Who has successfully stopped biting their nails?



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I carried a nail clippers in my pocket for three months or so. Any time I got a snag or noticed a nail was uneven, etc., I would clip.every nail. So they were short all the time, but they were even and no bleeding around it.
  • mbrou28
    mbrou28 Posts: 132 Member
    I can't remember when I started biting my nails, I was very young, probably about 5 years old. But I stopped about ten years ago when I got to college. I don't know why I stopped, I think I was just tired of them hurting me - I would bite them down to the quick and they would often bleed. I picked up the habit again after I started a full time job and my boss commented one day that he had them same bad habit. I told him that I had stopped once before and I could quit bitting them agian if I wanted. He said that I couldn't, that it was impossible - I showed him!! I quit bitting them again immediately and haven't looked back since!
  • megfoulk91
    megfoulk91 Posts: 3 Member
    I did! Back when I still bit them I found that if I painted them I had no urge to bite them because they looked nice, which allowed them to grow out, but as soon as it chipped off I went right back to biting them. Recently I noticed that my nails were growing (without being painted) and I just haven't had the urge to bit them ever since. I don't really know what happened, but I'm sure glad it did!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member

    I stopped when I started going to school online about 10 years ago. And after having fiberglass nails paid for by my aunt when I first started working. haha. My nails were SO bad, they'd split right down the middle and several of my nails needed fiberglass/acrylic "extensions" to look like the rest of my nails. The taste was horrible. Get that - with a French mani and you'll never want to bite them off due to taste and how they look. Because of this, I have a tendancy to get French manis than a plain mani. haha
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I allow myself only one nail to bite and pick at and then leave the rest alone. I try to keep them short and all the same length so I don't feel tempted.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I've bit them my whole life, not gonna stop anytime soon; I also smoke and eat a million sunflower seeds a day.

    Still right, but dumped the sunflower seeds.
  • Kari089
    Kari089 Posts: 109 Member
    I treat the anxiety..what triggers you to bite them?

    I have long periods where I don't bite and when I do I notice it's because I'm in a very anxious situation. I stopped drinking coffee as this used to aggravate it. Think of ways to calm yourself. I have bit them to the quick, sometimes leaving them so raw they felt like they were on fire. I haven't bitten them in months now. I've had less and less episodes this last year. Maybe happened 3-4 times total. Which is amazing for me!
    Also when I feel like I am about to bite them I go get the clippers and I clip them..once there is nothing to bite off I seem to relax. I also put nail polish on them. Somehow that keeps me from biting them.
  • I used to bite my nails when I was bored; watching TV, in a meeting, etc. I spent two months making wine charms while I was watching TV and that cured me (going on 4 years without biting). I did not make a conscious effort to stop biting, but since my hands were busy, I couldn't bite my nails. If I feel the urge to bite while watching TV, I work on some craft project to keep my hands busy. I also keep a nail file with me at all times to smooth rough edges, as I find that's what makes me want to bite them.
    Good luck!
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I am just like you. I cannot stop for the life of me.

    I have grown out my nails for things like my prom, and what not. But my nails are so messed up they look all flimsy when I grow them out.

    Plus, I bite my nails if I'm stressed or bored. I work a stressful job and also drive a long way to it. So if I'm just sitting in traffic, its likely I am biting my nails without even thinking about it.

    I have come to the realization I won't ever stop biting. I've done it since I was 3, and its not going to stop now. Even as a child my parents tried everything under the sun to stop me from biting them, and nothing ever worked.
  • While it's not as bad as when I was growing up, I do still "groom" my nails and, ashamed to say, bite the skin around my nails. Years ago when I went for fingerprints to begin a massage therapy business, the examiner questioned lines on one of my fingers. It was scarring from years of nibbling.
  • As soon as I started to drink a ton of water my nails started to grow like crazy and that made me not want to bite them anymore. I still bite my pinky when I'm stressed but not nearly as bad as I used to. I used to bite until they bled, peeled the skin around them, you know all that disgusting stuff.