Forced flu shot at work



  • MissFit0101
    I'm sure I wouldn't appreciate being forced to do something or be fired, but I personally think it's a good idea for them to require you all get a flu shot.
  • katellanova
    katellanova Posts: 204 Member
    What happens when you get the flu anyway?
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member

    Thalidomide, DES, anyone? They always tell you it's safe until they can't anymore. The lemmings believe until they see with their own eyes. Then, they grieve.
    And the lives of hundreds of millions of people saved is what? Just to sit there and be ignored?
    Is it 100% safe? Good lord no. Nothing is. I even specifically stated it is not 100% safe. However the statistics and the children not dying by the thousands says enough.

    If you want to put you or your child's life at risk, that is fine. Just keep them away from infants and pregnant women. You shouldn't force your ignorance to cost the life of someone else. In 2010, 10 infants needlessly died because of people like you not believing in vaccinations. They do work, and yes, in very small statistics, they are devastating. But to completely stop vaccinations would cause a helluva lot more deaths than vaccinations.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    There are a lot of risks associated with the flu shot. And, what about mercury? I would not do it.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hmmm, I wonder why this exists?

    National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    What happens when you get the flu anyway?

    for reals?? coughing from HELL (my neighbors thought I was gonna die), fatigue from hell, not to mention the aching body. that was two weeks of my life.

    then for six weeks after that, I had postviral fatigue syndrome. it was like mono. I was EXHAUSTED. I was at work, but every two hours I desperately needed a nap. Every night when I went home, at 6:30 pm, I flopped on the bed and slept 15 hours.

    and it still was not enough.

    I am a HEALTHY person. the flu SUCKS!!! it is not funny.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I work in a nursing home and it's not mandatory..thank goodness
    passes out when the needle just comes into the room
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    Thalidomide, DES, anyone? They always tell you it's safe until they can't anymore. The lemmings believe until they see with their own eyes. Then, they grieve.
    And the lives of hundreds of millions of people saved is what? Just to sit there and be ignored?
    Is it 100% safe? Good lord no. Nothing is. I even specifically stated it is not 100% safe. However the statistics and the children not dying by the thousands says enough.

    If you want to put you or your child's life at risk, that is fine. Just keep them away from infants and pregnant women. You shouldn't force your ignorance to cost the life of someone else. In 2010, 10 infants needlessly died because of people like you not believing in vaccinations. They do work, and yes, in very small statistics, they are devastating. But to completely stop vaccinations would cause a helluva lot more deaths than vaccinations.

    No, I vaccinated my child. (Reading comprehension). Then he experienced kidney failure from thimerosal.
  • deeander
    deeander Posts: 17 Member
    we have to do the same, but we wont be fired if we choose not to we would be required to wear a mask:yawn:
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    the mask SUCKS! take the damn jab, it's not a big deal.
  • mnlght535
    I am not sure if this has been mentioned because there are far too many posts to read, sorry, but you cannot get the flu from an influenza vaccination as it is an inactivated vaccine (not live). That is a common misconception about influenza vaccines. You may have already had the flu and just not showing symptoms yet. I do agree that people shouldn't be forced to get a vaccine. However, if there is an influenza outbreak those who do not get vaccinated should have to stay home from work because they can spread the influenza to those who couldn't get the vaccine due to other health issues or allergies. Some would disagree because then an already short-staffed unit becomes even shorter-staffed. So, it's really hard to know where to draw the line. Great topic though.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    Thalidomide, DES, anyone? They always tell you it's safe until they can't anymore. The lemmings believe until they see with their own eyes. Then, they grieve.
    And the lives of hundreds of millions of people saved is what? Just to sit there and be ignored?
    Is it 100% safe? Good lord no. Nothing is. I even specifically stated it is not 100% safe. However the statistics and the children not dying by the thousands says enough.

    If you want to put you or your child's life at risk, that is fine. Just keep them away from infants and pregnant women. You shouldn't force your ignorance to cost the life of someone else. In 2010, 10 infants needlessly died because of people like you not believing in vaccinations. They do work, and yes, in very small statistics, they are devastating. But to completely stop vaccinations would cause a helluva lot more deaths than vaccinations.

    No, I vaccinated my child. (Reading comprehension). Then he experienced kidney failure from thimerosal.

    Also I did not ever once suggest to stop vaccinations. It is always very sad when infants die, especially because of people like me--people who VACCINATED.
  • joesteele
    I am not sure if this has been mentioned because there are far too many posts to read, sorry, but you cannot get the flu from an influenza vaccination as it is an inactivated vaccine (not live).

    This is correct. Also of note, the influenza pandemic of 1918 killed more than 20 million people world wide. Influenza still ranks in the top 10 causes of death in the United States EVERY year. Get the vaccine.
  • mnlght535
    There is a lot of bad science in this thread. Some of you should stop believing what you read on the internet and start reading peer-reviewed scientific studies. When you stop buying into conspiracies and start reading the science, you'll see the benefits of these vaccinations far outweigh the risks.

    Agreed :)
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    Last year 3 of us in the building refused to get the shot and we had to wear masks everyday, all day for the flu season(about 5 months) it was ridiculous and annoying. I feel the same as many on here that if you are following the universal precautions you would not be spreading and putting yourself or patients at risk. We do not work with high risk patients. Myself and my family have no risk factors that put us at high risk and I do not belive in vaccinating against last years worse virus. It does not protect you from all strains of the flu.I believe that working around the sick can actually increase your immune system due to exposure.

    I find the masks uncomfortable but it really became a matter of principle that they thought they could "force" us into getting a shot we choose not to get every year. Patients have the right to chose if they will get a shot why shouldnt we. They did give us the option to we're the mask but we would be sweating while running around rooming patients. I almost felt like I was going to pass out from heat exhaustion but I didn't want my shot and that is my choice!

    Our patients were uncomfortable that we were all wearing masks and and were more afraid that we were sick and going to give them something then them give us something. Then we had to explain why we were wearing masks. It was frustrating to explain it to all of these people daily and we felt discrimated against that we should have to tell strangers that we made medical choices. (most patients agreed with our choices and very few felt that we should get them if we did not want them.) I would not walk down streets telling people that I decided to vaccinate or not. I would not announce patients decisions about their medical choices to vaccinate because HIPPA would not allow it. Why should my work require that I be singled out for my medical decisions. We had several doctors that all backed us on or decisions.

    Now with all this said I believe that if you are at hight risk you should be evaluated and get a shot. I believe in getting immunizations for big killer diseases and If I ever was in a risk group for the flu I too would get a shot but until then I choose not to and will wear my mask to " protect myself and my patients"
  • joesteele
    Now with all this said I believe that if you are at high risk you should be evaluated and get a shot. I believe in getting immunizations for big killer diseases and If I ever was in a risk group for the flu I too would get a shot but until then I choose not to and will wear my mask to " protect myself and my patients"

    The flu is in the top ten causes of death in the US every year. It is a "big killer" disease. Though you are not in the risk group, many of your patients are...and some of them (infants) can't be immunized.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Because you work in a hospital, I get that.

    Part of my condition of employment is to get a TB test, or I will lose my job. It goes along with where I work, so suck it up buttercup.
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    Now with all this said I believe that if you are at high risk you should be evaluated and get a shot. I believe in getting immunizations for big killer diseases and If I ever was in a risk group for the flu I too would get a shot but until then I choose not to and will wear my mask to " protect myself and my patients"

    The flu is in the top ten causes of death in the US every year. It is a "big killer" disease. Though you are not in the risk group, many of your patients are...and some of them (infants) can't be immunized.

    I do not work in a hospital but in an out patient facility and do not deal with infants, children or high risk patients. We do not work primary care and do not have patients who come in for treatment for the flu. Not only do we wear masks if we don't get.a flu shot but if patients exhibits symptoms of the flu ( the one or two that come in with it every year to our office) they are required to wear masks while in the facility. The flu is one of the big killers but it primarily kills those at high risk...rarely it kills healthy individuals who will then recover from the flu after 10- 14 days and then have natural acquired immunity.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member

    Thalidomide, DES, anyone? They always tell you it's safe until they can't anymore. The lemmings believe until they see with their own eyes. Then, they grieve.
    And the lives of hundreds of millions of people saved is what? Just to sit there and be ignored?
    Is it 100% safe? Good lord no. Nothing is. I even specifically stated it is not 100% safe. However the statistics and the children not dying by the thousands says enough.

    If you want to put you or your child's life at risk, that is fine. Just keep them away from infants and pregnant women. You shouldn't force your ignorance to cost the life of someone else. In 2010, 10 infants needlessly died because of people like you not believing in vaccinations. They do work, and yes, in very small statistics, they are devastating. But to completely stop vaccinations would cause a helluva lot more deaths than vaccinations.

    No, I vaccinated my child. (Reading comprehension). Then he experienced kidney failure from thimerosal.

    Sleepy I am sorry your child had issues, but I thought Children under a certain were NOT to get the vacination, if your Doctor had prescribed this, I would sue him for Malpractice.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    Thalidomide, DES, anyone? They always tell you it's safe until they can't anymore. The lemmings believe until they see with their own eyes. Then, they grieve.
    And the lives of hundreds of millions of people saved is what? Just to sit there and be ignored?
    Is it 100% safe? Good lord no. Nothing is. I even specifically stated it is not 100% safe. However the statistics and the children not dying by the thousands says enough.

    If you want to put you or your child's life at risk, that is fine. Just keep them away from infants and pregnant women. You shouldn't force your ignorance to cost the life of someone else. In 2010, 10 infants needlessly died because of people like you not believing in vaccinations. They do work, and yes, in very small statistics, they are devastating. But to completely stop vaccinations would cause a helluva lot more deaths than vaccinations.

    No, I vaccinated my child. (Reading comprehension). Then he experienced kidney failure from thimerosal.

    Sleepy I am sorry your child had issues, but I thought Children under a certain were NOT to get the vacination, if your Doctor had prescribed this, I would sue him for Malpractice.

    It wasn't a flu vaccine; it was childhood vaccines that contained thimerosal. My initial post said I would refuse a flu vaccine bc it contains thimerosal. My subsequent posts elaborated on my personal experience with thimerosal.