Size 18 to Size 12 :) Pictures Included.



  • kathryndelilah
    You look so amazing! Shows how much it can really help and gives people hope. (: Gave my mom inspiration when she saw it and me as well. Good luck on your continued efforts! Great job so far (:
  • LadieTink
    LadieTink Posts: 91 Member
    u look great
  • ningggsm
    Thank you all SO much :) Really, thanks. I'm glad I could be an inspiration to others the way a lot of other MFP peeps have been to me. It has a been a really long journey. Many of us will have our ups and downs, but the main key is to never give up :) A lot of us will seem like we're working really hard, and not see any results; and shortly after might even want to give up. Trust me, I've been there. But just stick with it! It may seem really hard; but hard work truly pays off and is very well rewarding in the end. We can do this everyone! Thank you again, very much, for the beautiful comments :)
  • ningggsm
    You look so amazing! Shows how much it can really help and gives people hope. (: Gave my mom inspiration when she saw it and me as well. Good luck on your continued efforts! Great job so far (:

    Thank you so much! :) I'm glad I could be an inspiration to others, including your Mother :) I wanted others to know that in the end, all the work they put into this WILL eventually pay off. MFP has great people, and the support system is amazing! Thank you again for your lovely comment ^_^
  • ningggsm
    Wow!!! You should be so VERY proud of these results that you hard for!!! Congratulations!! You look absolutely beautiful. (Of course with that gorgeous face how could you not?) You absolutely Shine now, though!!

    Aw, thank you SO much! :) It was the most wonderful feeling in the world when I had to ask for a size smaller because the 14's were a bit too loose. I seriously felt like a crazy person celebrating by myself in the fitting room. Haha. It's an amazing feeling :) Thank you again!
  • ningggsm
    First of all, I'd like to say Thanks MFP! For being very supportive throughout this whole weightloss Journey. I mean it when I say that I could have NEVER got this far without you amazing people :)

    I joined MFP a while back not knowing that this would actually be a HUGE step to a better me. I read tons of success stories and thought, "Wow. She was the same size as me before. I could never do it. How the hell did she do it?!" I started off losing really slowly. Started changing my eating habits, and really put in the exercise. I began walking 1-2 hours daily, working out daily and switched from being the ultimate soda drinker to the ultimate water-drinking lady.

    This is just the beginning for me. I still have a lot that I would love to work on, and am still working on. However, this blog was to especially thank all of you again, and ofcourse to tell everyone out there who doubt yourself everyday, that if you truly put in the work, and work for the things you want, you will get it :)


    awesome!!!!!!!! wow.. hits home for me.. i started as an 18 also!! at 231 pounds and now im 15pnds down and a size 16.. but man i cant imagine a size 12!!! u look so so good!! and still curvy!! hehe... and your face thinned out a LOT ALSO!!!:drinker:

    Aw, this really means a lot. I appreciate all of this. Thank you so much ^_^ Girl, if you went from a size 18 to a 16, you can definitely get to a 12! Sometimes, it can feel like forever, but when you notice the changes, it definitely makes you want to keep pushing. Congrats on your weightloss as well :) Have a great and healthy week :)
  • roguestates
    wow, great progress! congrats! also very envious of your brows :P
  • hayleyjj26
    ur gorgeous, amazing, well done 2u ;)
  • ningggsm
    thank you so much ladies :)
  • gemmaldavies
    u look fantastic. so pretty. well done :o)
  • ningggsm
    thank you gemmaldavies :)
  • chocaholic38
  • ponderosakaren
    ponderosakaren Posts: 60 Member
    Very inspiring to read this on my first serious day! Great idea to take/post pics......well done on a fantastic result!
  • pauley2639
    You look fantastic! I know it is probably the best feeling in the world! I just started my journey so I'm hoping in a few months, I can be posting a blog like this as well! Great Job!
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    You look WONDERFUL! And I'm jealous because I am not that cute as a size 12. :( LOL Seriously though, you look fabulous! Be proud girl!
  • ningggsm
    You look fantastic! I know it is probably the best feeling in the world! I just started my journey so I'm hoping in a few months, I can be posting a blog like this as well! Great Job!

    Thank you so much Pauley :) It really is a great feeling; and when you know you're doing something right, something to better yourself, all you want to do is keep pushing ^_^ I have faith in you, and I know you can definitely do it :) Stay positive always, good luck missy!

    Thank you all very much! ^_^
  • Dilite2
    Gorgeous, congrats
  • ningggsm
    You look WONDERFUL! And I'm jealous because I am not that cute as a size 12. :( LOL Seriously though, you look fabulous! Be proud girl!

    I really appreciate your lovely comment Marie :) But girrrrl, look at you! You look fabulous! Just amazing :) Congrats in your weightloss as well, keep up the wonderful job ^_^

    Thank you Dilite! :) You all are really awesome, thank you.
  • minnielovesmickey
    Well done on all your hard work,

    You are looking fabulous girl :D
  • SusanneWhittington
    congratulations to all your hard work, you can be so proud of yourself. You look awesome.
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