What do people do to annoy you while you're working out?

It seems that most people that I run into while I am exercising were put on this earth to annoy me. I checked everyone's MFP profile and found out that NONE of you are people that I run into.

As Rosana Rosana Dana would say, "if it's not one thing it's another."

It could be that they don't clean the equipment, they sweat too much, talk too much, stink, smell good, don't sweat, hog machines, don't really workout, workout too hard.... Is is them or is it me?

What is the most annoying thing you encounter while exercising?


  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    My major gym peeve is when someone sits on a machine, not using it, and just chats with somebody. I was on the elliptical the other day for 15 minutes and the entire time I was on it there was a girl casually sitting on an ab machine right in front of me (the only one like it, so if someone wanted to use it they had no other option) talking with somebody. She was no using the machine at all, granted she probably was before the conversation started but come on, get off of it! This drives me nuts, it's so inconsiderate.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    at my gym I hate when people refuse to wipe off the machines. it also bothers me when the trainers sit around talking instead of walking try to help members and even possibly get new clients.
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    I have 2... first I hate it when you are in a class and trying to workout an someone next to you just wants to look good and NEVER breaks a sweat! And why oh why must you come and squish in where there is no room instead of moving to an empty space.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    My biggest gym pet peeve is people phoning in their workout. When overweight women sit on the bikes, and just pedal steadily for an hour on the lowest resistance while watching TV. Okay, so you're burning more calories than you would if you just sat on the couch... but seriously? You're paying $40 a month to sit on a bike and just move your legs? Pro-tip: If you can carry on a conversation while working out, you're not working out hard enough.

    You're going to get so much more out of your workout if you at least get up on the treadmill and set it to 4.0-- which is still walking. Want to really get results? Try the weight machines. Ready to take it to the next level and get a real range of motion? Free weights.

    OHHHH and that reminds me of another one that really pisses me off! Women who refuse to lift anything heavier than 5lbs because they won't want to bulk up or look like a man.

    Dear women: lifting weights will NOT make you look any less feminine. When you see fitness models in magazines or on Pinterest who have 6-pack abs, defined arms and legs-- it's not because they just lift weights! For one, They're most likely photo shopped to give them more definition, and 2. If they really do look like that, it's because they WORKED at looking like that-- They take supplements to allow their bodies to build mass. Most women are physically incapable of building large, defined muscles the way that men do, so many fitness models and body builders take testosterone to help them out.

    And I guarantee that if you're seeing a little bit of a bump in your bicep after doing a week of bicep curls, it isn't as noticeable to everyone else as it is to you, and it'll look a lot sexier when your arms are lean, and they have shape.
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    CELL PHONES!!!!!!! :mad: All gyms need to ban them.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    oops, hit quote on my post instead of edit.
  • feliciapeters
    My major gym peeve is when someone sits on a machine, not using it, and just chats with somebody. I was on the elliptical the other day for 15 minutes and the entire time I was on it there was a girl casually sitting on an ab machine right in front of me (the only one like it, so if someone wanted to use it they had no other option) talking with somebody. She was no using the machine at all, granted she probably was before the conversation started but come on, get off of it! This drives me nuts, it's so inconsiderate.

  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    When I'm working out I forget that all other people exist. I'm all about me with my headphones in.
  • Tat2dDom0105
    I don't have that problem since i workout at home, and my martial arts instructor doesn't allow that.
  • scottg1024
    At the Y, the best place to work out is in the men's locker room on the really nice elliptical in front of the bigscreen. Unfortunately, a few guys will come from the sauna or shower and want game updates from you BUCK-*kitten* NAKED! I mean, c'mon man! - get a freakin' towel or something. I don't want to see your junk while I explain to you the last quarter of action...
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    CELL PHONES!!!!!!! :mad: All gyms need to ban them.
    There are exceptions to this. For example, my phone doubles as my MP3 player, but I never answer my phone or texts during my workout.
  • feliciapeters
    I use only 2 machines in the free weight area of my gym
    It makes me CRAZY when I have to move 400lbs or more of weights off the machine
    I want to use, even though there are several signs asking people to put the weights back
    when they are done.
  • bluechip777
    bluechip777 Posts: 160 Member
    The trainers at my gym---i really don't know where they get them from---they are so LAZY! Again, this is just my gym. There are amazing trainers, but all the ridiculous ones that people make fun of are at my gym.
  • kalwi
    kalwi Posts: 10
    I hate when people say "YOU CAN DO IT.GOO! IT'S A LITTLE BIT LEFT!"
    Can't stand it.
    I need to concentrate and when I start listening to people yelling I loose my focus and yeah.. no more running for me.
  • Runner50266
    When I running on the trail and people don't rein in their dogs even when they know you are coming up from behind them. It can be dangerous for all of us.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I can't stand when I'm on a piece of equipment and there's people circling like a vulture waiting for me to get off. Or people who consistently stare like "what the hell are you doing here" like larger people should be banned from the gym. I'm at a gym that was known to be directed for body builders, and of course a lot of them still go for weights... so the thought of a larger person on their equipment seems to bother them so bad.

    I also can't stand the girls that come in, jump on a bike and casually pedal and are running their mouth like that's the real work out.
  • marc73
    marc73 Posts: 18 Member
    nought worse than doing a workout at home and the wife trys to put you off by throwing t/shirts and smelly dishclothes at you.charming.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I don't like it when someone is next to me on a machine and is yapping loudly on their cell phone. Quit it. Go outside.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    My major gym peeve is when someone sits on a machine, not using it, and just chats with somebody. I was on the elliptical the other day for 15 minutes and the entire time I was on it there was a girl casually sitting on an ab machine right in front of me (the only one like it, so if someone wanted to use it they had no other option) talking with somebody. She was no using the machine at all, granted she probably was before the conversation started but come on, get off of it! This drives me nuts, it's so inconsiderate.


    Can't STAND that!
  • joeamendiola
    I hate when people watch me. Join me or get out and leave me alone. I don't want to be a spectacle.