Starting a 30 Day Juice Fast 09/05/2012! Support needed!



  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    No real ne imput.
    I would however agree with the person who put the recipe with flax in it. Maybe try adding a bit of flax, chia seeds or some superfoods in with it? Adding a tiny bit of protein and good stuff to it?

    Good luck :)
  • I drink about 12-16 oz each juicing. Typical Day in juicing:

    Morning: apples, grapes, strawberry (2-3), celery, cucumber, spinach. And sometimes I add kiwi (doesn't juice well though)

    Afternoon: carrots, kale, celery, cucumber, apples, lemon, ginger (mean green with added carrots)

    Early evening: same as above (I make a ton the first time so I get left overs)

    Night: varies! Carrots, ginger, beets, and grapes is what we had last night. Too sweet however. Probably won't have that one again! I added grapes because there was only like 7 oz with out it. So I added enough to get about 10oz of juice.
  • momlady6
    momlady6 Posts: 31 Member

    I read your post this am and was inspired by it! Not sure if I could do the complete juice fast but I did a gentle raw diet a couple of years ago with great success. I had fantastic energy and lost 20 pounds while doing it. My road block was b12 deficiency and anemia from heavy bleeding ( not from dieting but due to polyps). I will definitely try raw foods again but this time I will supplement with good quality b12.

    I was thinking about this all day quite honestly and tonight after my husband and I got our son to bed we watched the documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead on iTunes (it's not on NetFlix in Canada). He was also very inspired and we are giving it serious consideration. We may not juice fast but we will definitely consume mostly micronutrients and increase this as we go forward. Since doing my raw diet I have never given up my green smoothies and start each day with berries and greens in my blender right after lemon water on rising.

    Anyway, thanks for being brave and posting your journey despite some of the negative feedback. I look forward to seeing more of what you experience.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Good luck, I am interested in seeing how this works and how long until the cravings subside. Also what kind of juices are you using?

    I hear that the first 14 days are pretty difficult, but after that you are supposed to feel pretty great.

    I am going to use all fresh veggies and fruits. I am going to juice them myself in my jack lelanne juicer :) I am going to use the mean green recipe the most I think.

    Its actually the first 3-5 days. It gets easier.
    Beware that some might taste nasty!
    Suck it up, add some lemon juice, and down it!
  • I too was inspired by your post, and did quite a bit of research on the subject throughout the weekend. I put Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead on for my SO and I to watch last night and we were both tremendously inspired. This is definitely a great way to get a healthy lifestyle kick started! We started today, with the exception of a family dinner that has been in the making for some time. Tomorrow will be our first full day. I was shocked that I didn't feel hungry w/ this, and that's definitely a good sign. Thank you so much for your post here. Also, thank you to all the other posters as well. Including the naysayers I appreciate all the information I've gotten here.
  • Eerinelizz
    Eerinelizz Posts: 114 Member
    I drink about 12-16 oz each juicing. Typical Day in juicing:

    Morning: apples, grapes, strawberry (2-3), celery, cucumber, spinach. And sometimes I add kiwi (doesn't juice well though)

    Afternoon: carrots, kale, celery, cucumber, apples, lemon, ginger (mean green with added carrots)

    Early evening: same as above (I make a ton the first time so I get left overs)

    Night: varies! Carrots, ginger, beets, and grapes is what we had last night. Too sweet however. Probably won't have that one again! I added grapes because there was only like 7 oz with out it. So I added enough to get about 10oz of juice.

    This sounds like a great menu! I never thought of adding carrots to the mean green, but it sounds good. Your morning drink sounds good too, since I like fruits in the morning but I still want the veggies in there. Hope your doing well! I'm still juicing, but I'm eating dinner and sometimes a small snack during the day. It's too hard not to eat when I'm cooking for my kids! But I feel great, I'm never hungry, and I have more energy than ever! Keep on juicing!
  • Hi!

    I read your post this am and was inspired by it! Not sure if I could do the complete juice fast but I did a gentle raw diet a couple of years ago with great success. I had fantastic energy and lost 20 pounds while doing it. My road block was b12 deficiency and anemia from heavy bleeding ( not from dieting but due to polyps). I will definitely try raw foods again but this time I will supplement with good quality b12.

    I was thinking about this all day quite honestly and tonight after my husband and I got our son to bed we watched the documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead on iTunes (it's not on NetFlix in Canada). He was also very inspired and we are giving it serious consideration. We may not juice fast but we will definitely consume mostly micronutrients and increase this as we go forward. Since doing my raw diet I have never given up my green smoothies and start each day with berries and greens in my blender right after lemon water on rising.

    Anyway, thanks for being brave and posting your journey despite some of the negative feedback. I look forward to seeing more of what you experience.

    Sounds like you have a great plan easing into it! I am so happy I am doing this for myself :) I can't wait to receive all the benefits from it! You should read testimonies. That's is the most inspiring! You can find them on the fat sick and nearly dead web site. Also there is another one called that has some great information :)

    You can follow me on YouTube and keep up with my updates there as well!!

    Good luck to you and your husband :)
  • I too was inspired by your post, and did quite a bit of research on the subject throughout the weekend. I put Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead on for my SO and I to watch last night and we were both tremendously inspired. This is definitely a great way to get a healthy lifestyle kick started! We started today, with the exception of a family dinner that has been in the making for some time. Tomorrow will be our first full day. I was shocked that I didn't feel hungry w/ this, and that's definitely a good sign. Thank you so much for your post here. Also, thank you to all the other posters as well. Including the naysayers I appreciate all the information I've gotten here.

    I am so excited for you just jumping in like that! Go you!! You will be SO happy you did. There are so many great benefits you just can't go wrong :) I had to get this out of the way before the holidays lol.

    Let me know if you ever have questions and please post your results!!
  • Ok update!!

    End of day 6! Yesterday and today have been the worst as far as hunger goes. Headaches are slowly disappearing thankfully! I hope they don't come back. EVER. I have been having some trouble drinking the juice today. I had to basically choke it down :( anyone have advice for that? I'm trying to keep the juice exciting but I am getting bored with the flavor and I have a ways to go.

    My Jack Lalanne juicer broke today. Motor just completely stopped. I don't believe I was being too rough on it but maybe I was. I have been using it non stop but it really should last longer then 6 days even so. I exchanged it at bed Bath and beyond. They had no problems taking it back thankfully!!

    My weight has been fluctuating daily. It varies 2-3 lbs during the day. I have decided to just go off of my morning weigh in before drinking anything. Today I was 221 :) down 11 lbs in 5 days. If I lose a little more then a pound a day I will reah my goal. For this program that's not unusual so we will see. I honestly will be happy to just get to 200. 190 is just a goal :)

    I ran out of veggies and fruit today so I had to I stock up again. I spent about $100 on stuff! Hope it lasts awhile lol.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Here's the reason why I think your previous dieting attempts were unsuccessful.

    First : You have incredibly unrealistic expectations of weight loss. 42 pounds in a single month.. what's HEALTHY is a pound to two pounds a week, one pound being the recommendation. I hope you know that if somehow you lost fat and not just water weight, that you would actually have loose skin. Good-luck with that.

    Second : You thought of it as a diet, not a life-style change. You probably deprived yourself of what the body needs, i.e. protein, fiber, vitamins, etc. and became bummed to eat just strict things rather than doing research and eating lean protein, which makes eating healthy a lot easier. Do research on fun marinades, different ways to prepare vegetables, eat fruits you like, and just go from there. Consuming juice all the time.. I can't see why that's healthy?

    Third: For exercising, you could try something that you like, that would motivate you to do it again and again.

    I'm saying these things because they are they reasons why I failed the first time I tried. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just giving some friendly suggestions.. i mean, the slower way is better. You get to discover what you like, what your body works with, what is good for you and what is bad. You learn, that's the whole process. Diving head first into a juice routine isn't feasible.. you aren't planning on doing that for the rest of your life, are you? I hope you see what I mean.
  • Let me guess; you watched fat sick and nearly dead and got inspired to do your own juicing?

    Been there done that, and realized it is not maintable.
  • Bump
  • Holy smokes, that's a whole lot of weight you are trying to lose in a month! I know I could never do that, because I enjoy food too much and would probably lose my mind if all I did was drink juice ... :-/ So best of luck to you in your weight loss journey... stay happy and healthy! :-)
  • dustygn
    dustygn Posts: 28 Member
    Hey! No one has really bothered to ask me what my plans are after. They just assume I will go back to the "old habits". Like you read I will do the intermittent fasting but I am also going to eat really healthy. I'm going to have everything grilled, steamed or boiled and fresh! I guess it's just considered to be a low calorie and fat diet. I am also going to do weight training and do another go of the 30 day shred. I have fitness goals for myself such as being able to do x amount of pull ups and push ups and such. After I get more fit I am going to start training for a 5k :) Thank you for asking me what my plans are and not just assuming!

    I think it's a great idea personally, and its far healthier than most people eat when they are not dieting, so i don't understand why all the criticisim.
    Cause this diet is such a big change, I would personally recommend leading up to the end of the 30-60 days that you switch out one meal for what you plan to continue with. Just to slowly ease yourself back into it. And if your worried about gaining weight back you can try permanently keep one meal liquid. The problem with diets is that they are often considered and/or designed as temporary solutions. So to keep realising the benefits, it's best to take on part of what you have learnt permanently.
  • Hey! No one has really bothered to ask me what my plans are after. They just assume I will go back to the "old habits". Like you read I will do the intermittent fasting but I am also going to eat really healthy. I'm going to have everything grilled, steamed or boiled and fresh! I guess it's just considered to be a low calorie and fat diet. I am also going to do weight training and do another go of the 30 day shred. I have fitness goals for myself such as being able to do x amount of pull ups and push ups and such. After I get more fit I am going to start training for a 5k :) Thank you for asking me what my plans are and not just assuming!

    I think it's a great idea personally, and its far healthier than most people eat when they are not dieting, so i don't understand why all the criticisim.
    Cause this diet is such a big change, I would personally recommend leading up to the end of the 30-60 days that you switch out one meal for what you plan to continue with. Just to slowly ease yourself back into it. And if your worried about gaining weight back you can try permanently keep one meal liquid. The problem with diets is that they are often considered and/or designed as temporary solutions. So to keep realising the benefits, it's best to take on part of what you have learnt permanently.

    I am glad you brought this up :) I want to discontinue fasting the best way possible and I think you said it perfectly. I really do want to make juicing apart of my life after this is over. I want to continue being as healthy as I can be :) Thank you for your suggestions!
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Ok update!!

    End of day 6! Yesterday and today have been the worst as far as hunger goes. Headaches are slowly disappearing thankfully! I hope they don't come back. EVER. I have been having some trouble drinking the juice today. I had to basically choke it down :( anyone have advice for that? I'm trying to keep the juice exciting but I am getting bored with the flavor and I have a ways to go.

    My Jack Lalanne juicer broke today. Motor just completely stopped. I don't believe I was being too rough on it but maybe I was. I have been using it non stop but it really should last longer then 6 days even so. I exchanged it at bed Bath and beyond. They had no problems taking it back thankfully!!

    My weight has been fluctuating daily. It varies 2-3 lbs during the day. I have decided to just go off of my morning weigh in before drinking anything. Today I was 221 :) down 11 lbs in 5 days. If I lose a little more then a pound a day I will reah my goal. For this program that's not unusual so we will see. I honestly will be happy to just get to 200. 190 is just a goal :)

    I ran out of veggies and fruit today so I had to I stock up again. I spent about $100 on stuff! Hope it lasts awhile lol.

    I find it odd that earlier your main defense was that you aren't starving yourself, that you won't be hungry, yet it's very plain to see that you are starving and you're getting head aches because of it. These are all signs that what you're doing isn't healthy.
  • Yesterday and today have been the worst as far as hunger goes. Headaches are slowly disappearing thankfully! I hope they don't come back. EVER. I have been having some trouble drinking the juice today. I had to basically choke it down :( anyone have advice for that? I'm trying to keep the juice exciting but I am getting bored with the flavor and I have a ways to go.
    You may not be drinking enough if you're getting hunger pangs. Try upping your intake. And, I know that will be hard since you're having a hard to "choking" it down. I'm having the same problem, and I'm only at the start of day two. Ugh!! For me it's a texture thing, so no matter what this is going to be difficult all the way. I mix my juice with water, about half and half. It helps a little bit. I was down 4 lbs today. of course that's not why I'm doing this. I just would like to be able to have a better relationship with food, and so far I'm learning a lot about my eating habits. Good luck!! :happy:
  • AVinmill
    AVinmill Posts: 88 Member
    It is mind boggling to me that with all the knowledge of proper nutrition at your fingertips you have decided it is a good idea to drink only juice for 30 days. You are destroying your metabolism. I know you have convinced yourself otherwise so I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.
  • Yesterday and today have been the worst as far as hunger goes. Headaches are slowly disappearing thankfully! I hope they don't come back. EVER. I have been having some trouble drinking the juice today. I had to basically choke it down :( anyone have advice for that? I'm trying to keep the juice exciting but I am getting bored with the flavor and I have a ways to go.
    You may not be drinking enough if you're getting hunger pangs. Try upping your intake. And, I know that will be hard since you're having a hard to "choking" it down. I'm having the same problem, and I'm only at the start of day two. Ugh!! For me it's a texture thing, so no matter what this is going to be difficult all the way. I mix my juice with water, about half and half. It helps a little bit. I was down 4 lbs today. of course that's not why I'm doing this. I just would like to be able to have a better relationship with food, and so far I'm learning a lot about my eating habits. Good luck!! :happy:

    Thanks for your feedback! I may have to start adding water to it too. I was adding pulp in the drink to get fiber but I may have to stop because the shreds of veggies are makin it even more difficult to drink. Best of luck with this next week. It isn't easy :(
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Report back. If you don't end up sick and in the hospital. And then check back in six months after you've gained back everything you lost...

    I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but I completely agree. ^^ Fad diets are definitely NOT the way to go if you are trying to be healthy, or lose weight long term. Bad idea. I would quit right now, before you do serious damage to yourself.