Forced flu shot at work



  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Your kids have never been sick because you are relying on ALL the other children who DID get their MMRs and other vaccines not to infect them. As more people are taken in by fear mongering, anti-vaccine folderol, your children won't be protected by herd immunity - something they take advantage of, but contribute nothing to. And I say this as someone who *is* immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant and STILL gets their vaccines on schedule.

    No, I'm relying on building their immune systems and teaching the proper hygiene. Being vaccinated, YOU will be carrying that virus/disease and YOU can spread it to my child from simply having the vaccine. If vaccines are so wonderful then why do vaccinated children STILL get things they are vaccinated for? Sorry, until it's 100% proven that vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective at eliminating illness, me and my children won't get them. I'm not into being a guinea pig for the government and sick care system. That's just me though.

    No, you can't spread a virus after being vaccinated. You need some more research. In addition, your chidren cannot get immunity from measles, mumps, rubella, without actually being infected with the disease. If they come into contact with someone with one of those diseases, be prepared for a scary time and hope for the best.

    The only people who still get things that they have been vaccinated for are those with compromised immune systems. This means that their immune system did not make the anti-bodies it should have in response to the vaccine.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    If I worked at a hospital, I would understand. You are working with or near at risk groups. While the flu might inconvenience you, it could be a death sentence to someone with a compromised immune system.

    I work at a university, and I WISH that we were required, and that students were required, to get them. I always get sick at the beginning of the semester when people come from all around the country and world and bring their different strains of colds and flus.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    There are a lot of risks associated with the flu shot.

    There are MORE risks associated with the flu. This argument is not valid.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Unless you have an allergy to the ingredients in the vaccine, you should get it if you work in a hospital setting (human or animal) or if you work with small children or the elderly. Obviously if the vaccine will kill you due to allergic reaction, don't get it.

    I get my flu shot every year. Never got the flu yet. I have ferrets so it is vital that I be vaccinated as flu can be deadly to ferrets. Even when I have a bad cold, I avoid handling my pets. If I caught the flu, I'd have to move them out of my house until I recovered so they wouldn't catch it and die.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Your kids have never been sick because you are relying on ALL the other children who DID get their MMRs and other vaccines not to infect them. As more people are taken in by fear mongering, anti-vaccine folderol, your children won't be protected by herd immunity - something they take advantage of, but contribute nothing to. And I say this as someone who *is* immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant and STILL gets their vaccines on schedule.

    No, I'm relying on building their immune systems and teaching the proper hygiene. Being vaccinated, YOU will be carrying that virus/disease and YOU can spread it to my child from simply having the vaccine. If vaccines are so wonderful then why do vaccinated children STILL get things they are vaccinated for? Sorry, until it's 100% proven that vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective at eliminating illness, me and my children won't get them. I'm not into being a guinea pig for the government and sick care system. That's just me though.

    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    So we sacrifice the few who DO have adverse side effects for the good of the many?

    I see how this works. Herd mentality and all.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    So we sacrifice the few who DO have adverse side effects for the good of the many?

    I see how this works. Herd mentality and all.

    How ironic.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    So we sacrifice the few who DO have adverse side effects for the good of the many?

    I see how this works. Herd mentality and all.

    How ironic.

    I know! Haha. Goes both ways for sure.

    On either side somebody is being placed in direct risk.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    Until they are 100% safe, and not one single person has an adverse reaction, or death due to a vaccine, I still won't trust them. Many of the people who have been injured or killed by vaccines probably thought they would not have any adverse affects. I choose not to take the risk to see if me or my kids will be in that number.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member

    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    Until they are 100% safe, and not one single person has an adverse reaction, or death due to a vaccine, I still won't trust them. Many of the people who have been injured or killed by vaccines probably thought they would not have any adverse affects. I choose not to take the risk to see if me or my kids will be in that number.

    I hope you're not eating eggs, drinking milk, eat soy, eating nuts, etc. either then, because none of those things are 100% safe either. Also, don't take any anti-biotics, aspirin, tylenol, advil, cough medicine. Stay away from tea too.

    Also, stay out of airports and hospitals. When your kid comes into contact with a person with measles, there won't be much you can do.
  • Navy_Bean
    Navy_Bean Posts: 29 Member
    I think if you work in a hospital, around children, or around the elderly, or any at risk population, it should be mandatory.
  • Navy_Bean
    Navy_Bean Posts: 29 Member

    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    Until they are 100% safe, and not one single person has an adverse reaction, or death due to a vaccine, I still won't trust them. Many of the people who have been injured or killed by vaccines probably thought they would not have any adverse affects. I choose not to take the risk to see if me or my kids will be in that number.

    So you would rather you or yuor kid get polio? Or are you relying on the fact that I vaccinate MY children to protect your own?
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    Until they are 100% safe, and not one single person has an adverse reaction, or death due to a vaccine, I still won't trust them. Many of the people who have been injured or killed by vaccines probably thought they would not have any adverse affects. I choose not to take the risk to see if me or my kids will be in that number.

    I hope you're not eating eggs, drinking milk, eat soy, eating nuts, etc. either then, because none of those things are 100% safe either. Also, don't take any anti-biotics, aspirin, tylenol, advil, cough medicine. Stay away from tea too.

    Also, stay out of airports and hospitals. When your kid comes into contact with a person with measles, there won't be much you can do.

    LOL I'm never in airports or hospitals. Seeing as how I don't travel, nor does anyone in our family ever get sick enough to go to the doctor, let alone a hospital. We don't eat soy. We don't take anti biotics. Most of my eggs come from MY chickens, and its rare I drink milk. The only tea I consume is medicinal herbal tea either for a tonic or a remedy. We don't do cough medicine, but damn straight I'm going to take something if have a headache.

    Nothing is 100% safe, obviously, but surely common sense tells you (well, it does ME anyway), that some things are more dangerous than others. My job as a parent is to keep things that I feel are most dangerous away from my kids. Injecting a cocktail of chemicals *IMO* is worse than milk and eggs for breakfast.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member

    Until they are 100% safe, and not one single person has an adverse reaction, or death due to a vaccine, I still won't trust them. Many of the people who have been injured or killed by vaccines probably thought they would not have any adverse affects. I choose not to take the risk to see if me or my kids will be in that number.

    Millions of people have died with out the vaccines.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    So we sacrifice the few who DO have adverse side effects for the good of the many?

    I see how this works. Herd mentality and all.

    How ironic.

    I know! Haha. Goes both ways for sure.

    On either side somebody is being placed in direct risk.

    True, but there really isn't much "sacrifice". We know which groups of people will be negatively affected by vaccines. Those people are excluded from the requirement to take the vaccine. Is there a chance that someone who wasn't in that group will have some type of negative reaction? Of course. A person who ate fish yesterday may be severely allergic today. People's bodies and immune systems change. There is nothing that can be done to give 100% safety to 100% of the people.

    Seatbelts have caused deaths in some accidents. Does that mean that we should avoid them? No.

    Seatbelts, like vaccines, although they may have caused some harm in a deminimis number of cases, have saved millions of lives.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Geez people it's not like she is abusing her kids. She, along with thousands others, is making a choice for her children she feels is best.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    LOL I'm never in airports or hospitals. Seeing as how I don't travel, nor does anyone in our family ever get sick enough to go to the doctor, let alone a hospital.

    Good, the fewer people your kids are around, the better for everyone. I hope they never plan on leaving their little world because it can be fatal to other people.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member

    You're not being a "guinea pig" by getting vaccines that have been proven time and time again to be safe and effective. A "guinea pig" would be trying a new vaccine that was in the research stages. Millions of people get vaccinated every year without incident.

    Until they are 100% safe, and not one single person has an adverse reaction, or death due to a vaccine, I still won't trust them. Many of the people who have been injured or killed by vaccines probably thought they would not have any adverse affects. I choose not to take the risk to see if me or my kids will be in that number.

    I hope you're not eating eggs, drinking milk, eat soy, eating nuts, etc. either then, because none of those things are 100% safe either. Also, don't take any anti-biotics, aspirin, tylenol, advil, cough medicine. Stay away from tea too.

    Also, stay out of airports and hospitals. When your kid comes into contact with a person with measles, there won't be much you can do.

    LOL I'm never in airports or hospitals. Seeing as how I don't travel, nor does anyone in our family ever get sick enough to go to the doctor, let alone a hospital. We don't eat soy. We don't take anti biotics. Most of my eggs come from MY chickens, and its rare I drink milk. The only tea I consume is medicinal herbal tea either for a tonic or a remedy. We don't do cough medicine, but damn straight I'm going to take something if have a headache.

    Nothing is 100% safe, obviously, but surely common sense tells you (well, it does ME anyway), that some things are more dangerous than others. My job as a parent is to keep things that I feel are most dangerous away from my kids. Injecting a cocktail of chemicals *IMO* is worse than milk and eggs for breakfast.

    Your children never hurt themselves either? Never had a splinter, a cut, a scrap?
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Geez people it's not like she is abusing her kids. She, along with thousands others, is making a choice for her children she feels is best.

    Innocent infants have died and innocent pregnant women have had terrible late-term miscarriages because people don't vaccinate their kids. If you don't want to vaccinate your child, that's fine. Just keep them away from infants and pregnant women. You have a right to your own medical choices. You do not, however, have the right to cause fatal harm to others.
    10 infants were buried in Ca in '10 because of people like this woman.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I got sick from the shot this year, however, I have been getting a flu shot (mandatory when I was active duty Air Force) and this was the first time I felt ill afterwards. My Doctor said she noticed people over 40 getting a little ill this year. I am all for it even if I got sick this year, what I feel is nothing next to the full blown flu :)