What do people do to annoy you while you're working out?



  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    My biggest gym pet peeve is people phoning in their workout. When overweight women sit on the bikes, and just pedal steadily for an hour on the lowest resistance while watching TV. Okay, so you're burning more calories than you would if you just sat on the couch... but seriously? You're paying $40 a month to sit on a bike and just move your legs? Pro-tip: If you can carry on a conversation while working out, you're not working out hard enough.

    Sometimes these threads are funny... but this just makes me sad. That overweight lady on the bike isn't paying $40 a month to be judged by you about her workout routine. She's not bothering you, and yes, it IS better than sitting on the couch at home. Plenty of people like her are too intimidated to join a gym because they're afraid that people like you will sit around and judge them.
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    i hate when they watch you... its creepy
  • clickybang
    clickybang Posts: 10 Member
    The only thing I've come across (so far) is people claiming they're using more than one machine at a time. If you're sitting on one machine, leaving your workout sheet and your sweat all over another machine twelve feet away is rude and annoying. I don't have time to hang around watching you pose in front of the mirror - I'm standing there because I have a workout to get through so I can get to shower and get my butt to work.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    My major gym peeve is when someone sits on a machine, not using it, and just chats with somebody. I was on the elliptical the other day for 15 minutes and the entire time I was on it there was a girl casually sitting on an ab machine right in front of me (the only one like it, so if someone wanted to use it they had no other option) talking with somebody. She was no using the machine at all, granted she probably was before the conversation started but come on, get off of it! This drives me nuts, it's so inconsiderate.


    A few days ago at the gym there were three girls, EACH sitting on a machine and they were just chatting!! They haven't used the machines before and they didn't intend to use them .... they just used them for a place to sit and talk.

    Well, I mean.... there are some really nice sofas over there ... SO WHY DON'T YOU JUST USE THESE FOR YOUR DAILY EXCHANGE OF CURRENT GOSSIP ?!

    I will propably never understand :)

    If i noticed people doing that, i would just politely go up and if i could use the machine if they were not. Come off really nice and *****y, maybe they'll still get the clue that the gym is not a place to sit and talk. :)
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    Mimicking walking, while trying to talk to me, when I am on the treadmill.
    Does it Look like I want to 'chat' right now?
    And why are you pretending to walk with me? It's pretty annoying. :sad:

    So I'd have to say that the above ^, as well as people talking on a cell phone and sweaty, damp equipement are my three biggest pet peeves.


    I'm not really a gym-goer... but I was under the impression that treadmill etiquette was sort of like urinal etiquette, no? No talky? Am I wrong?
    I always assumed so too.. but apparently some people didn't get the memo *lol*

    I got a treadmill for home now.. and now when I am walking on it my husband does that. I must give off a 'Talk to me' vibe. *hahaha* At least with him I can say knock it off with out coming off as a rude antisocial B. :smile:
  • People sweating too much when they're working out is annoying? Gee, I wish I could control my sweat glands, I'd hate to annoy people. :P
  • Guys not re-racking their weights. My workout takes long enough when I have to load, lift, and re-rack my weights without having to straighten up after other people, too.
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    Pro-tip: If you can carry on a conversation while working out, you're not working out hard enough.

    I disagree. I believe that if you CAN'T carry a conversation while jogging when you're a couple of miles in, you need to work on your endurance.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    Wow... Double standards much? We can judge thin girls who go to a gym and phone it in, but not heavy girls?

    I see morbidly obese women pushing themselves all the time at the gym. Their limits aren't as high as all of the fit women, but if you think that simply being at the gym and sitting on bike with low enough resistance that the pedals are practically guiding your legs will get you results, you're going to get pretty discouraged.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    1. People who decide to talk to me (often about teeth) when I am trying to work my lazy butt off and have just plugged into a really good podcast - and even when I am wearing my 'Mr Grumpy' t-shirt.

    2. Then there are those who take the weight I wanted and flail it around as if it was made of paper - why didn't they take a heavier one and leave that one for me?

    3. The 'Posers' - the ones who stand by a weight machine, looking in the wall length mirrors - lift one weight then 'clangggggggg!!!!!' it down (thus testing the efficacy of my blood pressure pills) and then stand in front of the mirror, turning this way and that, flexing for another few minutes - and then the strut when when they move off - I HATE pretension (and I can't do it - the strut, that is)

    4. Those who move the weight to a higher notch than the one they used before moving on, leaving a sweaty puddle to mark their passing.
  • rwalker1173
    rwalker1173 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't like conversation during my workouts...unless it's a question directed towards the workout. Simple questions, yes! Your/my life story, no.
    I workout at home for the most part, because I don't like to be watched, or talking. Don't interrupt me during my routine, I can't focus, and I get really ill, which defeats the purpose of my workout.
  • My biggest gym pet peeve is people phoning in their workout. When overweight women sit on the bikes, and just pedal steadily for an hour on the lowest resistance while watching TV. Okay, so you're burning more calories than you would if you just sat on the couch... but seriously? You're paying $40 a month to sit on a bike and just move your legs? Pro-tip: If you can carry on a conversation while working out, you're not working out hard enough.

    You're going to get so much more out of your workout if you at least get up on the treadmill and set it to 4.0-- which is still walking. Want to really get results? Try the weight machines. Ready to take it to the next level and get a real range of motion? Free weights.

    OHHHH and that reminds me of another one that really pisses me off! Women who refuse to lift anything heavier than 5lbs because they won't want to bulk up or look like a man.

    Dear women: lifting weights will NOT make you look any less feminine. When you see fitness models in magazines or on Pinterest who have 6-pack abs, defined arms and legs-- it's not because they just lift weights! For one, They're most likely photo shopped to give them more definition, and 2. If they really do look like that, it's because they WORKED at looking like that-- They take supplements to allow their bodies to build mass. Most women are physically incapable of building large, defined muscles the way that men do, so many fitness models and body builders take testosterone to help them out.

    And I guarantee that if you're seeing a little bit of a bump in your bicep after doing a week of bicep curls, it isn't as noticeable to everyone else as it is to you, and it'll look a lot sexier when your arms are lean, and they have shape.

    I never thought of watching TV on my celly while biking(I only bike at the end of my workout as kind of a cool-down process). While I'm on the treadmill or elliptical, I listen to my iPod, if I can easily sing the lyrics, I feel I'm not doing it fast/hard enough. (=
  • amykff
    amykff Posts: 80 Member
    I work really hard when im in the gym and i hate when people look at me like i have ten heads because im sweating!! as far as im concerned if im not sweating i might as well not be there!!
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    It's so funny that you posed this question today because I was about to snarl at someone this morning at the gym.

    #1 thing I hate at the gym: men (especially men who are much older than I am--I'm 42 but look much younger) who gawk and try to chat me (or other women) up.

    Today there were only 4 people using cardio/ weight machines (myself, a girl who looked about 18, a man about 50 and a man about 60) and damn if the 50 year old didn't go over and start chatting to that girl--maybe he was her teacher or something, I don't know, but it annoyed me and she looked uncomfortable. THEN, Mr. 60-year-old came over and plunked himself down RIGHT next to me on a stationary bike (like there weren't 8 vacant ones in a row) and gawked at my legs in shorts until I wanted to snarl at him like a bear coming out of hibernation.

    It's not an age thing really...it would be almost as bad as if a guy my own age had done it (it's a gym, not a singles bar, people! :happy: ) but when it's a guy who is so much older than I (or that poor girl), it's just damn creepy. I don't come to the gym to pick up anyone---leave me (and all the other women) the hell alone! :explode:
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    So i read the first few replies to this question. I just had to laugh how easily people get pissed off.
    A girl is sitting on a piece of equipment not using it - if you want it ASK her to move so you can use it!
    A person biking while watching tv, not breaking a sweat - WHY DO YOU CARE?!

    If you don't like it - don't look at it. If you have that much spare time to sit and focus on what others are doing with their lives, its time for a new hobby.
  • jenniferstanton
    jenniferstanton Posts: 132 Member
    1. Woman who where makeup ( I work out at 5am)
    2. In body pump when people decide to do their own routine. Why join the class? There's a whole area of free weights.
    3. When I get to kick boxing early to have enough space and as class starts, someone comes in and stands right next to me!
    It makes me want to round house kick them out of the class!
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    Mine relates to cell phones too, but not people talking on them... I was at the gym once and the cubbies for people's stuff were in the front, next to the exercise bike, and I don't know wtf was so important in these folks' lives, but I swear to god two of these phones went off every 3 seconds with text messages or calls. I could even hear it through my headphones!

    If I take my phone places, and have to have it on or leave it in a public zone, I mute it.
  • When I'm giving it my all at the gym, sweating my *kitten* off, and I see pretty girls with hair all perfectly done, talking on their cell phone and barely pedaling a bike....LOL....annoys the heck out of me..it's like, Why are you there in the first place?
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    I don't like conversation during my workouts...unless it's a question directed towards the workout. Simple questions, yes! Your/my life story, no.
    I workout at home for the most part, because I don't like to be watched, or talking. Don't interrupt me during my routine, I can't focus, and I get really ill, which defeats the purpose of my workout.
    This is why I choose to work out at home now.

    Oh, and the fact that I am not a skinny minny like most of the gals at the gym.
    I get so tired of the judge'y looks from the thinner people at some gyms.

    I swear you have to work out and get fit at home in secret before being presentable enough to be accepted at fitness gyms these days. :laugh:
  • When I see a lady come with a full face of make up to workout!