Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    So after a semi-good, semi- CRAP week of eating and lackluster working out I am pleased to say that I actually lost 0.2 lbs. While that may not seem like much, especially after losing 2.2 the week before, I am just happy I didn't gain!!

    I'm seeing New Moon at the cheapies tonight- gonna sneak in some 100 calorie Nabisco chocolate covered pretzels!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    So after a semi-good, semi- CRAP week of eating and lackluster working out I am pleased to say that I actually lost 0.2 lbs. While that may not seem like much, especially after losing 2.2 the week before, I am just happy I didn't gain!!

    I'm seeing New Moon at the cheapies tonight- gonna sneak in some 100 calorie Nabisco chocolate covered pretzels!

    Great job! I know what you mean about being happy with a .2. Lask week I GAINED .9, but was thrilled! It was a horrible weekend for me after a terrific week.

    That being said... this week I stayed focused every day and lost 2.6 lbs. YAY!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I'm in! I'm new to MFP, but not the Twilight Series. A bunch of us "old lady moms" took our girls to see Eclipse at Midnight. It was great! (The girls have decided to induce a chivalrous movement, they are willing to become injured if all hot men will remove their shirts to use as band aids!) As for what team I'm on, I saw a piece of flair on Facebook that said "I'm Team whoever that guy was in the van that almost hit Bella." :happy: Looking forward to losing weight with all of you.

    lol Mary..I'm in the old lady camp too (but young at heart) Welcom
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Eclipse news: Target will be selling a 3 disc dvd version of Eclipse on March 20th. So, if you're anything like me (you like tons of bonus features, aka 2 of the dvds are actual bonus material!)'ll go and buy this version lol

    Also, if you don't have it already, The Twilight Saga New Moon 3 disc deluxe edition dvd (with a bonus collectible film cell) is being sold at Target. Two of the discs are special edition, plus a third disc of never before seen content. YAY!

    More Eclipse news: they finally decided who is going to compose the music for the next movie...and it is..Howard Shore. (if you were a fan of lord of the might recognize him...bc he was the composer for that movie as well)

    AND there's apparently a documentary on the real town of forks lol...I think it's called "Twilight in Forks: The Saga of a Real Town" . That will be released the same day as New Moon. Interesting huh? lol ...yeeeeaaa..

    And that's all I got for today folks lol

    Hope everyone's having a great week!
  • Lovemylife67
    Lovemylife67 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm right there with the rest of you! I so want to get this weight off and what a great reward! To go see Eclipse in June! Can't wait for that one. Have a great week everyone!! Looking forward to making great things happen!!
  • HannahBanana1124
    HannahBanana1124 Posts: 1 Member
    I am totally in!!! I LOVE the twilight saga!!!! I have read the books at least twice over, and a couple of them more than that! LOL! I am not on a team either, I just love all of the hot guys on there ;)
    My goal is to lose 70 pounds...I have lost 11 so I only have 59 left! haha! I know I still have a long way to go but at least I have a start!
    I am a nursing student so I am away from home a lot and having to eat on the run. I have learned what I can have though and what I can't, which is a major help! (If you have to eat out a lot and there is a KFC anywhere around, they have awesome grilled chicken btw, and it doesn't totally kill the diet!) I rarely exercise though, that is my big downfall. I have a wii fit but I just don't take the time to use it. I have a small child who wants to do it as soon as he sees me doing it.
    I am totally excited about Eclipse coming out!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! And I am going to be thinner than I have been in years when it does come out!!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Mallorie + New Moon + theater= epic FAIL!!! Yea, so I was SOO good last night and had stayed under calorie, walked almost 3 miles in about 40 min (in the FREEZING cold - worked up a sweat!) and then it all fell apart when we went to the cheapies to see New Moon and my friend bought a box of Goobers and gave it to me. I had no discipline. Something about watching hottie hot jailbait made me eat the whole box. I logged on this morning and discovered that I had eaten JUST under 900 CALORIES!!!!!!!!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    had a bad day and totally blew my calorie load..but ill get over it and do much better tomorrow!
  • had a bad day and totally blew my calorie load..but ill get over it and do much better tomorrow!

    Me to, kind of. I'm not over, but I did eat McDonalds. I feel so dirty now. :sick:
    Screw today, tomorrow is a new chance. :wink:

    Good night.
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    had a bad day and totally blew my calorie load..but ill get over it and do much better tomorrow!

    Me to, kind of. I'm not over, but I did eat McDonalds. I feel so dirty now. :sick:
    Screw today, tomorrow is a new chance. :wink:

    Good night.

    Tearose and wannabea it is tough to stick to this new lifestyle we have all chosen. Everyday just do your best and the results will show. Just remember skinny tastes better than the junk. I personally am 4 weeks in and finally no longer rave the junk or the fast food. It was hard to get through those 3 weeks. Together with a lot of support we can all be healthier skinnier people when eclipse hits theaters. Keep up the hard work everyone.

    Also what do you guys think about having a weekly contest. something like getting water in or exercise challenges such as squats.
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Hey girls! I'm in for whatever challenges you all want to have.

    Tea & Holly - Don't get discouraged. Every day is a new day! If you deprive yourself of the things your body is craving you won't stick to it. It's a lifestyle change and it isn't realistic to think you can avoid McDonalds for your entire life.

    My yesterday sucked. Not from a diet/exercise perspective, but just in general. I'm thankful today is Thursday and my husband comes home.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day!
  • Hi! Im up for a challenge! I joined another thread challenge... C25K, 100 push ups and 200 situps. Whatever you trow out I will most likely accept. But not till next least...................

    Heres the thing. I am having surgery in the morning. Its happening fast and its going to be painful.:frown: I had a biopsy in December (in my mouth/throat) it seems to have healed over a salivary gland all the way back there and now I have to have it removed. It is actually quite painful now, so I can't imagine how I will feel tomorrow. My doc had to act fast because my insurance ends on Sunday, so theres no time to try alternatives. (heartless insurance *kitten*:explode: ) Anyway, I'll most likely be doing a liquid diet for a few days at least, and Dr. says don't try to be a hero. No school, church, exercise, or work. Since I already know how it hurt when I just had the tiny little in office biopsy, I'm very aware that this will be worse. I'm going to forego my anti pain medication policy and keep myself as close to unconscious as possible untill the worst is over. I have no desire to feel what I felt before, let alone the magnification of it.

    My point is, I may or may not be on here after today. If I am, I may be a little off:laugh: . If you pray, I'd appreciate it. If not, I'd appreciate some positive thoughts and energy sent my way. Maybe just turn and smile in the direction of Michigan, that would be fine too.:wink: Its kind of funny, but in a way I'm accepting this as a little vacation. My mom is taking my daugter and I get drugs.:laugh: Anyway, If I don't get back on before I go in, I hope you guys have a great weekend. Talk to you all soon!

  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Best of luck to you!!! Sending prayers, positive thoughts, energy and turning/smiling in the direction of Michigan. Give youself all the time you need! We'll be here!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    WannabeCullen so sorry you have to go thru something like this:frown: I agree don't be brave,
    just take care of yourself:flowerforyou:
  • Good morning!!

    Could someone please find a way to add about 3 or so more hours to each day? Because maybe THEN I'd be able to get everything done!!!

    Pam -- Good luck with your surgery hon! I'll be thinking of you!

    I'm struggling this week .... a lot of pressure at home, work, extras (Girl Scouts, etc) is just pushing down on me & making me miserable. I ended up eating at McD's last night because I just couldn't fathom actually cooking at home. How sad. I had the strongest impulse to stop on my way into work to get McD's for breakfast, but came into work instead & had my coffee & cottage cheese with fruit. So crisis averted for today (so far).

    I hope you're all doing well .... I LOVE the idea of weekly challenges!! We'd have to figure out how to record them & whatnot! :)

    I have to run at the moment -- trying to get the rest of the 1099's out for our consultants ... so I'll be back later!

    Happy Friday!!
  • Hi!

    I'm home and the surgery went well. It's pretty painful, but thanks to liquid vicodin, I seem to be in a pretty darn good mood.:laugh:

    Wanna hear a funy story?

    The nurse told me that when I started to come too in recovery, I began questioning if my doctor was single. I said he was a hottie and if hes single I'd love to hook up with him. :tongue: She swore he wasn't in the room at that point and promised she wouldn't tell. I guess I provided all the nurses with a hilarious start to thier day. I aim to please! hahaha:laugh: He is kinda cute, but I honestly don't remember saying anything and that is totally not something I would normally do.

    I'm stocked up on nutrition shakes and I should be able to eat solids, but I'm a big baby:sad: so I got the weight loss shaks from my endochrinologist that they give to people before bariatric surgey. They have all the nutrition I need for my body type and no wierd chemicals like Slim Fast or Ensure. Surprisingly tasty and filling, just expensive!:noway: Holy cow! 38.50 for 18 shakes!

    Anyway, I've been upright for a while now and the pain meds are kicking in. I better go lay down, though the head rush is a little fun. lmao:laugh: :wink:

    You guys are wonderful! Enjoy your weekend and solid food!:laugh:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Ever just have a crap week?? That's what I have had. Not as bad as some of you, but work has been kicking my *kitten*. I have been fighting with our payroll vendor because they did not provide a W2 for one of my employees and they told me that the only way for me to get it to her on time is to do it manually. To which I replied "That's what we pay YOU for!" Thankfully, this afternoon it appears that there is going to be some timely resolution. But this morning I just shut the door and let a few stray tears work their way down. Between this issue, a few other things that I did and did correctly but one employee and one vendor LOST, and my flat time saga Wed into Thurs I am just done.

    Top it off with this: I have a date tonight. I think. I'm not sure if it's a date-date, or just a movie hang out date. I guess I'll find out at the end huh? Assuming I stay awake long enough. I don't have WannaBe's liquid vicodin, but I have been so emotionally beat up at work that I am ready to crash.

    That being said: I have stayed good calorie-wise for most of the last week. I haven't worked out the last two days, but I'll hit the gym hard before going to a wedding tomorrow. PS- it's 18 degrees here in Maryland...
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Holly - Glad you are home and recovering. Take care of yourself!

    Mali - Have fun tonight, regardless of whatever tonight is :smile: i haven't had a very good week either. Calories were fine, but been out straight - sick - work has sucked - hubby was gone - ugh! I'm glad it's behind us. I didn't get to the gym as much as normal either which drives me crazy. I can't go the next couple days either. That's okay, I'll get back on my elliptical when I start feeling better.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94

    I'm home and the surgery went well. It's pretty painful, but thanks to liquid vicodin, I seem to be in a pretty darn good mood.:laugh:

    Wanna hear a funy story?

    The nurse told me that when I started to come too in recovery, I began questioning if my doctor was single. I said he was a hottie and if hes single I'd love to hook up with him. :tongue: She swore he wasn't in the room at that point and promised she wouldn't tell. I guess I provided all the nurses with a hilarious start to thier day. I aim to please! hahaha:laugh: He is kinda cute, but I honestly don't remember saying anything and that is totally not something I would normally do.

    I'm stocked up on nutrition shakes and I should be able to eat solids, but I'm a big baby:sad: so I got the weight loss shaks from my endochrinologist that they give to people before bariatric surgey. They have all the nutrition I need for my body type and no wierd chemicals like Slim Fast or Ensure. Surprisingly tasty and filling, just expensive!:noway: Holy cow! 38.50 for 18 shakes!

    Anyway, I've been upright for a while now and the pain meds are kicking in. I better go lay down, though the head rush is a little fun. lmao:laugh: :wink:

    You guys are wonderful! Enjoy your weekend and solid food!:laugh:

    WannabeCullen its a relief its not as bad as you were expecting. Yea! Nice to see you made it here!.Twilight Forever!!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    umm on slightly more somber note i was a bad girl today and went way over my calorie load, depressed my scale isnt moving...damn i will sink to any excuse to overeat..but ok nothwithstanding im determined tomorrow its back in the saddle..
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