What exercise are you doing that burns the most calories?



  • derainey1
    derainey1 Posts: 2 Member
    Cindy, I am getting to be the same way, so I find myself doing the same things daily to reach the higher amount I use to get in less time. It took me a while to notice, but then I saw that I wa sat the gym for longer....and longer....and longer and I finally put two and two together. I don't know if I should be happy or jealous, LOL!
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Swimming is GREAT. Pretty much something you can do that is either FUN, or that you can be distracted from. Watching a movie while at a slow jog (faster than walking, but long term sustainable) will burn a TON of calories. DO NOT TRY ON THE ROAD. Only on a treadmill :) I watched avatar and burned 1800 calories.
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    spin class and cycling. 1045 cal in my 1 hour spin class today.
  • rwhawkes
    rwhawkes Posts: 117 Member
    Right now it's either elliptical or cycling on the road that, for my size, and according to this site, burns ridiculous amounts of calories.

    Once I lose a bunch of weight, it's going to be running as long as this old bod can stay healthy.
  • I can burn 450 cals in an hour long step class, which I think this is a lot for someone who is small! (5ft and 100lbs). My husband will burn 500+ in a 45 min Spinning Class.
  • i personally can burn right at 400 in just over 20 minutes running, but i can also do under 7 minute miles now, 3 miles at 7 each burned 399 for me, it's all about intensity, the excercise doesn't matter nearly as much as going all out on whatever it is, running, kickboxing, stair stepper, ect.... most everything like that burns high amounts when high amounts of energy is put into it :wink:
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    First, use a heart rate monitor with a chest strap so you get the most accurage calorie burn.

    I start by doing the elliptical, usually for 15 minutes to get my heart rate up. I usually set a goal of burning 200 calories doing that before I move on to weightlifting. My heart rate is up the entire time I am strength training, therefore burning more calories. You also burn more calories after lifting weights throughout the day.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Running is the only workout I have found that I absolutely LOVE.
  • amycb03
    amycb03 Posts: 68 Member
    Boxing! Hitting the heavy bags for an hour....nearly 1,000 calories...it's tough stuff!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member

    Once I got my bodmedia fit monitor I found I was burning less than half of what the machine was telling me, even when I was going hard for 30 minutes at level 7 and alternating forward and backward pedalling, dripping in sweat. I wasnt making much progress on the scale, and was eating back my exercise calories. Now, I dont eat back, I avoid the eliptical an try to run instead for my cardio and have broken my plateau :)

    sad, cuz I loved the elliptical. im trying really hard to learn to love to run instead :)
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    pushups a 100 everyday burns 100 cals I do 4 sets. I also do 50 squats and 100 crunches then 200 of the abdominal twist . :smile:

    You do 400 pushups a day? :huh:

  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Swimming laps
  • CyclngChick
    CyclngChick Posts: 57 Member
    Cycling! I burned 800 calories for 2 hours of mountain biking last weekend!
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Basketball - full court game. Can sometimes play for up to 2-3 hours in a single afternoon/evening and burn some ridiculous amounts with all the running/sprinting not to mention all the jumping, haha.
  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    At the gym this morning I burned 725 calories in an hour on the elliptical.
  • It depends on what you like to do, if you get on the treadmill on the highest set and a slow pace burns more then running and is less stress on the body.
  • Which one do you use? I looked at them on Amazon and was overwhelmed. I just want calories and heart rate, and something I can wear all day.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Once I got my bodmedia fit monitor I found I was burning less than half of what the machine was telling me, even when I was going hard for 30 minutes at level 7 and alternating forward and backward pedalling, dripping in sweat. I wasnt making much progress on the scale, and was eating back my exercise calories. Now, I dont eat back, I avoid the eliptical an try to run instead for my cardio and have broken my plateau :)

    BMF is sadly inaccurate outside daily activities and walking or slow jogging. It has no idea based on elliptical movements what you are burning.
    Very under-inflated for true exercise.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Which one do you use? I looked at them on Amazon and was overwhelmed. I just want calories and heart rate, and something I can wear all day.

    Those 2 desires won't go together, unless you buy a Garmin with Firstbeat algorithms.

    Otherwise HRM's are only for steady-state aerobic exercise over about 90 bpm up to about 150-170 depending on your fitness level, but highly inaccurate for daily activities and HIIT or weight lifting.

    Info from Polar funded study linked on this site - http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm

    For the devices you wear all day, they are decent at estimating daily activity, but beyond walking and slow jogging level, are very under-reporting of calories for more intense exercise.


    Sensewear makes the BodyMedia and Bodybugg units. Study pointed out when Sensewear provided specific algorithms to be used on the different exercises, much better estimate.
    But do you get to tell the BMF site what your exercise was? No, they still use the general formula's.

    the SenseWear Pro Armband significantly underestimated total energy expenditure by 14.9 +/- 17.5 kcal (6.9 +/- 8.5%) during walking exercise, 32.4 +/- 18.8 kcal (28.9 +/- 13.5%) during cycle ergometry, 28.2 +/- 20.3 kcal (17.7 +/- 11.8%) during stepping exercise, and overestimated total energy expenditure by 21.7 +/- 8.7 kcal (29.3 +/- 13.8%) during arm ergometer exercise (P < or = 0.001).
  • Zumba and running.