I just want to give up.



  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
  • nc_moon_beam
    nc_moon_beam Posts: 38 Member
    Have you been to your doctor for a physical and bloodwork? If you have a thyroid or other endocrine-related problem, all the dieting and exercise in the world won't help.

    I'm hypothyroid and losing weight is dang near impossible when my levels are out of whack.

    Don't give up! Just adjust your strategy!
  • aehenson
    If you give up, you'll have to start over from scratch when you decide to lose weight again. Make the commitment for the lifestyle change & keep going. You don't want to be at rock bottom again.
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    Push Push Push! Stay positive in everything you do. Be thankful for these slumps because without them, you'd have no idea how great the highs are!

    If you truly want this, don't wish for it, GET IT! Become it. Look in the mirror and see who you want to be, have the personality of a lady that is comfortable in her own skin, loves the life she's got going on, excited about her milestone and the trip you have coming up!

    Never FOR ONE SECOND doubt yourself, and you will become your dream.

    It takes tearing to build muscle, does it not? ;D

    Wish you, and EVERYONE ELSE, the best of luck!
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    If it were easy then everyone would be skinny / fit. It's NOT and it takes time, effort, modivation and commiment. When you are ready to GIVE all of that then things will happen. Wishing and hoping won't take you very far. Good luck and have fun in Mexico.
  • sandygaylegunn
    sandygaylegunn Posts: 87 Member
    Don't give up! Don't do it! Fitness is my goal, not just weight loss. Add lots of friends. My friends motivate me. If I can do it, anybody can. I am 64. I have COPD/emphysema. I got a power chair/wheel chair and that catapulted me into a new dimension of thinking. I got busy at the gym. Found I could do 30 minutes on the recumbent bike. I added 5 minutes every week and have been doing an hour daily for about a month. I added strength training 2-3 times a week. I have changed my diet dramatically. I have never used that power chair!! I have only lost 8 pounds so far, but have added great muscle. I have about 50 more pounds to lose. I found this site to be so motivating. I am grateful. I am on a new path. Glad you have joined us!! Hang in there!:love:
  • foreversunshine1
    foreversunshine1 Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe everyone is making it too complicated. You need to simply eat foods you LIKE within your calorie budget for the week. Forget about healthy for the moment and see what just sticking to a budget does. Then fine tune your diet with healthier choices one item at a time if you want.

    Well this is what worked for me:

    Eat less to lose weight
    Exercise to maintain or build lean body mass
    end of story.

    ^^^^^ I agree with this post from earlier. Calories in vs. calories out... get used to that, then you can add in healthier options as you go. Good luck! You can do it!
  • Army_Love89
    I'm sorry you want to give up & I know the feeling but in a year from now your going to regret that decision! Go to the doctor have blood work done & make sure there is nothing medically wrong with you that is making losing weight so hard! If you are fine then just don't stress about it! If you have the money & time think about hiring a personal trainer at a gym who will motivate you, if your diary isn't open open it so we can see if you should change a few things in your diet, portions are a big one because to me weight loss is 80% diet 20% fitness & you have to be honest with yourself! One last thing make sure you're getting enough sleep. :) Good luck & don't give up!
  • davidleewilson
    davidleewilson Posts: 29 Member
    I struggle with some of the same things myself, and occasionally binge eat at night. It is frustrating but you will feel better if you exercise. I like to walk outside or ride my bike it feels great. Hang in there if this old man can do it so can you.
    Have a great day
  • MommaKit79
    i'll be honest.. you have to want it bad enough, you have to desire it enough to eat healthy and cut out all bad foods and exercise and stick with it and you need to be motivated to do it otherwise your not going to succeed ... you can give all the excuses oh i'll start tomorrow stop making excuses and just do it! it's not easy but if you really really want it you will do it :) by saying I just want to give up you've already failed before you've even started and your attitude stinks !

    I resemble this!! I kept saying for YEARS I wanted it but, never wanted to do what I needed to get it done. The DVDs stayed in the cabinet...I parked as close to the door of the store as possible...I stopped going certain places because I knew how bad I felt I looked, etc. BUT, I got to the point where I knew it was only something that was going to happen if i wanted it bad enough. It took me seeing a horrible angled picture and my hair falling out (hormonal imbalance and thyroid issues) to realize I needed to get healthy!!

    It is rough and I STILL find myself slipping QUITE a bit but, I know that in the end, our daughters are worth the work! I want to be around long enough to see them get married and have kids. I want to be active in their childhood and not like my mom, who admittingly admits she wasnt active. I want to be a constant part of our girls lives and be healthy enough to keep pushing thru life and to be able to fight if, god forbid, something horrible should happen to myself out of my control.

    Take a deep breath...look at what you can start with and get moving. Find something that you like that may not really seem like a workout and do it. Take some time for yourself and make your future something to look forward to!!

    God Bless and good luck!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! WE ALL CAN!!!!
    (feel free to add me if you want)
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I have for the most part tracked my foods for the last 2 weeks. THESE WORDS ARE PART OF YOUR POST? I have tracked for the most part? You either do it right or don't do it right. I'm just saying. You can't get the results right if you fudge the numbers in the equation or guess. It doesn' work that way.
  • Ljordan_fitflow
    Ljordan_fitflow Posts: 64 Member
    First, you can and you will lose the weight. Motivation comes from within yourself. When I started my journey 10 months ago faced with 60+ pounds to lose, I said to myself that this is going to take a while. Don't worry soo much about what you can lose in 60 days but focus on what you have to do in order to lose the weight. You already know the tools that you need which is positive thinking, diet and exercise, you just have to start using them consistently. in time, you will reach your goals.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you want the body of a 20-year-old at 40 you have to work a lot harder at it.

    Unfortunately, this is true... Our bodies change and we just have to deal with it and make the most of it. But just because you were 114lbs and skinny doesn't mean you can't be 130lbs and in better shape than "skinny". If you focus on the desperation of "I need to be skinny again" you are missing the point of eating healthy and exercising... If you want to achieve and, more importantly, maintain a body that you love, you need to find a way to make exercise/good food into something that you love to do. It has to be how you live your life, not a temporary plan.

    It takes time to fall in love with exercise and healthy food, but if I did it (I used to eat Wendy's 3-4x a week, could eat an entire bag of Doritos, and couldn't run more than five feet), I swear anyone can.
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP! Please please don't give up!!! I am 55 and have lost 21 lbs but it has taken me a year. I could NEVER lose weight but I finally am and am loving what I see and hear from others. I have had 3 back surgeries so I had to start slowly. It is sooooo worth it. Please feel free to check out my profile and add me if you would like. I love to support, motivate and encourage others. Just remember we did not get this way overnight and YOU CAN DO THS!!!!!!

  • bahhumbev
    bahhumbev Posts: 3 Member
    56yr old - with depression issues - hardest thing in the world is to lose weight BUT keep your chin up! It can be done. For me it was a complete lifestyle make-over and after the first couple of months it became easier. I still eat the foods I love just not so much that I stuff myself. I chew slowly and eat much less, and mostly healthy snacks---no more fast food restaurants, and I really don't care for fried foods anymore. It is easy to talk about it but it is still hard to - once you get there you will be so proud of yourself!
  • julieuz
    Don't give up. You can do it and have to really believe that you can do it in order for it to work. I started with MFP over a year ago, lost a few pounds, gained it all back and more. I *finally* believed I could do it in July, and in just under two months have lost 21 pounds. I'm 35 (36 next month) and am not striving to be skinny, but I want to be well within the healthy weight range and lead an active life. Find what motivates you - for me it's my 17 month old daughter - and make it happen. Surround yourself with people who love and support you and who celebrate your milestones. PPs who have said that you'll regret it when you look back weeks or months from now are right. Good luck!
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    You saying "I can't do this" is setting yourself up. Stop the negativity. Stop being so hard on yourself. You're only human. It is what it is. Each day is a new beginning and your options/privledge/choice on what to do. Your body needs fuel/food to survive....your tummy doesn't know what food you put in it , it's just happy it's satisified. So change how your mind is thinking....and your body will follow suit....You can do this, just make up your mind & have at it. Are you mad eating? bored eating? reward eating? does your body "need" that? or your head? Your head needs too love you....and take the best care of you that you can.
  • firefighter805
    i have been on this journey for almost 2 years now. It is hard, but nothing worth wanting comes easy. i am 45 pounds from my goal i started at 320lbs at my heaviest. Add me to MFP to help me and motivate me to get to 200lbs and finally be happy. :)
  • Golfgirl16
    Golfgirl16 Posts: 26 Member
    So true...I have a hard time staying motivated, but this time quitting is not an option. I just watch my step dad go through 2 heart attacks this past year, where we almost lost him due to the right half of his heart being nearly blocked off, and major heart surgery...QUITTING is not an option. After hearing the dr's tell him if he doesn't change his eating habits and exercise he will die...I decided to change mine!!
    I'm not an expert, but I would check out your friends on here and see what they do. I stick to my calorie goal, workout m-f for 1.5-2 hrs, and don't eat back my calories I work off. I totally changed my eating habits, and it seems to be working. I thought I'd be the last person to ever lose weight, but I'm doing it! Put your mind to it, and just do it...don't let giving up be an option because really, it's not! God Bless and feel free to add me:)
  • GmanKG
    GmanKG Posts: 18 Member
    Well I almost never answer one of these but when someone says "I just want to give up" that 35 years of serving in the Army kicks in. You’ve received some great answers and the bottom line is if this is something you really want YOU HAVE TO TOTALLY COMMENT I never worried about weight until I got older but I watched my wife lose over 50 pounds and it was so powerful that it motivated me for the first time in my adult life to follow her suit. Exercise is part of it, what you eat is another, I eat smaller meals now but I eat about 5 meals a day’s not going over 1800 calories any given period but you have to set realistic goals too.

    1. Use the Calorie calculator allows you to calculate how many calories you should eat a day in order to lose a certain amount of weight by a certain date.
    2. Calculate BMI

    So failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up? Remember when you expect success, your mind focuses on success.