What would you tell yourself in the beginning?



  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I'm pretty happy with my approach and my results. I think it worked well. I'd probably warn myself that MFP is completely addictive though! :D

  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Don't ever stop logging.

    Be patient. Don't let the fluctuations get the better of you!
  • Cheryl_66
    Cheryl_66 Posts: 68 Member
    Since 9/18 will mark one year for me logging, I've been think about this lately. Before I saw this post, I was just thinking of what I could have done differently or done better, or done faster and how much further along I SHOULD be...but seeing this post makes me think, screw that. What I should tell myself is "Cheryl, you are going to do a freaking awesome job" and for just this minute, I will believe it. And also tell myself to buy some new bras...
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    Focus more on weight training!

    This, I lost 80 pounds on diet and cardio alone, and now I"m going to spend years getting that muscle back that I could have just held on to... :sad:

    Yep! I lost 47 pounds, I hate the way I look.
  • trulycrazed
    trulycrazed Posts: 79 Member
    You're EVIL if you only eat 1200 cals... don't do it!

    Watch your protein and salt... not enough protein will make you tired and weak... but not enough salt, well, that will give you the shakes and heart palpitation. DON'T BE STUPID!

    Go a head and run. You can take it :-D

    Be firm when people try to sway you, but be nice! They aren't being the evil jerks you imagine them to be... calm down.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    "Stop the godd@mn binge drinking, you're just going to set yourself back and undo all your progress. You can't be a Fitness Pal if you're a drunk all the time. .... and you will order WAY too much pizza because you're lazy and hung over. So. Much. Pizza."

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    1. Buy a Fitbit ASAP. It will make all the mathy crap easier to understand.
    2. Don't bother asking for help. Dan, Eric, your doctor, et. al. don't care.
  • biglew909
    biglew909 Posts: 57 Member
    Stop reading MFP boards. LOL.

    There's some good advice sprinkled within tons of nonsense, noise and varying topics that may distract you from the basic MFP approach that works, which is watch what you eat (i.e. consume less) and move more. Yes, it is that simple. No need to over-complicate it.

    This...all day long.
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member


    I couldn't have stated it better. :drinker:
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    A bad day / week / holiday / birthday doesn't mean I have to take multiple months off. It seems like the weight comes flying back on a faster pace than it ever came off, and I just end up that much further behind.

    And speaking of behind, that cellulite back there hates squats. Do them. With weights. Dooooo them.
  • kickers19
    kickers19 Posts: 63 Member
    I would have told myself that I'm going to gain a pound or two sometimes, but that just means to see what I did to gain the weight and change it. Not get discouraged about it and want to binge.
  • Sheckypie
    If I could give myself a piece of my mind I would say this:

    -IT TAKES TIME SUPER GENIUS!!!!! don't expect to see results overnight
    -Eating better genuinely does make you feel better
    -try and eat close to 1200 calories in a day... (it's getting harder for me to eat that much now)
    -Deprivation will be your downward spiral
    -Don't worry or measure your success rate with the scale... scales can mislead you
    -Do NOT and i repeat DO NOT give up!!!!! you can do this any doubts are all in your head
    -Shaina, it doesn't matter what others reactions are about your weight loss this about you and you only....
  • ritasice21
    ritasice21 Posts: 200 Member
    Take pics for before shots, and measure your body.
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I would tell myself (and do tell myself!) that it is worth developing healthier habits even if you never reach a certain number. When you are 100 pounds overweight, it's depressing to think that, even after losing 50 pounds, you will still be 50 pounds overweight, and that makes it difficult to start. Now that I have lost 50 pounds (half pre-MFP), I realize that it will have been worth it even if I never lose another ounce, because I am so much healthier now than I was 50 pounds ago. In other words, eating right and exercising is a good decision, regardless of how fast the numbers on your scale do or don't change.
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    I would tell myself that it's not going to be easy and to create realistic goals and to NOT compare myself to others. I'm still trying to remind myself of this today, 7 months into this journey!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I would tell myself that it's not going to be easy and to create realistic goals and to NOT compare myself to others. I'm still trying to remind myself of this today, 7 months into this journey!

    You look fantastic!! *pokes abs* :D
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    That there is no magic diet or exercise.
    Changing habits to eat a bit less and move a bit more is the only thing that will work in the long term.

    Of course, I already knew this, but I wasn't ready to accept that I was going to have to change my habits for ever.
    Not by a lot though, and not all of them.
    I still eat chocolate and cake and drink beer and wine - I just do it less often and a less of them.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I just read this today: "There's a great paradox at the heart of life that's hard to accept, namely, that freedom lies in obedience, maturity lies in surrender, and joy lies in accepting duty and obligation." - Father Ron Rolheiser

    Though he's talking about spirituality, it applies to what I've discovered by living a healthy lifestyle.

    The one thing I would tell myself is that making healthy choices and following the rules will bring me a feeling of freedom, maturity and joy. When you're in the throws of food addiction, it seems impossible that giving up your pleasure seeking habits would actually bring a feeling of freedom, maturity and joy, but that's exactly what I've experienced.
  • MissShyloh
    fantastic responses guys!
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Really, truly, give up soda.

    Heh, I'm still telling myself this, but I continue to find myself falling off the wagon.