Amazing Amazons - Round 1



  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    How's everyone doing today?

    I'm so tired, I just want a big cake :o(

    Only on glass 3 of water too!!

    Hey I am sooo right there with ya on the cake! :frown: I woke up at like 3 am with a HUGE headache and its that lovely time on the month, so cake sounds really good!!!!:laugh: I know that I will get all my water in today! I am on cup # 4 right now.
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Morning Tallies!!

    I am drinking coffee right now because I am crazy without it in the morning! :laugh: :wink: I usually have no trouble getting my water in tho.....

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    mshay you poor thing!! maybe you deserve a little piece of dark chocolate??!

    I had an apple and as nice as it was- it wasn't chocolate OR cake!!!

    on glass 4 now....have a lot of catching up to do though!!!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Checkin' in :smile:

    Next week lets pick a challenge that doesn't have me running to pee every 10 minutes. :laugh: :laugh:

    On glass #1. :drinker:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Man, I need to get back to the gym next week. We've had a very crazy week and I keep meaning to work out at home but it's not happening. No more procrastinating. I'm having a hard time dragging my (expanding) butt back on the wagon but it's slowly coming long... *sigh* This is so much harder than STARTING this change in the first place was.
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Seven glasses of water down......3 to go! :drinker: :drinker:
  • CaitlinEats
    CaitlinEats Posts: 42 Member
    Me too! 7 down, probably 10 to go (it's flag football game night)!
  • Derm94
    Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been bad today with water so I am going to guzzle a bunch before bed. I didn't get to the gym today but I have been cleaning all day and haven't stopped. Hopefully it burned some calories. I am usually a Saturday weigher so I am going to weigh on Saturday and then again on Monday for our challenge. I'm off to drink some water...gulp...gulp...
  • mrsbojangles
    check in:

    water: over 64!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning :o)

    am so tired today..... must try not to eat rubbish to make myself feel better!! I think I will allow myself one coffee though.

    on glass three already as I have sore throat too!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    :drinker: <--- so not me today. It's 1230 & I haven't even had one glass. :noway: :ohwell:
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    2 cups of water in during my date with Leslie Sansone this morning, and I'm working on my third and fourth while eating a breakfast sandwich. So far so good!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    4 cups down......6 to go! :drinker:
  • mrsbojangles
    Just finished my 64th! :drinker:
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    Drank allllll my water but definitely ate too much today too! Actually, the past two days I've gone over my calories. :( I am trying my best to make it through the weekend but they are always tough to stay on track.. :frown:

    I also won't be weighing myself on Monday because of lady issues that make me retain lots of water and crave lots of salt and sugar. Sorry to be such a disappointment..

    I feel like the black sheep of the group.
  • mrsbojangles
    No worries, mlove. We've all had our difficulties with TOM!

    check in:
    water: 64
    I, too, really overate today. I feel so sick now I can't sleep! :grumble:
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    Is anyone besides me excited for a brand new month?? I know its a terrible reason to be re-motivated, but at three years into this weight loss journey, anything works for me!

    Time to say goodbye to January and any let downs I had and hello to a new start. :]
  • mrsbojangles
    check in:

    water: 64 I was sooo tempted with wine tonight at dinner but I drank my water instead!
  • Derm94
    Derm94 Posts: 20 Member
    It's Monday for me so I guess we check in right? I had a disappointing weigh in this week. Only lost .5 lbs. I'm frustrated because I really kept within my calories all week and thought I would have a huge loss. I guess it is better than not losing or gaining. Weight loss seems to be slowing down for me. I am going to try for a great week with even more water and a couple extra trips to the gym. We'll see how it goes.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning all! Hopr you had a good weekend :o)

    Well I wasn't tooooo hard on myself food wise this weekend and really didn't want to get on the scales this morning but all in all I have lost 3lbs this week! So pleased! If I can do that for the next 2 weeks I will be on tack for my 10st goal :o)

    Derm, half a pound if still half a pound!! You've done so so well already so keep positive!!