Question for you successful people

I need a plan for a "cheat day" (was thinking of keeping this once a week) and a "slipup meal" (for when it happens).

I am still a beginner but I know they are going to happen. Might as well set a cheat day so I stay on track most days looking forward to that day and have a plan for when I slip.

Thoughts? Ideas? What works well for you?


  • fabandfunat51
    fabandfunat51 Posts: 117 Member
    You'll hear lots of theories, but IMHO, put items into your daily menu plan that seem like cheats, but fit into your calories. That way, you never really have to have a cheat day or slip up meal. It is going to happen occasionally, but if you plan for it, it will kill your weight loss.

    Good luck!
  • steelnfl
    I plan on sticking to it every day. Once in awhile I will have a meal out that I didn't plan on but just get right back to it. You can't gain weight from 1 meal. You would have to down 3500 calories over and above your daily allotment to gain 1 pound!
  • empot
    empot Posts: 30 Member
    There are a lot of opinions on this, but here is what I have done. I didn't plan for slip ups or cheat days, but if I got invited out for dinner and wine with the girls, I went, ordered something I really wanted and then ate a reasonable portion and then had the waiter remove the rest. I enjoyed those moments and the food. I was careful not to binge eat though. Also, if I really really wanted ice cream, pizza or any other "bad' food, I had to go out of the house to get it and eat it. Only let healthy foods in your home, that way you really have to intentionally make a decision to get them, which helps make sure you only eat them when you really want them. Then log what you ate, and adjust for the rest of the day. One bad food does not turn into a bad day.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I don't plan cheat days at all. I almost always stick to my plan, but occasionally a day will come up where I just feel like cheating, and I do it. Or sometimes a day will come up where I am put in a position where it is really hard to make it, and I just don't. But these days are very few and far between, and never planned.
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    I have a snack day every saturday, and on that day I set my goal to maintaining instead of losing. I also don't care if I go over my calories by a few 100 that day, as I stay under every other day of the week. I usually buy one bag of crisps and perhaps a few sweets, and eat my other food as normal.

    It works really well for me, and I've been losing weight steadily. Unfortunately don't have any tips for "cheat meals", as I eat the meals I would normally eat anyway, but I'd think you could absolutely make room for a meal like that every once in a while. Look at your weekly calorie deficit, and see how much you're under, and how much extra you'd actually have to eat to ruin any progress :)
  • JustMagpie
    JustMagpie Posts: 31 Member
    My hubby thinks we should have cheat days. I really don't want to do that. As well as slip up meals. That happens very easily. Especially when you have a plan before hand - such as going out for dinner what your going to eat, the choice before hand. Then find out you fell off that thought process!

    My big change in how I eat is making sure I do eat, breaky, lunch dinner and snacks. I also attempt to make sure I eat alot more protien.

    You can make every meal something great. There are tons of recipes that might make you feel you do not have to slip up or have cheat days. I have found this helpful.

    On how to get back on track. Exercise that day more then others. And don't beat yourself up about it. It is just a single day!
  • ImpishScoundrel
    Don't set yourself up to be a defeatist. 6 days eating within your calorie goals and one "oops" day don't equal weight gain or a slip up. Live by the Imps' motto... "Lighten up, life's too serious to take seriously". Don't stress on the small stuff. Plan for the good things to come, not the little "oops" in your life.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    "Cheating" -- ACTUAL cheating -- can pretty much negate all your efforts.

    My first go-round with weight loss was Weight Watchers, which allowed you a set number of points (calories) per day, with 35 "extra" points and points for exercise that you could use at any time.

    The idea was you used your minimum points every day and if you wanted or needed a "cheat" day, you had those extra points to use. So in that case, you could indulge without setting yourself back. It would not be a bad idea to do something similar with your calories.
  • ambrwaves27
    My opinion for what it is worth. . . .

    I never planned a cheat day. If I ate something bad or went over my calorie intake I just chalked it up to satisfying a craving and moved on.

    For me it was easier to stay in a routine then to try and return to that routine after a day of splurge.
  • Susie_Q12
    you need to plan for success, not for cheating!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I don't plan cheat days but like another poster said if I went out with my family to a resturant and it was a place that was hard to stay under my calorie goal then I just decided to have a cheat day and not worry so much about it, but the next day I got right back on track. It is better to cheat only when you just have to, and yes you can gain weight from a cheat meal or cheat day. I am now maintaining but sometimes I will go under my goal weight and when that happens I have a cheat day or cheat meal to gain it back.
  • semperfit1823
    My opinion for what it is worth. . . .

    I never planned a cheat day. If I ate something bad or went over my calorie intake I just chalked it up to satisfying a craving and moved on.

    For me it was easier to stay in a routine then to try and return to that routine after a day of splurge.

    What she said if you have a craving satisfy it and move on and try to burn off any excess calories you do intake.

    "You do the crime you pay the time."
  • mmimmi1
    mmimmi1 Posts: 49 Member
    Don't plan cheat days... cuz then you will cheat for sure... even when we have girls night out at Chili's I still try mot to cheat ... have a light lunch, drink light beer, only eat a couple of fries or wings... we got pretzels last time...and I literally just had a bite of one without sauce ... just have a taste, don't binge. I have chocolate somedays the regular kind, but just a few bites and log it at about 100 to 150 calories. Have a donut in the morning and have salad for lunch. Plan a little cheat, not a whole day.
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    you need to plan for success, not for cheating!


    I don't cheat, it doesn't work for me. But then again, I eat anything I want in moderation.

    Best solution? Exercise more and give yourself the extra calories so you don't have to cheat or slip up.
  • mmimmi1
    mmimmi1 Posts: 49 Member
    Also, make the decision to only cheat on the days you exercise.
  • mebtai2
    I can say that I wouldnt plan on cheating but if your body has a craving you will have to eventually fulfill it. For example, I had been craving some banana pudding for the past month and finally had enough calories available to get some (I was working so hard I missed breakfast). So, I ordered a pint and indulged in the moment. Now that I have that craving out of the way I feel good. I was still under my calories by 100 overall because I had worked out that morning.

    What I try and do is workout 5-6 days a week. On 3-4 days out of the week I try my hardest to only eat my allotted calories even though I have earned more with the exercise. I may eat some of my workout calories on others but try to eat less than half if you do. So, when those craving days come and I eat my exercise calories, I dont think of it as a bad thing because everyday will not be perfect and everday you will not make your calorie goal. As long as over the course of the week my average net calorie intake is below where MFP has me set at I am happy. I have been at it for almost 4 months now and I am down 32 pounds.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    In my opinion, it's only cheating if you don't log it, or if you lie on your food/exercise diary. Anything else is simply being human, not cheating.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I think its mental. I used to do a day or a meal when I first started and for some reason that I cannot remember, I stopped. I traveled a lot this summer so Im sure that had something to do with it. Now that things have slowed down, I will do it again.

    For me, I will crave something (say a bbq potato or chinese food) then restrict myself. Sometimes I even try the Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine option to see if that covers the craving. Then when it doesnt, I plan what day Im going to eat the craving. I try to make the rest of the day perfect or at least not horrible.

    Something else to consider, on the phone app it lets you look at the week (over, under, right on par). I started watching the week closer. I still strive for the daily goal but if Im over one day, I dont freak bc it will average out over the week.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I don't plan a cheat day because I'm not "dieting" - I'm trying to be healthier in my food choices and activity level. If I lose weight as a byproduct then great but if not I'm happy to be who I am with what I have. My diary doesn't always look pretty (note the quick add of nearly 400 calories from 5 oreos last night) but I try to fill it out every day. Last weekend I didn't log anything Saturday or Sunday but I logged in to MFP and tried not to stray too far from the norm despite attending a cookout with more food than people.

    "Success" is defined differently by every one of us. You have to find your definition of success and strive for it. If that includes planning a "cheat day" then it's your choice.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    you need to plan for success, not for cheating!


    I don't cheat, it doesn't work for me. But then again, I eat anything I want in moderation.

    Best solution? Exercise more and give yourself the extra calories so you don't have to cheat or slip up.

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