Tell me all about your animals



  • LuzDeLaLuna
    I have two puggles (Wednesday and Eric) and two cats (Sorcha and Domino). That I have Wednesday is a true miracle. A few years ago in January I let her out into the back yard. She got out of the yard through a gap in the fence and got lost. Every day I would look for her, put posters up and leave posts on craigslist. Weeks turned into months, but I couldn't stop looking for her. I had crazy people contact me and tell me they used her to train their fighting pit bulls, or that she was hit by a plow and her body was in a snowbank. I had one person call me in the middle of the night and tell me they had her, and if I come NOW with the reward money I could have her. I went to the address and it was an empty house, my bf wouldn't let me get out of the car.

    As spring came and the snow melted people started telling me to forget Wednesday, but I couldn't. One day in March I got a call from my neighbor, her daughter saw Wednesday running through the woods across the river from my house with a squirrel in her mouth! Through luck and kindness of co-workers I was able to leave work and I took to the woods and I found her! I could count every bone in her body and half her face was paralyzed, but I had my baby back in my arms. :love:

    It's been two years since I found Wednesday again and she is happy and healthy and loves to go on hikes with me and her little brother Eric.

    That gives me much more hope again.
    My dog Amy (probably a Malinois-Husky-Mix with something else in her) ran away this Janurary.
    I got her in Janurary 2011 from an animal shelter, she was sooo scared of everything, was hard work to get her self-confident.
    I never wanted her to sleep in my bed, but the first night she came into my bed for a cuddle. It was sooo cute that I didn't cared anymore (if I would have known how tall she gets I probably haven't allowed it :laugh: )
    She is 2 years old now and I miss her sooo badly :sad: But I won't give her up, I know she will be back one day.

    And next to Amy we have 2 cats, 11 and 9 years old.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I hope this thread keeps going because I'm absolutely loving all these stories :)
  • eyestylemom
    eyestylemom Posts: 107 Member
    Oh Pets! Our house is a zoo it seems.... LOL

    We have 3 dogs.

    15 year old Akita, Max, who is our baby. My DH and I brought him home a year after we married when he was just 8 weeks old. He is hard of hearing and deals with arthritis, but he is still has his moments of jumping around and playing. I don't know what we will do when he is gone.

    7 year old German Shepard, Charlie. We got her 2 days after we had to put our previous German Shepard to sleep. Our other dog (Max the Akita) stopped eating and drinking and Charlie the pup brought him out his depression. She is a sweetheart, very sensitive but extremely protective of our family. Especially me. She follows me everywhere in the house and the yard just to make sure things are ok.

    4 year old Akita, Baloo, currently 110 lbs. We got him at 10 weeks old thinking that Max our old dog was in his last year and we wanted him to learn from the elderly. He learned well and is also a sweetheart. Loves our children to death. Wouldn't let a fly hurt them. Follows them around the yard, wrestles with our kids, licks their faces and plays tag with him. He outweighs our oldest child by at least 50lbs and is the gentlest dog I have ever met.


    8 year old Jasmine. Our beautiful blue eyed fat persian whom I adopted at 6 weeks old when she was found on the side of the road by a friend. She has times of the day that she loves each family member, but prefers to lay in our bathtub on her back most of the time. She tolerates the other two cats, but expects to be treated like the queen she is. LOL

    2 year old Dexter. MY BABY. I love orange cats and my DH got me Dexter 2 christmases ago from a shelter. He was 8 weeks old and had a horrid respiratory infection. Some antibiotics and food/milk and he was on the mend. He only sits on my lap, lets the rest of the family pet him when he feels like it, but tolerates no one but me to pick him up and cuddle him. :)

    And Chevy...we have no idea how old Chevy is. He was found on the side of the road. Starving so badly that you could feel every one of this bones. But, he purred when pet and had a small cry. He joined our family and eats like crazy. Has put on enough weight that you can't feel all the bones, but will always be skinny due to thyroid issues. (According to the dr.) He made himself at home from the very first day and tolerates everyone else well. He really loves the kids and lays next to them frequently much to their delight.

    Lastly, there is Joanna. She is our 3 year old Asian Water Monitor. She belongs to my husband. She is moody and obnoxious, but my DH adores her. Currently, tail included, she is about 4.5 feet long. She wanders our backyard on the weekends and the house sometimes in the evenings. She is always annoyed when she gets put back in her enclosure at night. LOL
  • Salamanda425
    We've practically got a zoo!

    4 dogs: Buster and Ellie are rat terriers. They're finally old enough now at 9 and 8 that they aren't bouncing off the walls! Chico is our chihuahua, and our newest baby is Leah the Bernese Mountain Dog.

    3 cats: My old man and mamas boy: Izzy, the daddy's girl: Shiya, and the bratty teenager: Newman

    8 snakes: Daisy the ball python, Tiny the 6 1/2 long red tail boa, Zeus the 10 foot Burmese Python, Wally the Kenyan Sand Boa, and the corn snakes: Boo (okeetee), Cornelius (standard), Kit Kat (Amelanistic) and Reeses (Aztec).

    1 gecko

    1 Sulcata tortoise: Puddles

    1 Box turtle: Pothole (rescued out of the road, he had been hit by a car. Put some epoxy on his shell and nursed him back to health, and despite being pretty ugly from his injuries, he's good to go!)

    1 hamster (my daughters): Hammy the judo chopping mean old rodent!!!
  • m13sam2012
    i have two dogs, Camila (yorki) and Victor Hugo (chihuahua) , have one parrot.... have three cats, Susy, Tom and Sofie... and Im looking for a baby weimaraner... dont have a name yet.... ohhh its like a zoo!!
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    In order of appearance:

    Hans – Hans was terrified of everything when I got him. After some training and a good home, he is now extremely cuddly and lovable. He is a major kisser and will slobber all over your face. Usually you have to pull him away because he will slobber you until you can not take it anymore lol. He is very shy around strangers sometimes and likes to sleep in a drawer and move his toys all over the house. When he’s outside, he likes to dig and get as dirty as possible. His proudest moment was when he won $100 for his humans in a 2011 Halloween contest at Pet Life. He dressed up as a vampire.

    Grapes – Grapes has a question mark shaped patch of white fur on his head so we call him The Riddler. He is quite good at getting whatever he wants and skilled in the art of begging. If you are eating anything near him, he will stare at you until you cave in and give him some. He’s also quite the kisser like his “brother” Hans. His favorite thing is to run around like he’s the happiest animal alive. He is a complete spaz. He also likes to steal Hans’ stuffed llama away from him and hide it. He is too smart for his own good and has figured out how to open the pantry doors so now we have to keep them locked.

    Ivy – Ivy is my only girl and the namesake of my MFP user id. She was an anniversary present from my husband last year. She’s really small so I carry her around in my purse and super curious about everything. She occasionally gives kisses but usually if she’s begging to be picked up it’s because she wants to get a better view. She’s much more affectionate when she’s tired. She is strangely drawn to pink toys and also likes to try and steal gadgets like the tv remote and my cell phone. Her best trick is rolling over on command. She’s a wicked little diva and she loves attention.

    Iggy – Iggy is amazing. We found Iggy because a woman we met on an online forum had to get rid of him within 2 days due to her landlord, otherwise who knows what would have happened to him. We decided we had room in our home for another furkid so we said we’d take him. This sounds normal until you realize that she lives in Buffalo NY and we live in Boston MA, about a 7 ½ hour drive each way. So we hopped in our car and made the drive there and back in one day and Iggy lives with us now. Iggy is a little pudgy but the most lovable animal ever. He loves to sit on laps and be petted and to meet new people. He accompanied us yesterday on the MSPCA Boston walk for animals and was petted and held by dozens of people (including numerous children) and photographed by even more because he looked too cute in his Boston Bruins bandana. Because of his incredibly gentle nature and calm demeanor even in loud/stressful situations, Iggy is learning to be a therapy animal.

    Hans, Grapes, Ivy and Iggy are all domestic ferrets. I like to leave that part until the end when I’m describing their personalities because people have a lot of pre-conceived notions about what ferrets are like. In reality, they are very gentle, affectionate, playful animals who behave in ways similar to dogs or cats. They all have very distinct personalities, most of which are very sweet. Unfortunately, like pit bulls, the handful of badly trained ferrets that make the news have given the whole species a bad rep. I try to take at least one of mine at a time to events such as the MSPCA walk to show people how they really are. People are always amazed.
  • crw72209
    crw72209 Posts: 169 Member
    I have one Pembroke Welsh Corgi, such a cute little girl named Zoe.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    She died.
  • leiloob
    leiloob Posts: 49 Member
    I have a rescued Pit Bull named Leiloo....she is around 5 years old. Honestly the best dog I've ever had!!!
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    We had two St. Bernard's growing up. BEST dogs ever - so affectionate and protective too. The male was named Bruno and he was black and white. The female was Sabrina and she surprised us by giving birth to 16 puppies when I was thirteen years old. We didn't keep any as we already had a menagerie of pets.

    At my house we have two bichon mixes. Great dogs for us - they hardly shed and they are manageable. I prefer big dogs but I feel like with our schedule that Dexter and Lola work out better for the kids. We also have an outside cat who has adopted us and we call him Ninja Kitty. We have a guinea pig named Reggie and a tortoise named Tortellini.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    I have a yellow cat who's name is Beezo. He just turned one on July 4th. We found him in our garage when he was just 3 weeks old. We bottle fed him until it was weening time and he's been with us ever since. He's crazy (hence the name)! He begs for leaf lettuce every time we get it out of the fridge and he will eat all of it you give him. He plays fetch with a stuffed monkey like a dog would. He greets us at the door when we come home and he sleeps on the corner of our bed.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I had a husky for 12 years and when he passed I got a puppy husky and he is almost 4 now, still has tons of energy and a puppy attitude though!
  • rmf626
    I have 2 pugs, which I think is one of the most amusing breeds. Jake is 5 and Emma is 1. They are hilarious, and we enjoy them bunches. They love to chase each other around the house snorting and panting. We found Emma after our 18-yr-old dog, Casey, had to be put-down. It was so hard on all of us. Casey was amazing. We got her from a local shelter when our kids were pretty little. We believe she was a mix of Chow, Shepard and Keeshond. She was little Jake's momma and when we lost her Jake was inconsolable. Jake is a cuddler and he follows me everywhere. Emma is feisty and very envious...she DEMANDS attention especially when Jake is getting some. :) Jake settled right down when we got Emma, and they are the best of friends.

    My very favorite people are animal lovers.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I have a cat and he is so fat that he can't clean his own bum so he drags it across the carpet to get the poop off. You asked.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    We rescue, and have some terrible luck lately.

    Our surviving crew is Peanut, a 12 year old long haired kitty. Ralphie, a grey tabby, female. And Wall-E, an Orange tabby mix male.

    Recently we've lost 2 cats, Wasabi and Charlie. Sabi was a Bombay, who racked up over $2000 in vet bills, attacked a porcupine ($400) and had a urinary blockage which required a catheter, and 3 days on life support ($1500). She recently got outside, and never came back home :( Charlie was a beautiful Orange DSH, with a terrible allergy to something unknown, his vet bills were also excruciating, with steroid shots each month, allergy pills, and special food...he got so bad at the end that the steroids weren't working, and he had to be put down.

    Also, we lost the love of our lives last year, Rusty, a shepherd cross, who ran with coyotes as a passtime. He was shot by our neighbor....we will never get over the loss :,(
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    Hi =) I am a pet mommy:

    First Samueldog is a beagle/shepherd mix. He was found with a broken leg on a hwy. He has healed emotionally and physically and is our love baby.

    Snoop is a collie/bird dog mix and found in the Las Vegas Desert very broken and with a broken tail at 90 degree angle now. He is our herding/ protector.

    Genesis is my Sun Conure. She is 1 year. Brilliant it's almost creepy lol. she never leaves my shoulder, chest area. Has about 15 word vocab. and is potty trained. Yes, she's so smart. She is truley my baby since we do not have kids.

    Eden is our rescue Senegal and is special and needs my love very much.
    Feel free to look in my pics. Thank you for loving animals =))
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I just have my one dog Vegas. He's a puppy I got several years ago from the SPCA. My bf of that time bought him for me as a birthday gift (also in hopes of just keeping me around). I was tempted to give him up when we split, but the dog loves me to death. He determined that I was his owner and master and will follow me everywhere. He is a german shep. mix and has the saddest puppy dog eyes in the world that make me feel like I don't love him enough even though I constantly give him attention and cuddles! I think he's spoiled, but it's ok, he's my baby. He won't eat his food unless I'm near his dog bowl, or I throw some olive oil into it. He's terrified of puddles and excessive water and if he is taken outside when it rains he throws the sad look of "why are you doing this to me?" and will stubbornly refuse to go. He loves people, and is very social and friendly, but he can't stand fighting, even play fighting. If me and my current boyfriend rough house a bit, he gets antsy and tries to jump between us and barks. I wouldn't trade him for any dog in the world, love him to death. :)
  • rydersgrammy1
    1 dog named Bebe ... Her owner went to Iraq & she came to live with me 8 1/2 yrs ago.... She ia part boxer & part Rhodesian ridgeback...Whee a very mellow dog....Gets along with everybody...
    Spooky is my 16 yr old black cat... We found him on the streets when he was about 4 weeks old..
    Trigger is my long haired orange striped Kitty.. We think he is about 12 yrs now...
    Baby Kitty is a beautiful Siamese 5 yr old...
    All 3 of my kitties were found on the streets...
    I also have 2 cockateils... Beaker belonged to my granddaughter & Kokopeli I bought.....
  • My two babies: Cooper (Norwegian Forest Cat mix, white) and Felix! Cooper is from a shelter in Belgium. Found him as a kitten together with his (black) brother and (black and white) sister in the pooring rain in the woods. Felix is from a resque organisation and comes from Mallorca, Spain where he lived on the streets and begged for food at the restaurants. He's the naughtiest thing ever but won't ever hurt a fly! My babies... :heart:

  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    We have 4 rescue dogs, 2 rescue cats, and a mini pig.

    Ubie is a Chihuahua rescued 12 years ago from the pound. He is 13.

    Fifi is a Chihuahua rescued from a creepy person I offered $50 to to get that dog away from that place. She's 11 years old.

    Reese used to be my step-daughter's dog. She left him in the backyard no matter what the weather with no shelter. My husband when over and got him 8 years ago and we've had him ever since. He's 8-1/2. Who knows what kind of dog he is.

    Letti was rescued from an abusive home by the dog police. She eventually made her way from shelter to shelter until we found her on PetFinders. She's a 3 year old Wirehaired Griffon and my constant companion...even going to work with me.

    Em is a 12 year old cat I found in the alley behind work 12 years ago. She was just a kitten.

    Button really isn't my cat. My sister runs a cat rescue and he needed a place to stay for 3 days. He's been with us for 3 years now. I hope she comes to get him one of these days.

    Pearl is our baby and the only animal we have that we got from a breeder. She's a miniature pot-bellied pig. She is 6 years old and we've had her since since was 8 weeks old. She weighs in at 52 lbs. Yes...she lives in the house and is house trained.