Can't eat over 800 calories a day.



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Why is it that if I eat more than 800 calories a day I either maintain or gain weight. I basically do the same amount of activities every day, and I drink fluids, but if I eat anywhere near 1200 calories a day I gain weight, if I eat between 800 and 1000 I maintain. Any ideas?

    Your body is like a sports car you can be fast and furious but not without fuel. Eating to few calories s just as damaging to your weightloss journey as eating to many.
  • delaney056
    Are you short?
    I have a similar thing, If I ate the recommended daily allowance for a woman I'd be the size of an elephant! I'm only 5ft and have come to the conclusion that since I am the size of a child that I can only ever eat child portions and have to eat a lot less than 'normal' height people.

    Height doesn't really have that much to do with it. I'm 4'10 and eat almost 1,300 calories/day to lose half a pound a week. I would eat 1,500 calories/day for maintenance.
  • Brodieno
    After losing close to 230 lbs since Feb of 2011 and tracking weight almost daily I can tell you that it is totally possible to not lose or gain when on a Very Low Calorie Diet. In fact when coming off a VLCD you will find that if you increase your calorie intake by a modest amount even if it is still under your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) you may well find that you will actually gain weight. Your body will adjust but sometimes it my take as long as a month before it's ready to let you lose some weight.

    Hang in there, but make sure you are getting enough nourishment. VLCD do work over the short term but over the long term besides the obvious health issues there is a downside and I think you are experiencing it. Might be a case of where if you want to lose more your just going to buckle in and eat more.
  • katweeks63
    OP, wtf? Are you for real? I've been following this thread the last day or so because I'm so curious. You had your diary open, what, 5 minutes? I was the last comment before you opened it, and it was not open when I commented. It is now closed again. Barely anyone got a chance to see it.

    Like the person pointing out your inactivity... what the hell, have you ever even GONE to physical therapy? Call up an appointment NOW. Do some lifting. Do some cardio (even low impact, in a pool, anything). Lifting STRENGTHENS bones as well as muscle. You don't sound like you know much about science in health or general... I'm still waiting to hear what "glands" got surgery (as someone who had a complete thyroidectomy, adrenal insufficiency, ovarian cysts, etc... I know a thing or do about glands).

    You're not losing weight because your body is SEDENTARY.

    P.S. Criticism is not "bad" by definition. Even if everyone said, "Your diary looks great!" that is still technically criticism. Frankly, I think you're someone that wants easy answers and frankly doesn't want to take care of themself. What's easy isn't always what's best.

    Sorry to disappoint you, a bit frustrated when people try to push me into something that I know i can not do, so, as I said before, I will continue walking.
    As for the glands, I had 2 unidentified growths in my neck that almost choked me to death in a month's time, they thought I had cancer, but could not determine the cause, so they explored while they were in there. Then I had 3 more unidentified growths in my back 2 yrs later, again they thought it was cancer and explored, this time the entire area from my waist to my shoulders, which made my back numb and tingle for years. I was super skinny before those 2 surgeries without any concern for what I ate, and I had already had 3 children. The sudden weight gain happened immediately after that, and the only time I have lost weight has been when I eat lots of fruits and veggies and reduce my calorie intake to under 800 a day. I maintain at 1000 a day, and I gain at 1200.
    I don't want a quick fix, what I am doing is working, just wondering why. Possibly some of what I have seen here will work, guess I'll find out when I get to the point that I feel I have to change things, but I can promise you that it will not be exercises that cause me so much pain that I can't walk or sit or lay down. I am grateful that I can walk and prefer to continue to do so.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I don't know why you even asked for help, you have a nasty rebuttal for all suggestions. Eating 800 calories a day for a long period is killing your body. Go have your kidney function tested. My mil ate 1000 calories or less a day for a couple years and her kidneys began to fail. If your situation with your hips is as serious as you state then you need a good doctor that cares about you and will get you help. As someone else said, sitting around is not helping your hips. My father has deterioration and arthritis in his back, hips, and knees. What did they do for it? Physical therapy, which is, essentially exercise. I really don't know what you want us to say to you. How about try 500 calories a day, continue to sit around and let your muscles deteriorate and see how that works for you.

    Agreed. If your hips are that bad (OP) look into a hip replacement. Honestly, posters like you are frustrating. You ask for help, and then you don't want it. Everyone is wrong and you have all the answers. Well, since you already have them, hats off to you, and good luck.

    I'm 5' tall, and have no intention of ever surviving on that few calories. I'd be homicidal if that's the case. I eat between 1640-2000.

    Sit in a chair and do upper body exercises. In the nursing home, we had a workout program for the residents with light weights. If they can do it, so can you.
  • katweeks63
    After losing close to 230 lbs since Feb of 2011 and tracking weight almost daily I can tell you that it is totally possible to not lose or gain when on a Very Low Calorie Diet. In fact when coming off a VLCD you will find that if you increase your calorie intake by a modest amount even if it is still under your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) you may well find that you will actually gain weight. Your body will adjust but sometimes it my take as long as a month before it's ready to let you lose some weight.

    Hang in there, but make sure you are getting enough nourishment. VLCD do work over the short term but over the long term besides the obvious health issues there is a downside and I think you are experiencing it. Might be a case of where if you want to lose more your just going to buckle in and eat more.

    Thank you! I truely appreciate responses like yours. I do take my daily regiment of vitamins and minerals, which seem to sustain my energy and I am in good health despite the achy breakys (LOL) and the heart murmur. I have an adopted daughter who is a cardiac nurse, so she makes sure I take care of my heart.
    Again, Thank you.
  • ljsedam
    Without more information my guess would ge that your body is in survival mode. What this means is that your body is going to shore any extra calories you consume in antisipation for calorie deprivation. I have had this problem myself. When I started eating more calories the pounds started to melt off of me. I would suggest that you start eating more calories for at least a month and leave the scale alone for that time. Good Luck
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Seriously, though - eat breakfast. That's the first favor you can do for your metabolism.

    Uhh, NO, don't listen to this ^

    Eating breakfast does NOTHING to speed up your metabolism.
  • Zerashen
    Zerashen Posts: 59 Member
    Some people just need less. The 1200 estimate a day is just that - an estimate. If 800 works for you, then continue that, just make sure to take a vitamin. It'd be good to probably talk to a doctor or nutritionist just to be on the safe side.
  • jmp1031
    jmp1031 Posts: 95 Member
    Do you do any weightlifting? Women lose muscle mass as they age and muscle burns more calories daily just to maintain itself than fat. That would help boost your BMR so you could eat more and not gain. I'd be miserable eating only 800 calories a day and i imagine you are too. Good luck!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, wtf? Are you for real? I've been following this thread the last day or so because I'm so curious. You had your diary open, what, 5 minutes? I was the last comment before you opened it, and it was not open when I commented. It is now closed again. Barely anyone got a chance to see it.

    Like the person pointing out your inactivity... what the hell, have you ever even GONE to physical therapy? Call up an appointment NOW. Do some lifting. Do some cardio (even low impact, in a pool, anything). Lifting STRENGTHENS bones as well as muscle. You don't sound like you know much about science in health or general... I'm still waiting to hear what "glands" got surgery (as someone who had a complete thyroidectomy, adrenal insufficiency, ovarian cysts, etc... I know a thing or do about glands).

    You're not losing weight because your body is SEDENTARY.

    P.S. Criticism is not "bad" by definition. Even if everyone said, "Your diary looks great!" that is still technically criticism. Frankly, I think you're someone that wants easy answers and frankly doesn't want to take care of themself. What's easy isn't always what's best.

    Sorry to disappoint you, a bit frustrated when people try to push me into something that I know i can not do, so, as I said before, I will continue walking.
    As for the glands, I had 2 unidentified growths in my neck that almost choked me to death in a month's time, they thought I had cancer, but could not determine the cause, so they explored while they were in there. Then I had 3 more unidentified growths in my back 2 yrs later, again they thought it was cancer and explored, this time the entire area from my waist to my shoulders, which made my back numb and tingle for years. I was super skinny before those 2 surgeries without any concern for what I ate, and I had already had 3 children. The sudden weight gain happened immediately after that, and the only time I have lost weight has been when I eat lots of fruits and veggies and reduce my calorie intake to under 800 a day. I maintain at 1000 a day, and I gain at 1200.
    I don't want a quick fix, what I am doing is working, just wondering why. Possibly some of what I have seen here will work, guess I'll find out when I get to the point that I feel I have to change things, but I can promise you that it will not be exercises that cause me so much pain that I can't walk or sit or lay down. I am grateful that I can walk and prefer to continue to do so.

    They hurt because you are sedentary. You NEED a physical therapist. I cannot emphasize "need" enough, and I can't understand how anyone that suffered such hip problems IN a medical setting was not referred to a PT.

    If you're not going to listen to medical advice, let alone the advice you're asking for, then honestly, **** you.

    Your kids have tried to help you. Many of us have tried to help you. I have a strong feeling your doctors tried to help you, but you didn't listen.

    You seem much more content to avoid short-term pain which will become long-term pain and problems in the get go. Is that what you want? To be in a wheelchair before you're 50?

    I've known people like you. The kind that'd rather complain, using the martyr-complex, than actively try to help themselves.

    I pity the people in your life, but I don't pity you.
  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    Maybe you don't need to lose weight?
  • Coalforchristmas
    OP, wtf? Are you for real? I've been following this thread the last day or so because I'm so curious. You had your diary open, what, 5 minutes? I was the last comment before you opened it, and it was not open when I commented. It is now closed again. Barely anyone got a chance to see it.

    Like the person pointing out your inactivity... what the hell, have you ever even GONE to physical therapy? Call up an appointment NOW. Do some lifting. Do some cardio (even low impact, in a pool, anything). Lifting STRENGTHENS bones as well as muscle. You don't sound like you know much about science in health or general... I'm still waiting to hear what "glands" got surgery (as someone who had a complete thyroidectomy, adrenal insufficiency, ovarian cysts, etc... I know a thing or do about glands).

    You're not losing weight because your body is SEDENTARY.

    P.S. Criticism is not "bad" by definition. Even if everyone said, "Your diary looks great!" that is still technically criticism. Frankly, I think you're someone that wants easy answers and frankly doesn't want to take care of themself. What's easy isn't always what's best.

    Sorry to disappoint you, a bit frustrated when people try to push me into something that I know i can not do, so, as I said before, I will continue walking.
    As for the glands, I had 2 unidentified growths in my neck that almost choked me to death in a month's time, they thought I had cancer, but could not determine the cause, so they explored while they were in there. Then I had 3 more unidentified growths in my back 2 yrs later, again they thought it was cancer and explored, this time the entire area from my waist to my shoulders, which made my back numb and tingle for years. I was super skinny before those 2 surgeries without any concern for what I ate, and I had already had 3 children. The sudden weight gain happened immediately after that, and the only time I have lost weight has been when I eat lots of fruits and veggies and reduce my calorie intake to under 800 a day. I maintain at 1000 a day, and I gain at 1200.
    I don't want a quick fix, what I am doing is working, just wondering why. Possibly some of what I have seen here will work, guess I'll find out when I get to the point that I feel I have to change things, but I can promise you that it will not be exercises that cause me so much pain that I can't walk or sit or lay down. I am grateful that I can walk and prefer to continue to do so.

    Do you actually have cancer? Or had chemo? If so then that might be the reason you're not losing weight. This is just anecdotal evidence but I know a woman who fought cancer with chemo and no matter what amount of calories she would eat, her weight would just bounce all over the place. Have you talked to your doctor about why you're not losing weight on so little calories?
  • katweeks63
    Sorry to disappoint you, a bit frustrated when people try to push me into something that I know i can not do, so, as I said before, I will continue walking.
    As for the glands, I had 2 unidentified growths in my neck that almost choked me to death in a month's time, they thought I had cancer, but could not determine the cause, so they explored while they were in there. Then I had 3 more unidentified growths in my back 2 yrs later, again they thought it was cancer and explored, this time the entire area from my waist to my shoulders, which made my back numb and tingle for years. I was super skinny before those 2 surgeries without any concern for what I ate, and I had already had 3 children. The sudden weight gain happened immediately after that, and the only time I have lost weight has been when I eat lots of fruits and veggies and reduce my calorie intake to under 800 a day. I maintain at 1000 a day, and I gain at 1200.
    I don't want a quick fix, what I am doing is working, just wondering why. Possibly some of what I have seen here will work, guess I'll find out when I get to the point that I feel I have to change things, but I can promise you that it will not be exercises that cause me so much pain that I can't walk or sit or lay down. I am grateful that I can walk and prefer to continue to do so.

    Do you actually have cancer? Or had chemo? If so then that might be the reason you're not losing weight. This is just anecdotal evidence but I know a woman who fought cancer with chemo and no matter what amount of calories she would eat, her weight would just bounce all over the place. Have you talked to your doctor about why you're not losing weight on so little calories?

    No hun, I don't and didn't have cancer, they just thought I did, put me on the cancer ward, a place where you don't want to spend the night... Anyway, they thought I did, but they ran every test possible and could not determine the cause of the growths, or even what they were. I have more of them in my back now, but not severe enough to have them removed yet.

    Thanks for your concern.
  • spippin73
    If you eat too few calories, your metabolism will slow and your body will store more fat. It sounds odd, but you must eat to loose weight. Eat nutritious foods, exercise and you will see the results.
  • katweeks63
    To everyone, thanks for all your responses.

    I only posted this because I was curious as to why my body works this way, NOT that I wanted help to fix it. I am loosing weight and I take my daily regiment of vitamins and I am not starving, actually get quite full when I eat, so all is well.

    I did get some good responses that helped me to better understand, and possibly to be able to change this, but I do not desire to change it until I get, at the least, near my goal weight.

    Thanks to all!
    (Even those who, with good intentions, went about it the wrong way. I have learned a lot.)
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    Visit with a doctor or nutritionist. First make sure there are no medical reasons causing this issue.

    I would do this. I found out I am borderline diabetic. I would eat 1200 calories a day or less and work out like a crazy woman and lost zero. I found out there are a lot of things I should not eat. Turns right into sugar for me
    Then after three weeks on MFP and only 3 lbs lost I started reading info and figured out my true TDEE and added 270 calories a day and now I am losing slowly. Also don't do the same thing every day. Vary work outs, it keeps your body and metabolism guessing. Good luck to you.

    Could you be gaining muscle possibly that could cause the scale to go up. Make sure to measure.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    To everyone, thanks for all your responses.

    I only posted this because I was curious as to why my body works this way, NOT that I wanted help to fix it. I am loosing weight and I take my daily regiment of vitamins and I am not starving, actually get quite full when I eat, so all is well.

    I did get some good responses that helped me to better understand, and possibly to be able to change this, but I do not desire to change it until I get, at the least, near my goal weight.

    Thanks to all!
    (Even those who, with good intentions, went about it the wrong way. I have learned a lot.)

    Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's the "wrong way" ;)
  • roguestates
    OP, wtf? Are you for real? I've been following this thread the last day or so because I'm so curious. You had your diary open, what, 5 minutes? I was the last comment before you opened it, and it was not open when I commented. It is now closed again. Barely anyone got a chance to see it.

    Like the person pointing out your inactivity... what the hell, have you ever even GONE to physical therapy? Call up an appointment NOW. Do some lifting. Do some cardio (even low impact, in a pool, anything). Lifting STRENGTHENS bones as well as muscle. You don't sound like you know much about science in health or general... I'm still waiting to hear what "glands" got surgery (as someone who had a complete thyroidectomy, adrenal insufficiency, ovarian cysts, etc... I know a thing or do about glands).

    You're not losing weight because your body is SEDENTARY.

    P.S. Criticism is not "bad" by definition. Even if everyone said, "Your diary looks great!" that is still technically criticism. Frankly, I think you're someone that wants easy answers and frankly doesn't want to take care of themself. What's easy isn't always what's best.

    Sorry to disappoint you, a bit frustrated when people try to push me into something that I know i can not do, so, as I said before, I will continue walking.
    As for the glands, I had 2 unidentified growths in my neck that almost choked me to death in a month's time, they thought I had cancer, but could not determine the cause, so they explored while they were in there. Then I had 3 more unidentified growths in my back 2 yrs later, again they thought it was cancer and explored, this time the entire area from my waist to my shoulders, which made my back numb and tingle for years. I was super skinny before those 2 surgeries without any concern for what I ate, and I had already had 3 children. The sudden weight gain happened immediately after that, and the only time I have lost weight has been when I eat lots of fruits and veggies and reduce my calorie intake to under 800 a day. I maintain at 1000 a day, and I gain at 1200.
    I don't want a quick fix, what I am doing is working, just wondering why. Possibly some of what I have seen here will work, guess I'll find out when I get to the point that I feel I have to change things, but I can promise you that it will not be exercises that cause me so much pain that I can't walk or sit or lay down. I am grateful that I can walk and prefer to continue to do so.

    They hurt because you are sedentary. You NEED a physical therapist. I cannot emphasize "need" enough, and I can't understand how anyone that suffered such hip problems IN a medical setting was not referred to a PT.

    If you're not going to listen to medical advice, let alone the advice you're asking for, then honestly, **** you.

    Your kids have tried to help you. Many of us have tried to help you. I have a strong feeling your doctors tried to help you, but you didn't listen.

    You seem much more content to avoid short-term pain which will become long-term pain and problems in the get go. Is that what you want? To be in a wheelchair before you're 50?

    I've known people like you. The kind that'd rather complain, using the martyr-complex, than actively try to help themselves.

    I pity the people in your life, but I don't pity you.

    I think this is the moment in which we collectively throw our hands in the air and just wish her luck. Her hip problems will only get worse as she ages if she doesn't do enough weight-bearing exercises to strengthen her muscles and bones.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    To everyone, thanks for all your responses.

    I only posted this because I was curious as to why my body works this way, NOT that I wanted help to fix it. I am loosing weight and I take my daily regiment of vitamins and I am not starving, actually get quite full when I eat, so all is well.

    I did get some good responses that helped me to better understand, and possibly to be able to change this, but I do not desire to change it until I get, at the least, near my goal weight.

    Thanks to all!
    (Even those who, with good intentions, went about it the wrong way. I have learned a lot.)

    Any one who can be kind, respectful and thank everyone--- even where someone actually cursed or continued to argue after the OP thanked everyone (aghast)
    is someone I would be honored to learn from and support. ~ you can add me as friend if you like! I hope you get some good caring medical guidance and info to answer your questions and support you on your health path.
