Make COTTAGE CHEESE taste better?



  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    6-12 pints of beer tend to help the taste of most food.
  • purebells
    purebells Posts: 83 Member
    Add strawberries :) Amazing
  • SamanthaH10
    SamanthaH10 Posts: 72 Member
    I put dried cherries and dried blueberries in mine. My husband puts fruit cocktail in his and I have been known to put pineapple and strawberries in mine as well =)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi All,

    I know cottage cheese is good for hyou and I have tried incorporating into my diet a few times but I just can not get over the taste and the texture.

    Theres gotta be something healthy I can mix into it that will change the taste and hide the constancy.

    Any thoughts?
    If you don't like it, why eat it? Life's too short to limit our diet to things we perceive to be healthy or good for you at the expense of foods we enjoy and suit our palate.

    Personally, I love cottage cheese, but it's got to be the proper stuff with lovely creamy fat curds - some makes have almost granular curds and way too much whey that leave them watery thus they taste sickeningly vile. But lovely creamy cottage cheese with cracked black pepper on crisp breads topped with smoked salmon, lean ham or prawns is yummy :tongue:
  • Buy the 4% full fat variety and you will never look back. Nothing added to it, it still tastes completely creamy and decadent.
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member
    Pineapple for me, every time.

    I once chucked some curry powder in there as well, but that was my mistake and I hope you'll learn from it LOL!

    The way I see it - I like cottage cheese, but if I didn't like it I wouldn't eat it.

    So maybe you and cottage cheese are not destined to be life long friends. What alternatives can you come up with.
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Not sure if anyone has posted this recipe.... PASTRY FREE QUICHE
    They are great! You can throw in whatever you have in the house. I use this recipe:

    4 eggs
    500g of cottage cheese
    veges and meat if you want

    Whisk eggs. Stir in cottage cheese. I dry fry the meat/veges then stir in. Line a dish with baking paper generously. Pour in and bake about 35 minutes. I am not a big egg lover and hate cottage cheese but love this! It is soooooooo filling and great with salad. I do find I have to sort of drain the excess fluid off 5 mins before cooking has finished and then I drain it on a cake rack. It is even better cold! I sometimes make it with 2 eggs and 250g cottage cheese. Tonight I have put in bacon, onion, peas, corn, grated carrot and capsicum.
  • I mix a little bit of lemon pepper in mine. Makes it taste soooo much better
  • The only way I can eat cottage cheese is if I have canned peaches (drained of syrup), very sweet and the cottage cheese gives it a little something of its own.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Pepper, and lot's of it.

    I tried the whole fruit with cottage cheese thing, I couldn't do it. I hated the way it tasted.
  • Lemon pepper!
  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member
    If you like chocolate, try this recipe from

    Chocolate Cottage Cheese:

    1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
    1 1/2-2 teaspoons sugar (more or less to taste)
    1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa

    1 Combine all ingredients.
    2 If desired, puree in blender until smooth (not necessary, but it'll look more appetizing).
    3 Eat!

    You can also add a couple of tablespoons of Cool Whip. This is quick and low calorie!
  • Kimmeyers1971
    Kimmeyers1971 Posts: 2 Member
    add a single serve package of crystal lite singles to a cup of cc.yummy!
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • Here is a recipe I enjoy:
    1 cup cottage cheese
    1/2 cup pumpkin puree
    1 scoop protein powder
    add pumpkin spice or cinnamon to taste.

    Mix with a food processor or hand blender under smooth.

    I call it pumpkin protein pudding.

    that sounds delish!!!!
  • steph0924
    steph0924 Posts: 78 Member
  • OMG! i just read the pumpking protien pudding.. sounds yummy!!!!
    I'm definately gonna try that!!
  • I used to make this for my Mother who was a diabetic. I would add a little sugar free jello to the cottage cheese, some cool whip and crushed pineapple. It is yummy and you will not believe it is cottage cheese