What do you do for a living? Do you like it?



  • I'm a project manager for a communications engineering company. And yes, i love what i do.
  • PatWasHere
    On second thought, rather not say. :noway:
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    payroll specialist at a psychological and rehab hospital....actually love it :smile:
  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    I'm an IT Analyst/Project Manager for an insurance company. I LOVE my job because it's not desktop/desk side support. Boy was that NOT fun.
  • ednjenn
    ednjenn Posts: 40 Member
    Cop- Love it. Have had some bad days but haven't "worked" a single day in 15 years.
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    Corporate TV Director. Lots of creative possiblitlies, but after 28 years, I profer travelling and selling my photography.
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    I'm an Accountant. Love it most days.

    Previously a Financial Analyst, hated it everyday.
  • Buettner22
    Buettner22 Posts: 130 Member
    Im a HR Spec for the Air Force. Its ok I really miss being physically active all day. Im currently going back to school to get me biology degree so I can work for the forestry dept.studying threatened and endangered animals!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I am a manager in a loan store. I don't mind it I guess but the pay sucks horribly. And I'm not a fan of the crappy hours.

    Before this I was a SAHM for 13 years, the last 3 doing home daycare as well. So this is my first out of the house job. My dream job is to be a lactation consultant.
  • Aviation21
    Aviation21 Posts: 154 Member
    I am a Senior Manager of a technical call center and I am a big believer it’s all about the right people on the bus! Surround yourself with the best team members you can and focus on helping them do their job (best practices)!

    I like my job, I really like coaching and would always be interested in a new challenge! I like to fix things, make things more efficient, and keep it simple!
  • etajr
    etajr Posts: 49
    :wink: Seeing that you asked. I am a pump technician that specializes on working on them while they are still on......
  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member
    I'm an executive assistant. It pays the bills. Mostly.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    I am a victim adovcate at a police department. There are good days and bad, always something new and bizarre.
  • Maris165
    Maris165 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm a customer service and rental assistant at a manufacture rep for sanitary process piping equipment. It has me sitting 90% of the day and I don't get to utilize my people skills like I want to.....so I'm thinking of going back to school and getting a degree, just not sure where I want to go! It pays the bills and is flexible around my childrens schedules, but I know I am capable of so much more!
  • danam82
    I work for a state government agency as a fiancial analyst. I handle the registration of investment advisors for my state. It's not terribly exciting, but I enjoy it. I'm serving the citizens of my state and that feels good.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    work for starbucks, and i for the most part love it
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    master control and studio op. for a television station.. it ok, but i dont love..
  • amore78
    amore78 Posts: 175
    :smile: My job is a full time MOMMY!! and I love it, I just have two years that I dont work,but I also Im a teacher,Chef,Doctor,Coach, Nutritionist,psychologist,wife,mom,housekeeper lol,well I have to many work to do in my house,but its fine!!! But I don't get paid,my payment is going to do when my children are adults,and remember all the moments that they need me, day or night!!!:smooched:
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I process governmental payroll and assist a CPA in governmental accounting.

    Most days I love it.... other days it gives me a strong urge to blow some **** up.
  • mamakira
    Before kids: I was a lawyer, it was OK.
    After 4 kids: first full time "mummy, cook, nurse, psychologist, taxi driver" AND now chiropodist. And yes, I like it very much.:smile: