Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Great job with the rollover Skinnyjeanz!

    Saturday success- - - hmmm I walked over 10 miles in the last week, which as many of you know, is a pretty big deal for me since I have this evil hip that likes to hold me back. Discovery park (which I spoke of previously) was part of that... tons of great hills that I actually made it to the top of. BUT the scale is hovering between 218 and 220.. some days a little higher. I weigh everyday, not to torture myself, but to sort of trend good days and not so good. Even with the scale (and tape measure is doing the same) acting finicky, I feel successful. In 70 days, I have come so far...

    Me, 70 days ago:
    I had to practically force myself to drink water. 7/1/12 - my diary says 2 glasses of water. 7/2/12 - I drank 5 glasses and thought I would explode! :huh:
    I took walks because I knew I "should".. I wheezed and gasped and never sweat so much in my life! It took me an hour after, just to be able to breathe normally again! Seriously, I would cringe when I saw a curb I had to step up on.
    I ate vegetables and fruit because I was "supposed to".

    Me, today:
    I drink 9 to 13 glasses of water a day because it FEELS good and tastes good to me (I never did explode or wet myself) :laugh:
    I take walks because I feel awesome during and after- inside and out. My hip still goes out sometimes and I still wheeze when I push too hard, but it is NOTHING like it was before. Oh and I LAUGH at curbs.
    I eat veggies and fruit because they make me feel terrific!

    Yes, a lot has changed in the last 70 days. I have felt some defeat here or there; but even when it hurt, I kept pushing on. I am glad y'all have been here - each of you inspires me in one way or another. I am truly and sincerely blessed and grateful to "know" you all. :flowerforyou:

    Now I'm off "for another adventure", as Jana would say :happy: Lowell River Park... They have a 1.75 mile (even path) trail... I think we will walk it twice, so I can beat my record of 3 miles at a time (since this started).:happy: Don't forget your water! :drinker: I will hop on when more of you have posted today, and do personals. Otherwise, I always want to add things. ;)
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Saturday Success-- Lack for me. I had nothing this week, in fact I'm in a defecit. My foot was injured, not sure exact reasoning, I'm going to blame landing on it wrong while jogging down a hill, or old worn out sneakers while doing that jog. Regardless, it was hurting to a point where I couldn't put a lot of weight on it. I guess the one success I got was dragging my butt to a doctor to have it checked to make sure it wasn't serious. It's not, just a contusion, but it still hurts.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    PHEW!! Rollover successful! Just wanted to get that done before heading off to the gym.

    Also wanted to copy over my personal exercise and grading goals so I don't have to search for them later.

    My exercise plan this week:
    Sat = gym + walk dog--DONE!!
    Sun = walk dog + mow lawn/pull weeds--DONE!!
    Mon = walk dog + some sort of core work--DONE!!
    Tues = long run outside w/ dog or gym + walk dog (weather dependent)--did long walk w/dog + core work instead
    Wed = gym + walk dog--did long run outside w/dog instead
    Thurs = core work (it's Open House at school so not sure if I will even get to this)--did nothing
    Fri = walk dog--DONE!! (made it a very long walk -- about 4 miles)
    Sat = gym + walk dog
    Sun = gym + walk dog

    I have a boatload of grading, so tomorrow my plan is to catch up on sleep, go to the gym, then grade until my eyes bleed. I MUST finish 1 & 4 and would like to make a significant dent in 3.

    Grading goals:
    1. 26/58 creative writing stories
    2. 22/22 vocab quizzes
    3. x/58 motif analyses
    4. x/58 censorship article responses
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,181 Member
    Thanks for the rollover...........yeah!
  • roozombie
    roozombie Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Robin: I hope things have gone smoothly with the surgery and you're recovering nicely.

    toots: most of the health issues have worked themselves out. I don't have the cancer gene, which is a relief, but I'm broke now because my husband's insurance didn't cover the cost of the testing. :frown:

    I'm off to get some class prep and such done. Hoping to do some upper body/back lifting today. Despite being about 40 lbs heavier, I'm seeing some nice deltoid development as of late.

    skinny: good luck with all that grading!

    bella: hey! Not posting regularly, as you can probably tell. I'm lame. I need to get on the job search bandwagon and start picking out places I want to apply to.
  • lmackbethl
    Saturday Success: I stayed under my calorie goal every day this week, even though I worked extra days and couldn't swim as much as I would have liked to. It hasn't shown up on the scale, which has been stuck for the past couple weeks (sigh), but I think it will eventually. A second success is that I joined this thread - you are all so inspiring.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Great job with the rollover @skinnyjeanz, I tried to watch for it but had to get to the gym this morning.

    @Nicole~You have grown by leaps and bounds and are doing awesome! Enjoy the park today and keep up the hard work! Oh, I :heart: kettlebells!!!

    Sun (today) - bike, row, treadmill - DONE!
    Mon - personal training - DONE!
    Tues - ended up being my off day
    Wed - Elliptical - DONE!
    Thurs - personal training - DONE!
    Fri - cross trainer or yoga - FAIL! :frown: :yawn:
    Sat - cross trainer - DONE!

    Saturday Success~I actually feel tremendous today! For the first time in years I slept awesome last night and even dreamed (I tend to not go through sleep stages), woke up feeling great. I had an awesome workout and actually felt like I could have worked out even longer.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thanks so much for taking care of us Skinny!

    Saturday success - I did lose a whole lb this week. A little frustrated since I feel like I worked really hard this week and thought I DESERVED more but ok. A whole lb less. I'll take it.

    I'll watch my calories next week, keep up with my burn and dammit I'll go back to 2lbs a week!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Congrats on the successful rollover. I would have offered to help but have no ides how to do it :ohwell: My computer skills are being stretched right now that I learned this laast month how to post on threads and the difference betwee them and forums, lol. I dont really have any stand out successes to report for the week. It has been an average week other then the crepy crawlies.

    @naceto: I loved what you posted and you should be so proud. I cant wait until I can walk up and down a hill and not feel like catching the next breath is a major struggle. Listening to people like you and everyone else on here lets me feel for the first time that it is something I can really accomplish.

    So just out of curiosity, What is kettleball?
  • megancouch93
    Saturday Success: my workouts that I started this week have made me feel a LOT better already! My puppy is sure to keep me in shape, as he loves to run and walk with me! He pretty much relies on my husband and me to keep active so he'll be active, seeing as he's indoors except to use the bathroom or when we run/walk/play with him. So it gets us outdoors and is keeping us on our toes (or our puppy, Milo, would end up biting them wanting to go out). I'm happy with what I've accomplished. I've gotta go for a physical and drug screening the 19th for the job I've applied for, so I hope that the workouts will help me get the job! Plus that will mean extra money to get healthier foods to make at home instead of the same old everyday stuff we're eating now. For me this isn't a diet, for it to work for me it needs to be a lifestyle change, not only for me, but my husband too :happy:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon to all my friends. I learned a valuable lesson this morning, I will never ever drink orange juice again!!! Who knew it had so many calories. I had about 6 oz. glass at a breakfast meeting this morning at it was a whopping 400 calories!!!!!!! I could have had 2 more sausage links which I really love for that many calories. As it was the breakfast meeting ate up (pun intended) a little over 1,000 calories:mad: I was able to work out my menu for the rest of the day to come in under calories but will miss my Skinny Cow Caramel Truffle ice cream bar tonight after walking Belle. I guess that was my Saturday success. Since starting using MFP 07/01/12 and eating healthy I have more energy and am feeling better (except for my arthritic feet and hip). Thank you all for being her to give me encouragement, support and motivation. I know I will reach my goal!

    Thank you Skinny for getting the rollover done without a hitch! MOwMow, I would have been happy with a 1 lb loss as scale is still stuck, hopefully it will move for all of us this week. By now I have forgotten who else I was going to give personals to, oh I just remembered I was going to tell Lin, I am continuing to pray for her and her father. Everyone else I missed, sorry I have to get better at remembering. I did read all the posts though and support you. Hugs to all.

  • lmackbethl
    Good morning everyone. Congrats on the successful rollover. I would have offered to help but have no ides how to do it :ohwell: My computer skills are being stretched right now that I learned this laast month how to post on threads and the difference betwee them and forums, lol. I dont really have any stand out successes to report for the week. It has been an average week other then the crepy crawlies.

    @naceto: I loved what you posted and you should be so proud. I cant wait until I can walk up and down a hill and not feel like catching the next breath is a major struggle. Listening to people like you and everyone else on here lets me feel for the first time that it is something I can really accomplish.

    So just out of curiosity, What is kettleball?

    A kettleball is a weight with a handle, which makes it easier (I guess) to swing around to do various workouts. I was going to paste a picture, but I can't figure out how to paste an image in here. There are lots of sites, such as:
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Saturday success - Did all of my exercising and stayed under or within my calorie range.

    @nance - I use for my nutrition plan and kettlebell routines - there is a kettlebell personal trainer on there who shows you the correct form for each move and takes you through 12 weeks of routines. BTW keep up the good work - u have made so much improvement. Feel free to join our exercise group if you are interested!

    @livhuba - sounds like you are doing all the right things - keep it up & stay involved here - having others who are doing the same as you and understand your struggles is so motivating and helpful

    imack - keep going - you'll find the right combination of nutrition plan & exercise to give the success you deserve

    @myMow - 1lb is healthy and awesome!

    @jt - search on "kettlebells" and you will see what they are and can read about the history of them - pretty interesting. It's cardio & strength training + it's fun!

    @mona - using the food tracker is an eyeopener isn't it?

    Happy Saturday everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Kelley and jtconst, you make me blush :blushing: Thank you for your kind words.

    jtconst - Gloworm had posted something about a kettleball workout.. I have seen them, but never tried it. I need to start some type of strength training, and that may be something I can do at home. They look funny - did you check out the link that lmackbeth posted? It makes me a little nervous because of my muscular problems, but I think I were to go slow.... I may just break down and try some. My local Sports Authority is pretty awesome about returns... they have the kettleballs without all of the hyped up video stuff.
  • roozombie
    roozombie Posts: 188 Member
    @monachris: If you really like OJ but can't make the allowance for calories and don't mind artificial sweeteners, Minute Maid and Tropicana both have products that are half the normal sugar in their original products. I usually buy the Trop50 OJ and Lemonade. It gives me something to drink that isn't water. Also, that calorie to ounce ratio seems to be quite off. Are you going by published information that the place of the breakfast gave you or by something someone posted here? I ask because a lot of times if I look something up, the calories of the brand or item will be off, or someone won't have put in any information other than calories and just left the sodium or the macro information blank. It's always good to double check against a label when you can.

    RE Kettlebells: This is a video for a basic workout:

    I've never tried them, but I have heard good things. I think I'd only ever want to undertake with someone to watch form pretty closely.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    A kettlebell is basically a rounded weight with a handle - they come in all kinds of shapes, weights and sizes. My first exposure is when I bought a Bob Harper bell set - its ergonomic with a recessed area so it lies flat against your forearm making it a little easier to use. I purchased his 30' workout with DVD and a 7# kettlebell, perfect for a beginner. I highly recommend purchasing something like that to start out - I paid under $15 for his set at Target about a year ago, it shows you the proper form so less margin for injury. I've advanced up to 25# using them with my trainer pretty regularly.
  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    Naceto – what an inspirational post! You have done a tremendous job – way to go!

    Doom Cakes – hope you heal quickly. {{{hugs}}}

    Lmackbethl – good job!

    Monarchris – I remember the first time I saw how many calories were in oj! I was floored. I’ve switched to fresh squeezed so I eliminate the sugar. There are about 110 cals in 8oz.

    I can't really pin any big successes from the week. I have been super busy at work and next week I am in Houston for work so I am trying to get as much ahead as possible. I have a driver coming in tomorrow morning to pick up a load so I will most likely work most of the day getting everything as done as possible.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    First, I am sorry... I have to brag because I haven't done this in I don't know how long. 3.85 miles today... I am so tired and sore, but I DID IT! :bigsmile:
    Saturday success - Did all of my exercising and stayed under or within my calorie range.

    @nance - I use for my nutrition plan and kettlebell routines - there is a kettlebell personal trainer on there who shows you the correct form for each move and takes you through 12 weeks of routines. BTW keep up the good work - u have made so much improvement. Feel free to join our exercise group if you are interested!

    THANKS! I may join after I've figured it out! Great job meeting your goals!!! - edited to add- Just checked out ... very cool site!!! Thank you so much for sharing! :)

    Thanks everyone for your kind words and also the feedback on the kettleballs - wow! Those things must be good, if everyone is using them or has used them! Kelley, thanks for the tip on Target.. I will look at that first, when it is time to buy.

    SweetP - Thanks so much :) Regarding your success, or rather your view that you don't have one to share.... It doesn't have to be a smaller pant size, or passing up the chocolate, to be a success. Have you done something that made you feel good? If not, then go do that something now... whether it's painting your toenails or walking a mile. You are here. You are working to make healthy choices. :happy: This means something big, and you should be proud of yourself! :drinker:
  • andreabeatty
    Hi all - I should be on here like every second because I have my schedule back and for three months all I've been saying is "I can't function without a schedule! No not meeeeeee"

    Life is taking a wacky turn and I have been neglecting you all and myself. I need to commit to you all here and this group in an effort to reconnect for me.

    Lots of stuff in a nutshell - My brother in law is in his fourth year of battling very aggressive cancer, and sadly will likely soon lose the fight. My husband is very upset, needless to say. Within a few days he found out his aunt passed away, and his brother was hospitalized for pneumonia. And he is opting NOT to tell his family that the mole I forced him to have examined is cancer, he has melanoma and will have a procedure to remove it in two weeks. SO theres a lot of stuff there.

    My new director - since my sister opted not to take the job - is a condescending b^%# who has basically said that since the district she came from does not have anyone in my position, she does not understand it and does not think that my position is valuable. Her words were, "If your job was important we would have a licensed teacher there, having two masters degrees means nothing to me. And I dont care about pending certification. So for my purposes I will just consider you 'staff' and will speak to the BOE and Dr. James (our superintendant) about seeing if we should remove you from the classroom."


    So since the rest of my life is in chaos I need to control some aspect of it. That will have to be this home away from home!

    I'm not trying to be maudlin or anything, just an explanation of my very sporadic recent appearances and scatterbrain-ness.

    Love you guys, lots of love and luck to all!