How do you react to MFP-friends, who eat way too few



  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I don't react unless asked for an opinion. I wouldn't tell someone they're not eating enough if they didn't ask the question, in which case, there would probably be doubt in their own mind anyway.

    I have to admit that if I saw someone eating in a very restricted or disordered way I would probably take them off my friends list. That is for personal reasons, because I have experienced a close friend with an ED and also a family member. I'm not talking about people who follow MFP's 1200 cal prescription here, I'm talking about people I've seen on threads on here say they're netting 500 cals a day or something like that, or even actually netting close to nothing, and wanting validation for it. That's not a low calorie lifestyle, to me that's an ED, and seeing people I love go through the aftermath of that and try and recover, it's not something I could ever promote.

    It might be fine for the first few weeks, months, I'm sure it feels great having that much control and losing the weight etc, but that's how my close friend and aunt started. That level of self-control and even self denial was something they got addicted to, and couldn't quit, they got addicted to not eating in the same way some people get addicted to food. To them at their worst times, someone who ate even 1200 calories a day was gluttony, and their ideal was basically to eat nothing - my friend in her worst period before she was hospitalised would try to net no calories, and it would be a major trauma if she felt she might have eaten one calorie more than she burned off.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    On my profile I clearly state what my opinions are about eating below 1000 cals. consistently. I also state that if you are doing that, I will not be commenting on your diary that day - I really can't say good job, etc. if I don't feel that way. If the person is sick - not a problem. This way, I am not imposing my views on anyone, they know how I feel up front, and I don't feel obligated to make a ridiculous comment on something I don't agree with. Problem solved. :)
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    I agree with MFP's sub-1200 concern in principle, but the people who decide to preach it and beat others over the head with it drive me nuts. Let people work out what works for them, after all eating below 1200 calories makes it harder to get enough nutrition, but not impossible.

    I also must say that Beachlover has a good way to manage it, let your opinion be know, but don't say anything about it after that.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Mind your own business. If it upsets you or annoys you that much, delete them and add people with similar goals to you - that's what I do!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have a friend on here who has a very low cal (800ish) day every so often, and i always comment to ask why... i am starting to think if it happens again i will just get rid of her! i am a firm believer in fueling your body when you are losing weight, not just going for a VLCD, but its each to their own really!
  • Luci_Green_Eyes
    Luci_Green_Eyes Posts: 32 Member
    I'm divided on this... I think it would be nice to know someone was concerned if I was eating far too little, but at the same time, my MFP profile has recommended I have maximum 1,200 cals per day, so that is normal for me. I just have a lower BMR so need less to function, and therefore need less calories to lose weight (combined with a healthy balanced diet and exercise of course!)

    As other people have mentioned, I think different people have different requirements, as some will struggle with energy on anything less than 2,500 cals (dependant on persons metabolic rate and height, weight, etc) but anything consistently sub 800 is a worry.

    If you want to show you care, I agree with a healthy snack suggestion at first, then see how they react. I’d also consider putting it in a private message first in case it is a sensitive issue.

    Just my opinion… :-)
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Everyone is different and their are so many different reason.
    If your going to delete people who underway are you also goin to delete people who overeats..
    Both are unhealthy but I think it's a but unrealistic to expect everyone to be perfect all the time.

    As for the question it depends if it's a regular thing
    It annoys me a bit if some one makes a big comment that I've eaten way under if it's just a one of and the majority of my days are closer to target.
    Some people can be really harsh without having a clue about the circumstances

    *however if your concerned for someone I think a friendly comment is a good thing :)
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I'm divided on this... I think it would be nice to know someone was concerned if I was eating far too little, but at the same time, my MFP profile has recommended I have maximum 1,200 cals per day, so that is normal for me. I just have a lower BMR so need less to function, and therefore need less calories to lose weight (combined with a healthy balanced diet and exercise of course!)

    As other people have mentioned, I think different people have different requirements, as some will struggle with energy on anything less than 2,500 cals (dependant on persons metabolic rate and height, weight, etc) but anything consistently sub 800 is a worry.

    If you want to show you care, I agree with a healthy snack suggestion at first, then see how they react. I’d also consider putting it in a private message first in case it is a sensitive issue.

    Just my opinion… :-)

    I like the private message idea.
    I think try the approach I asking questions rather than lecturing.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    On my profile I clearly state what my opinions are about eating below 1000 cals. consistently. I also state that if you are doing that, I will not be commenting on your diary that day - I really can't say good job, etc. if I don't feel that way. If the person is sick - not a problem. This way, I am not imposing my views on anyone, they know how I feel up front, and I don't feel obligated to make a ridiculous comment on something I don't agree with. Problem solved. :)

    I am the opposite of a stress eater, so when I am very stressed I have a hard time eating. My goal is 1600 cals. Some of my friends congratulate me on stress days when I'm hovering around 1,200 telling me what a great day it was. Some of my friends don't have their diary open so I never comment on their "and was under their calorie goal" because I have no clue what I would be encouraging. I had one friend who consistently ate total junk and was most often under. I tried encouraging healthier a couple of times, and I saw others of her friends trying that as well. But it didn't work. She seems to have quit. Or maybe she found another site where she wasn't annoyed by people trying to tell her how to eat. I dunno. Bottom line is, the person has to want to do this and be committed to getting healthier and being open to learning, whatever form that takes for them, eating more, eating less, eating healthier foods, exercising, whatever.
  • MrsAchu76
    Hmm, I do average between 850-1100 simply because at the moment I don't quite know WHAT to eat and I do not have more appetite!
    Got some health issues, like Diabetes type 2 and living in the UK I am now almost 4 months waiting for the appointment with the dietician - it sucks! No matter how much I try to read upon...the more I read the more confused I get! Is not always a question of hitting the delete button...some people like me (hint hint lol) could need some serious help and pointers in the right direction to keep things going so that they can help themselves!
    But I agree some others do think they need to starve themselves to skinny - that's definitely not the way to go!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Hmm, I do average between 850-1100 simply because at the moment I don't quite know WHAT to eat and I do not have more appetite!
    Got some health issues, like Diabetes type 2 and living in the UK I am now almost 4 months waiting for the appointment with the dietician - it sucks! No matter how much I try to read upon...the more I read the more confused I get! Is not always a question of hitting the delete button...some people like me (hint hint lol) could need some serious help and pointers in the right direction to keep things going so that they can help themselves!
    But I agree some others do think they need to starve themselves to skinny - that's definitely not the way to go!

    Why don't you post maybe in "food and nutrition" and ask for some advice. You might get some differing advice but then you can take some of the ideas and research them yourself. You might also find some friends with similar issues.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Mind your own business. If it upsets you or annoys you that much, delete them and add people with similar goals to you - that's what I do!

    I wont comment on anyone because Im too busy trying to concentrate on my own health. I have enough medical problems that I am actively focusing on myself and no one else.

    On the flip side though, I do work in healthcare and completely aware of what is considered healthy and what isnt - but that does not give me a free ticket to go spamming people who willingly make bad choices. I simply wont associate with people who do that.

    I wont voluntarily offer help without being prompted. As I mentioned earlier, I have enough involved on my own that, to be honest, I really dont want to lose focus on my current goals so Im here, for me. And, its paying off slowly and gradually, the way it was meant to be.

    I did though get a friend-request on someone who wanted some recipe ideas. Hey, that is awesome! I love to help someone if I can to get out of a culinary rut. But, when I accepted them and took a look at their profile, they were willingly making the choice to eat 850 calories per day. I immediately removed them from my friends list. I did not send them a message on why. If they message me back asking why, then I will be honest with them and say " I would rather associate with like-minded people who make better choices than the ones you are willingly making for yourself. Im sorry but I will never advocate netting below 1200 and from what I see on your profile, you are actively and willingly making the choice to eat well below 1200 and I just cant be connected with someone like that - I wish you the best"...

    I truly do wish them the best, but I sure dont want to be like them or anyone doing what they are doing when it is truly a medically compromising situation.

    I see that in the medical cases that come through my department - and its over 300+ physicians. I sit back and wonder how the hell Im going to get services approved for patients who have willingly committed this type of damage to theirselves when, in the long term picture, its because of their poor choices. Sometimes its not an easy battle with the medical insurances.
  • MrsAchu76
    Hmm, I do average between 850-1100 simply because at the moment I don't quite know WHAT to eat and I do not have more appetite!
    Got some health issues, like Diabetes type 2 and living in the UK I am now almost 4 months waiting for the appointment with the dietician - it sucks! No matter how much I try to read upon...the more I read the more confused I get! Is not always a question of hitting the delete button...some people like me (hint hint lol) could need some serious help and pointers in the right direction to keep things going so that they can help themselves!
    But I agree some others do think they need to starve themselves to skinny - that's definitely not the way to go!

    Why don't you post maybe in "food and nutrition" and ask for some advice. You might get some differing advice but then you can take some of the ideas and research them yourself. You might also find some friends with similar issues.

    Thanks!! Sounds like a plan x
  • bilberryjam
    bilberryjam Posts: 72 Member
    I just found out about the friend system here on MFP. And I love it!

    But now I got some friend requests where I don't know how to deal with their eating habits...

    I never eat under 1500 kcal and up to about 2100 kcal. I even think about going further up with my intake. So I also added girls, who seem to have not so healthy eating habits, as I think I could be a good example for a fit girl, who likes to eat and has no problems maintaing her weight through healthy eating and exercising.

    But when I view their completed diaries and see intakes below 800 kcal + exercising, I really feel bad! Do you just ignore this, or do you comment on such entries.

    And if you are somebody, who is eating really low on calories, what do you think about comments on your food?

    Another in the MYOB camp.

    If someone is deliberately limiting themselves to <800 it's not because they don't know a healthy snack would take them up to 1200. It's because they want to limit themselves to <800 and a stranger on the internet telling them it isn't healthy isn't going to make a blind bit of difference. You might be coming from a place of concern, but it will more than likely be taken as criticism.

    And, has been pointed out, someone who eats <1200 calories isn't necessarily starving themselves. Everyone has different needs and even different goals. It stands to reason we'd have different diets, too. You can't tell the whole story from a food diary.

    Yesterday, I ate horribly. I had two rashers of bacon for breakfast, didn't eat anything during the day and then had a box of takeaway mushroom pakora for dinner. But I *know* I ate horribly. I also know *why* I ate horribly.

    If someone I know had sent me a message asking me if I wanted to talk about it, I would see their concern. If a stranger messaged me telling me what to do, lecturing me to eat three meals a day, more protein, more veg and definitely no take-out, I would have politely told them to eff off.
  • healthinside
    healthinside Posts: 17 Member
    I don't know why everybody is ranting about the 1200 kcal-thing. I never talked about this. The eating HABITS i feel concerned about are people who have NET kcal <500 on a REGULAR basis, that means for more than 7 days in a row.

    I also never wrote, that I want to tell them what is wrong or write! I just asked how you deal with it and how people who are undereating feel about this. And I asked this, because I don't want to hurt somebodys feelings or impose my views.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    If I have a friend who has ate way under their calories for the day I just don't comment.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    As someone who usually eats way too few, I KNOW I eat too few calories & I struggle from EDNOS. This means that comments about needing to eat more/differently are extremely unhelpful & unwelcome. Just assume you don't know everything about the person. Comment when it can be something positive & ignore the things you don't like.
  • barefootgardener
    I wouldn't want you trying to impose your view of what is right on me. Unless you know all the circumstances you don't know if their food intake is appropriate. For all I know you're a compulsive overeater who can't relate to someone with control over their appetite and criticising a low intake is a way to feel better about your own gluttony.

    If you don't want people making comments though, make your diary private. The whole point of adding friends is to have other people in the same frame of mind as you who can spot your mistakes when you can't.

    I don"t care if someone has too low of calories or even high for a certain day, I like to see what kinds of meals they prepare and get better ideas to change up my own vegetarian diet.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    This is such a great question and I struggle with it myself. Especially since I often don't complete my journals and it looks like I'm eating less than I do!

    I know that for my body, my metabolism, and my lifestyle, shooting for 1200 - 1400 calories a day works for me to maintain my weight. I know that might shock some, but it is what works for me. Sometimes less. Sometimes more. I like to zig zag a bit to keep my metabolism guessing.

    So I hesitate to judge others for their calorie choices. HOWEVER, if you see someone consistently eating under 1,000 calories and making self-depreciating comments, they may have an eating disorder and use the tool to supplement it. You should just unfriend people who don't mesh with your goals.
  • lisamarie327
    lisamarie327 Posts: 77 Member
    I have had ppl comment on my eating habits, to which they received a colorful message detailing exactly what they can do with their opinions. Why? Because what I eat and what I do aren't anybody on MFP's business. It is highly likely that someone only eating 500 cals a day isn't logging everything they eat, or are eating little for a reason. Mind your own business. Don't like it? Unfriend.