Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • ange_mechant
    So I just finished level 1, day 8, and it was crazy, as usual. I'm still finding that I'm sweating more and it's harder to catch my breath over the last 2 workouts. Not sure if my body's crazy or I'm trying harder or the 3 days away screwed me up more than I thought, but I'm surviving I suppose. Anyway, after I finish day 10 I will be taking measurements again and putting some progress pics on my profile (yes, I have before pics and if anyone wants to look, beware--I'm in a bra and panties and it ain't pretty). So far I've only lost about 1 pound since I started the shred, which pisses me off considering I'm doing 30-60 minutes of cardio at the gym 5x a week as well, but I'm losing mass I guess. I started in *loose* size 16s and I'm now in *tight* size 12s. The 12s get a little bit looser everyday, so yay for that! Yeah, so, level 2 is fast approaching and I'm getting more and more scared. Good job to all you guys who are on level 2 and 3--I'm so proud of you--and good job to the newbies still on level 1--it will get easier before the 10 days is up (no promises after that though). :wink:
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Are you supposed to do it every day? Surely your muscles need to recover?

    Also, can it be done in a relatively small space? Thanks!

    Yes, it can be done in a relatively small space. I've only done l1 so far (l1d10 is tonight), and I sometimes do it in my bedroom. I have JUST enough room for the jumping jacks in the space between my bed and my closet. It's a really small bedroom. It is definitely do-able.
  • RandysHottie
    Well, I am in L2D3 - I dread those damn PLANKS!!!! But, I know they are working. Does anyone else find themselves drinking water during the workout? I know Jillian says not to take the time to grab a drink, but I can't seem to not drink any water. II have started to go a little bit mroe time w/o grabbing for the water bottle.....

    I have taken some days off here and there, but I am also supplementing my Elliptical workout with the shred - mainly if I feel I need to burn more calories. I also find it as a great stress reliever.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :happy: Level1 Day 7 (2nd time) done! Pushups were ALMOST easy today!:laugh:

    Off to work. Have a good day, everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • bbblue92
    bbblue92 Posts: 108 Member
    I take it from the posts that Jillian's 30 day shred is pretty good? New here and would love to have more friends to keep me motivated . . . and to share ideas with. I work out 5 times a week at work (we have a gym downstairs and it's empty at lunch except for me!) but I'd love to have something to do with my teenage daughter at night, once the little one is in bed so that I can share the experience with her as well. I'll be getting an extra workout and my dauther would benefit from it as well! Sounds like I may have to go out and purchase this DVD!? Would love to have more friends so if you are down, let me know!
  • BeccyBerry
    I brought this dvd at the weekend and hoping to start it tommorrow if it arrives =D

    I've heard really good things about it so im excited but a little scared lol
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks missyjane!! I'll be bounding around in my 3ft space tonight then! Ha!!

    What size weights do you use?
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I am going to start the shred today. :) I'm excited about this L1 Day 1. I'll need all the motivation i can get.
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks missyjane!! I'll be bounding around in my 3ft space tonight then! Ha!!

    What size weights do you use?

    You are very welcome! I am using 3 pound weights but am about to go higher on some of the exercises. I'm not quite ready to go to 5 lb. on everything though...
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    YEAH!!!!!!! I finally started D1L1 and let me tell you I LOVE IT!!!!!
    It's tough but, definitely doable, my legs are still burning from the squats & lounges. I did stop maybe 20 secs out of the whole 27 mins. Which burnt 258 calories so, in case if you want to estimate the calorie burn there you have it. I stopped 20 secs out of the whole DVD, I'm sure you will burn more if you push it hard!!

    Ok, I have a change of plans: I see a lot of you are doing each level for 10 Days and think I'm going to do that as well. My rest Day is normally on Sunday but, I guess no rest day for 1 month isn't going to hurt right? If it gets to easy I will do each level for 7 days. I will advance when I'm doing all of the advance moves & not stopping.
    I have bad knees as well & the squat and lunges were killers for me but, I pushed through them! I rode the bike foe 13mins which really kicked my tail! Needless to say I had a great workout today & feel beat! :happy:

    Welcome to all the beginners who are starting with me!!! Let's get it Ladies!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    YEAH!!!!!!! I finally started D1L1 and let me tell you I LOVE IT!!!!!
    It's tough but, definitely doable, my legs are still burning from the squats & lounges. I did stop maybe 20 secs out of the whole 27 mins. Which burnt 258 calories so, in case if you want to estimate the calorie burn there you have it. I stopped 20 secs out of the whole DVD, I'm sure you will burn more if you push it hard!!

    Ok, I have a change of plans: I see a lot of you are doing each level for 10 Days and think I'm going to do that as well. My rest Day is normally on Sunday but, I guess no rest day for 1 month isn't going to hurt right? If it gets to easy I will do each level for 7 days. I will advance when I'm doing all of the advance moves & not stopping.
    I have bad knees as well & the squat and lunges were killers for me but, I pushed through them! I rode the bike foe 13mins which really kicked my tail! Needless to say I had a great workout today & feel beat! :happy:

    Welcome to all the beginners who are starting with me!!! Let's get it Ladies!!! :flowerforyou:

    Good for you! Welcome to the club :happy:
    I have bad knees, too. The lunges are kind of rough on that back leg, but for squats (and the front leg of lungest), if you make sure your knee stays behind your toes, and that you put the weight on your heel (as opposed to your toes), it helps a lot.

    Keep up the good work! It will definitely pay off!
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Hey Guys! Welcome all the newbies! This is a wonderful program and the ladies here are so supportive!

    I took yesterday off - even though I did the Shred on Saturday, the "diet" went out the window too - for the most part. Oh well, had to be done!

    Anyway, got up at 5am again this morning and did Level 3 - Day 4. I think I'm on Day 23 or 24, I lost count! Let me tell you - it kicked my behind worse than day the first day of Level 3! Guess half a bottle of wine the night before really takes it out of you! :frown:

    But, I did manage to do it and was trying to follow Natalie for most - but those rock star jumps are brutal! And I now have rug burn on my elbows from doing those plank thingys - and it's totally not fair because it was no fun getting the rug burn! :huh:

    Take care ladies!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    14 lbs! Holy cow! Great job!!!
    I've lost 6 since Jan 2nd. Are you doing a special diet too?

    Hello everyone,

    mschelle - Congratulations on your 6 pound weight loss! You should be very, very proud of yourself.

    You asked if I am doing a special diet. Well I'm going to tell you what I am doing and it is mind-blowing how the weight is seriously dropping off of me.

    I personally don't believe in diets. I do believe in life style changes however.

    As far as exercising goes, I get up early every single morning (yes every morning) and when I'm awake enough I go and pop the Shred dvd in and give it my best shot.

    At lunch time or after work, I either power walk outside or on a treadmill for half an hour.

    As far as diet goes, I think I have FINALLY smartened up. I log all of my food for the day (except supper) and make sure that I know ahead of time exactly what I can eat in order to stay within my calorie goals on mfp. I pack my lunch and 2 snacks to take to work, this is all that I will have until I return home again. I have NOT let myself stray from what is logged. I have not had any junk food at all and I truly feel that I have kicked my sugar and carb addictions. The cravings are completely gone.

    At supper time, it's a fresh green salad full of fresh produce and I have 4 oz of lean, healthy protein and 1 cup of fat free skim milk. I have a food scale and everything gets weighed (except veggies, I eat as much as I want of them). I make sure that I am only eating a single serving. I don't "eyeball" anything. Because I weigh everything, I found out to my shock and horror that what I had previously thought was an appropriate amount of spaghetti was actually a triple serving. I now measure a single serving and I was quite surprised that I felt comfortably full. A single serving is quite appropriate. I do not have dessert.

    I do up the supper dishes and tidy up the kitchen after supper. When I'm done, I switch off the light as I leave the kitchen. The kitchen is now CLOSED for the night.

    I've been doing this faithfully everyday since January 2nd.

    This proves to me that it's not about starving yourself and going crazy with mega workouts.

    It's about balance.

    It's about eating to live, not living to eat.

    I know that what I'm doing I can easily sustain for life. Simply eating appropriately and getting a minimum of a half hour walk a day and incorporating some strength training in my week is realistic for long term health goals.

    Oh, I also try very hard to drink enough water every day too.

    I hope this helps you and I hope this helps anyone who reads this.

    We all deserve to live our best life and we can, it is attainable.

    This is a dream that can come true for anyone.

    I wish everyone great success in making the right choices.

  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    No shred for me today. I had some major issues to resolve with my niece. She lives with me and is very rebellious. So it was like a war zone around here today. But there is light at the end of the tunnel and I wake tomorrow to see it. I will have to work harder tomorrow but I can't wait to do my shred tomorrow. I hope all of you did great today and I'll chat tomorrow. Good night!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I am following this thread and am a big believer of the Shred. I proudly completed level 1, day 5 today. I'm not so sore now (mostly getting up from a sitting position I notice it) but sure do Sweat my butt off while doing it. I count the minutes til I'm done and pray for ab work LOL. I'm using 5 lbs weights now for all the excerises except the arm raises where you lunge to the side. Day 3 and 4 I noticed sore knees but really watched my technique and sort of pushed my butt out more on the exercise which kept my knee from going forward. Today was super, no ouchies at all :) I have lost 2-3 pounds already (also eating well too) and took my measurements last thursday on day one. So i will repeat measurements this week and see. I believe i see some new firmness in my core, arms and i may, just maybe see what looks like the remants of my old abs peeking through at the top. No 2 pack or anything but a great start. I am a classic pear, so its going to be a long road to get my butt/thighs in shape but i really feel like i'm making progress!!

    What is a plank move? I'm scared now! LOL

    I am a newbie on here, but have previously lost 23 pounds on WW. I decided in Dec to try something new and found my way here last week after not journalling wasn't working for me or the scale. I am still at a total 25 down from my highest and really think this shred is going to get me on my way to my goal~~~
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    What is a plank move? I'm scared now! LOL

    Hi Supermel,

    A plank move is supporting your entire body on your hands and balls of your feet. You keep you body hovering above in a straight, horizontal line. You will feel your abs like never before.

    Brace yourself, Jillian does a lot of the plank moves in level 2.
  • Abrahams_Mom
    You should also try her No More Trouble Zones DVD - great for lower half work-outs. I feel like my rear end and thighs are pretty big for my size (I'm only 5' tall and weigh about 107 pounds - which I swear is all in my butt and legs!)... that video really got me in shape! I use all three of her videos - she has a cardio video too that is TORTURE!

    Good Luck and keep at it!!

  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    What is a plank move? I'm scared now! LOL

    Hi Supermel,

    A plank move is supporting your entire body on your hands and balls of your feet. You keep you body hovering above in a straight, horizontal line. You will feel your abs like never before.

    Brace yourself, Jillian does a lot of the plank moves in level 2.

    Uhoh, sounds nasty! Hopefully i'lll have built my way up :) Thanks for replying.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    You should also try her No More Trouble Zones DVD - great for lower half work-outs. I feel like my rear end and thighs are pretty big for my size (I'm only 5' tall and weigh about 107 pounds - which I swear is all in my butt and legs!)... that video really got me in shape! I use all three of her videos - she has a cardio video too that is TORTURE!

    Good Luck and keep at it!!


    Thanks Johnna :) I bought the Jilian Micheals 3pack from costco with the no more trouble zones and the burnfat/metablolism dvd;s. I think once i'm done the 30 day shred, I will try her slim down routine that is pinned somewhere on this site that uses all 3 video's in rotation :) I'm scared to stop doing the shred right now, cause i want to know what my end weight/inch loss will be just from this program. Oh and if i stop I may not restart LOL. The 40 minute video's also scared me a bit as I feel I am rather a beginner at this tougher workout stuff. I know i will be able to do it though if i stick with it!
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    I did Level 1, Day 7 today. This is the first time in my life I don't have to force myself to exercise. During the workout, I keep telling Jillian how evil she is. But afterward, I love her for it. : )