all your 'outside' work, I love that type of labor!!! I helped plant OVER 500 trees this past summer(they were not small tress either) for a friend and I burned lot's of calories! I always feel so accomplished at the end of the day when i do that type of work! My husband uses me as his hired hand here on the farm and I go with him trucking grain lot's of times to help move the augers and shovel!! You would really think that what with all I do that I would be a stick but no God gave me muscles and a boy figure! LOL
    Now think of me when you are moving all the debree!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Just checking in. Not alot of time. Amylou congrats on the job. It always feels nice and exciting. Amy, thanks for the pizza info. I have tried the Kashi pizzas and they are not that bad. Great nite everyone!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Just a quick pop in.

    Cathy - Hope your hubby is feeling better. He's giving you a workout just by taking care of him. Take care of yourself too. Being stuck in the house can't be fun either when there is so much food saying "eat me". But you are doing great.

    Kel - WOW. You amaze me with the Shred. That scares me.

    vhuber - Good job on staying under the calories. Sometimes, we just have those days where a cookie tastes better than an apple. But your exercise and energy no doubt will cancel that out. Way to go.

    To everyone else - goodmorning22.gif

    I got eight hours of sleep last night and have no idea what to do with myself. Kids are off school today, so out we go this morning to teach people the bible and a yummy lunch. Then off they go for the weekend with their "other father" and I go to the gym. Tonight is "girl's night" for me as my hubby is supposed to be going camping (if it doesn't snow). So shooting pool, movie, beer, and good friends. Very much needed.

    Hope you all have a productive and happy Friday!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    i just need to vent, might be long, just pass if you want...

    DH is still sick with the diarrhea. he can't even make it to the bathroom. today is day 3. yesterday when he called in and left a mssg at office. let me set up the company. owner(c), owners wife(a) who does paperwork, HR stuff, owners wifes bff(j) who is front desk. than there is DH and one other guy(g) who are pest techs. that's it just the 5. so yesterday afternoon (g) calls DH and tells him check your email on your blackberry(from work). email says that DH, (g) only get 3 sick/personal days a year and that they need to call their appts for that day and than call either (c), (a),(j). well, here it is again day 3. he was up every 2 hrs throw the night. he has called (g). tried calling one of the others. she didn't answer her phone. i told him they weren't going to. they don't have to be in the office until 9. (g),DH have to begin appts as early as 8. there was no sick policy in place. they also said in the email that they may have lost 3 accts because dh didn't call his appts wednesday morning when he was sick. these people arn't going to anywhere. they were upset. dh didn't know he had to do the calling. thought that's why they had (j) who takes care of front desk and appt. (g) also got sick tuesday night when it all started. they both did a home show last weekend, both ate at hardees both had the same thing. except DH had it again sunday morning. tells me food poisioning. i think Dh may have ecoli. so now dh is getting his certificate from work and begin looking for a new job. they won't hire anyone else. they seem to always change the rules to suit them. both dh and (g)
    are so frustrated. (j) has them take time to help her do her filing and even left a stack of folders on their desk and said when you get a chance scan these. here they worked the week, the weekend show, and another week. they really need to hire someone else. two people were working there, but, they left awhile back.

    i was hoping to be heading to the gym by now. but, have to wait for him to call work and than call the doctors. he's going in today. so, will adjust to all that.

    thanks for reading. need to go and check on him.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    Cathy...Awe...***BIG HUG*** I am SO sorry to hear about everything you're going through with your husband! You'd think that people would be more understanding AND more organized! I hope you get it all figured out (as I'm sure you will) and that your husband gets all better quickly!!! I'll be thinking of you guys today!

    Lulabelle...8 hours! I'm SO jealous!!! Kadence slept HORRIBLY last night! She woke me at 1:00 and then again at 3:30 to eat! Then I woke up late and fed her again at 6:00 before I scrambled out the door to work! I SO hope she gets over this waking at night soon!! Have a good day with your kiddos today!

    Kel...Way to go on the shredding! 21 days is AWESOME!!! And yeah, don't worry about being klutzy! You're doing so good!

    AmyLou...YAY FOR THE NEW JOB!!!!!!! Sorry I didn't get to reading posts until this morning! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

    To everyone else...Good morning!!!!

    I got in a quick run last night and stayed well within calories! I weighed in this morning and unofficially am down!!!! Won't post weight until Tuesday (as I always do) but was excited to see a lower number! Planning on a successful weekend!

    Gonna be in meetings all morning, and then leaving early today! If I don't get back on before I leave, have a great weekend!!!!!
  • greenerme
    WOW! I was gone for one day and I can't keep up with all the action! Warning. this may be a long update / vent

    Anyways the conference went great, I got a ton of great feedback on my research.... so that is good... but the food, oh the food. I didn't log what I ate yet... but I am sure it was bad (2) slices of french toast, 1/2 a chicken salad wrap, and a massive bowl of chilli with cheese and onions, a cup of coffee... (2) beers (at the gathering after)... I did avoid the treat tray... :blushing: but that is about all I avoided. UGH. I feel horrible... no exercise, sitting all day, and lots of unhealthy food... :grumble:

    So, as a life update I am doing the final walk through on the house that the BF and I are buying... we bought a forclosed property... as we don't make much and it was all we could afford in a safe area... anyways I put the offer on the house 6 MONTHS ago, and it has been he** ever since... about 2 weeks ago we were about to close and the night before people broke in and trashed the place... it was really horrible, and ended up costing me and the BF a bunch of money (that we really don't have) to fix... so the rents are helping me out with closing costs to make up for what i had to pay for reappraisals, and the repairs that need to be done to the furnace... I am really thankful that we are able to buy a house right now, but this process has been incredibly frusterating and stressful... it isn't over yet, but hopefully I will be moved in by next week. Which means after 4 years of long distance BF and I will get to live together... :heart:

    Amylou.... CONGRATS on the fellowship!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
    Amy.... CONGRATS on the offical job offer... :flowerforyou:

    I don't have a ton of time to catch up right now... but I just wanted to say hi, give you guys a quick update and say congrats to everyone for being so motivated and commited to this!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • greenerme
    ps. chipper, I had a wicked stomach bug this past weekend (lasted for 3-4 days) I hope the DH gets well! Best wishes to you guys!!!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Blah :sick: Morning sixers.

    So I wanted to see my friends last night, so I made it happen. Well one of my friend's friends was celebrating their 21st b-day. And well there was obviously a party. I had over 900 calories left last night so i though, sure a beer or two would be fine. Well two beers and two shots in, I was already feeling it and I realize that I pretty much hadnt ate anything all day and that I made a poor life choice by choosing to drink on an empty stomach. So yes sixers after a night of partying I am feeling sick this morning. I dont have a headache thank god, but my tummy is extremely effed up. So I missed Zumba this morning. I am thinking I will be feeling better in a couple hours though so I can go work out after work. I hope every one else is feeling better than i am this morning! :indifferent:

    I will be back in a little bit to talk about yesterday and do personals! Hopefully once the room stops spinning!
