What's the story behind your profile picture?



  • KipDrordy
    KipDrordy Posts: 169 Member
    From one of my favorite episodes of South Park.

    HAHAHA... "You have ZERO friends"

    Yep! They lampooned the Facebook craze to perfection.
  • Penelope2Plyr
    Penelope2Plyr Posts: 166 Member
    I had gone to a Downs Syndrome Christmas party with my grandson who was 15 at the time, and he wanted to take my pic, so I let him and thought he did a good job. Thus, I used his pic since I really don't have very many of myself looking at the camera.
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    <<I do believe it explains itself>>
  • Progman
    Progman Posts: 47 Member
    Taken by my wife outside the 'Fat Frog' cafe' in Keystone, South Dakota during our whirlwind summer vacation through the States last year.
    That's our daughter, Rachel in the background, enjoying an ice cream cone.

  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    The baby kitty I rescued! Love him!
  • frenchpixie
    frenchpixie Posts: 4 Member
    My daughter and I were chilling on the sofa and my husband took the picture.
  • ICanBackItUp
    Last weekend I was feeling really bad about myself for gaining 5 pounds. My friend Phil told me that I was still a hottie...and he called me a "black warrior princess". So...I was just being what he called me! :happy:
  • marinky88
    My new profile picture is what I used to look like right after high school (about 6 years ago) and what I would like to once again look like soon.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    I'm a rock climber. This is me on a 5.11a in the New River Gorge, West Virginia in May 2012.
  • SquidNebula
    SquidNebula Posts: 107 Member
    I took mine right before I ran my first 5k-- which was just a few days ago. (:
  • Punchabear
    New Years party at a friend's house. A game these friends do at parties is everyone puts on hats. (They have a ton because they make their own costumes and go to Renaissance Faires and that sort of thing often, so there's a lot of variety.)
    My winter coat went awesome with the top hat so my friend took a picture.
  • mommasox
    mommasox Posts: 97 Member
    Being bored at work.
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    A picture of me from my recent vacation in Menorca.

    I'm actually a really unphotogenic person, but that's one of the few pictures of me that I actually like.
  • K_Smith86
    It's a picture of my dad and I taken last month on a camping trip we took. Every year, we go to this campground in Oregon that I grew up going to since I was about 2. His parents took him there when he was a kid, so it's a family tradition for over 50 years. My dad was / is one of my inspirations to getting into healthier shape. (I say was because my dad just recently passed away from lung cancer). It's my favorite picture of him and I, and helps keep me motivated. He had so much faith in me, so when I start to lose faith in myself, I just look at that picture and am reminded that I can do this.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Mine is my newest tattoo (a year old now). It is a Sailor Jerry design. I wanted an old school pin up girl, and I LOVE pirates.
    Her name is Scarlett and I tell everyone she is my alter ego.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    Mine is the adoring look I gave my husband (whom took the photo) when taken out for a romantic tapas dinner.
    that is sweet....
  • FrostyBev
    FrostyBev Posts: 119 Member
    My hubby took this pic of me while we were hiking in Zion NP. I'm sitting at the Upper Emerald Pool at the top of that trail. It was quite a serene spot, and seeing this pic really takes me back there. I swiped a copy off his FB.

    I was just at Upper Emerald Pool in Zion this last weekend. It is a special serene place.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    It was taken at an event I was really looking forward to and was my first real chance to go out and have fun after losing 43 pounds.
  • robertthesnail
    I really like in n out burger!
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    mine was taken during a game of Beirut at a party before my weight loss and its the only photo of me that I didn't hate at the time...just haven't gotten around to updating it since then