Why Almond Milk?



  • DocCollins_SFA
    Well, I for one am lactose and soy intolerant so almond milk is my favorite alternative. Cow's milk really isn't the best for human consumption anyway.
  • LaurenLite
    Because cow's milk is nasty. Humans are the only species that drinks milk from another species!. Almond milk goes awesome in protein shakes or with anything else that would call for milk.

    Only because other animals generally don't have the choice! Put a bowl of milk in front of a cat and see if that statement sticks. :wink:

    Well, I've never reall had a cat! My dog loves them though! Loves chasing, pouncing, etc... I guess maybe I should have said that Humans are the only species that is dependent upon milk from another species for nutrition. Cats, think not.

    I think what she meant was humans are the only species that drink milk from other animals after being weened. Our bodies are not meant to process that, we miss out on a lot of the nutrients (this has been shown in many studies- just google it). With plant-based milks, our bodies absorb much more of the nutrients. While cats DO drink milk if offered, as adults it's terrible for them (animals will also drink soda, beer, and basically anything you put in front of them... but they are also known to eat their own poop and birds/mice... ) The point is, our bodies (human bodies) are not equipped to properly digest it.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Yes!!!! Thank you!!!

    Other animals do not suckle at the teats of other animals do they!:smooched:

  • CocaDragonfly
    CocaDragonfly Posts: 3 Member
    Because cow's milk is nasty. Humans are the only species that drinks milk from another species!. Almond milk goes awesome in protein shakes or with anything else that would call for milk.

    Only because other animals generally don't have the choice! Put a bowl of milk in front of a cat and see if that statement sticks. :wink:

    Actually, cats shouldn't have cow's milk just because they like it. They can't properly digest it, look it up. My cat won't drink it, but then again, she's smart. ;]
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    Low in calories :)
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    I drink skim cow's milk personally but was considering Almond milk due to the numerous posts about the nutritiousness of it vs. reg milk. I also considered soy milk but found out that most soy milk contains excessive amounts of estrogen which causes women especially to be unable to lose weight easily. I think I will try almond milk but alternate b/w the two so I keep the protein from cow's milk.
  • redkitty615
    redkitty615 Posts: 24 Member
    As long as you stick with the unsweetened variety - it's low calorie, cholesterol free, and has 50% more calcium. And I personally like the flavor more than milk (especially when i mix it with the yoo hoo drink packets for only 5 cal).......:smile:
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Almond Milk is a popular subsitute for cow's milk. It packs a lot of Nutritional Value and, unlike Cow's milk, is safe for those who are lactose intolerant or have gluten and casein allergies :) Below is a statement I found from fitday.com. Hope this helps!

    Almond Milk and Cow's Milk Compared

    Compared to cow's milk, almond milk is the much healthier choice. Almond milk contains a wide variety of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function. Almond milk also contains high levels of antioxidants, so it can help prevent many types of cancer and slow the signs of aging. Almond milk is also great for those who can't drink cow's milk due to lactose intolerance, or a casein or gluten allergy; however, those with tree nut allergies should avoid almond milk because it could elicit a dangerous allergic reaction.

    Whole cow's milk contains a lot more calories and fat than almond milk, making almond milk the better choice for those on a diet. Cow's milk also contains saturated fat and cholesterol; almond milk is free of both saturated fat and cholesterol, making it a healthier choice, especially for those with heart problems.

    While cow's milk contains high levels of calcium, and is fortified with vitamins A and D to help you meet your daily requirements of these vitamins, almond milk contains high levels of a wide range of necessary vitamins and therefore has a higher nutritional value than cow's milk. The only thing that cow's milk has more of than almond milk is protein; cow's milk has eight grams of protein per serving while almond milk has only one gram per serving.
    I don't think comparing almond milk to "whole cow's milk" is a fair comparison when it comes to fat and cholesterol. Surely nonfat milk should be used in the comparison.

    (And as someone already pointed out, gluten isn't found in cow's milk anyway! It's found in wheat!)
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Because pecan milk blows
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    Cow's milk gives me stomach aches, and the phytoestrogens in soy milk give me migraines, Almond milk tastes good and it agrees with me. So does rice milk.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    Almond Milk is a popular subsitute for cow's milk. It packs a lot of Nutritional Value and, unlike Cow's milk, is safe for those who are lactose intolerant or have gluten and casein allergies :) Below is a statement I found from fitday.com. Hope this helps!

    Almond Milk and Cow's Milk Compared

    Compared to cow's milk, almond milk is the much healthier choice. Almond milk contains a wide variety of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function. Almond milk also contains high levels of antioxidants, so it can help prevent many types of cancer and slow the signs of aging. Almond milk is also great for those who can't drink cow's milk due to lactose intolerance, or a casein or gluten allergy; however, those with tree nut allergies should avoid almond milk because it could elicit a dangerous allergic reaction.

    Whole cow's milk contains a lot more calories and fat than almond milk, making almond milk the better choice for those on a diet. Cow's milk also contains saturated fat and cholesterol; almond milk is free of both saturated fat and cholesterol, making it a healthier choice, especially for those with heart problems.

    While cow's milk contains high levels of calcium, and is fortified with vitamins A and D to help you meet your daily requirements of these vitamins, almond milk contains high levels of a wide range of necessary vitamins and therefore has a higher nutritional value than cow's milk. The only thing that cow's milk has more of than almond milk is protein; cow's milk has eight grams of protein per serving while almond milk has only one gram per serving.
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    Its low calorie, doesn't taste weird in my cereal unlike soy, I am dairy and soy intolerant so its better for my body.
  • Kairunz
    Dairy is acidic/mucus forming food. I was making my own almond milk and quite enjoying it then switched back to cows milk and noticed a rather large difference in how I was feeling. I am going to try oat milk next. If you make your own nut milk (which I suggest you do) make sure you use the pulp in breads/crackers/pancakes etc. Its lots of fun and quite theraputic to make you own.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    ^ this. I am spose to watch my cholesterol and saturated fats.
  • Good question i was thinking the same thing but was afraid to ask!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Drinking breast milk from another animal is just sick and wrong.

    Plus, cow's milk tastes disgusting and almond milk is delicious in everything. :)
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    It tastes good. I don't like the taste or texture of milk. I'm lactose intolerant. It is low cal. It mixes well with protein powder. It's fortified with calcium and other minerals.

    I switched from soy to almond because of the hormonal side effects from soy. My family pediatrician had seen several cases of unusually enlarged breast tissue in some of his male patients who consumed soy regularly and it caused my infant daughter to have the same symptoms. The tissue went back to normal size after eliminating soy.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    Because cow's milk is nasty. Humans are the only species that drinks milk from another species!. Almond milk goes awesome in protein shakes or with anything else that would call for milk.

    Only because other animals generally don't have the choice! Put a bowl of milk in front of a cat and see if that statement sticks. :wink:

    Well, I've never reall had a cat! My dog loves them though! Loves chasing, pouncing, etc... I guess maybe I should have said that Humans are the only species that is dependent upon milk from another species for nutrition. Cats, think not.

    I think what she meant was humans are the only species that drink milk from other animals after being weened. Our bodies are not meant to process that, we miss out on a lot of the nutrients (this has been shown in many studies- just google it). With plant-based milks, our bodies absorb much more of the nutrients. While cats DO drink milk if offered, as adults it's terrible for them (animals will also drink soda, beer, and basically anything you put in front of them... but they are also known to eat their own poop and birds/mice... ) The point is, our bodies (human bodies) are not equipped to properly digest it.
    My cats do not drink soda, beer or anything I put in front of them actually...
    My dog didn't either.
    One of my cats will try and drink out of my cup if I happen to leave half a cup of tea on the table and drank water from my glass that I took to bed and had on my bedside table before I could get to it myself.
    They also like a little drop of milk here and there. It really is an occasional bit of milk though, maybe once every couple of months, because too much can give cats a runny tummy.
    My dog never suffered at all when she had a bit of milk or even a bit of a cup of tea. She wouldn't drink coffee though.

    I really do think this anti dairy stance is a bit peculiar. It seems to be quite a new fad, unless you are dairy intolerant I cannot understand why people despise it so.
    It is (if you go for skimmed or semi skimmed) an excellent source of vitamins and calcium. I know lots of veg are high in calcium but you have to eat a huge amount of veg to get the same calcium that is in a glass of milk.
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    Because cow's milk is nasty. Humans are the only species that drinks milk from another species!. Almond milk goes awesome in protein shakes or with anything else that would call for milk.

    Not exactly true - other animals will nurse from a different species if they are left motherless....

    I drink almond milk because it's less calories than regular milk. I used to drink soy milk for that reason but now it's something I try to avoid since such a large number of soy crops are GMO.
  • Khymera
    It has more calcium, less calories and just a tad less fat than regular milk

    And the fat almond milk does have is the healthy kind. :drinker: