What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Enough is Enough when I filled the prescription for high blood pressure medication for 60 some odd dollars :mad: .... I thought this is stupid... I deal with health insurance at work... I know where this is going... I'm going to be paying out the ying yang for this extra weight if I don't get it off.... 17 months later and 139.5 pounds lighter... I still have 40 to go... but I'm a lot closer to it now than I was a year and half ago!!!


    Just get started and KEEP GOING!!!!!

    I hear that!! I'm off my BP meds now! woo hooo!!! Just got taken off last week! I still have more weight to go so I'm not going to stop just because i'm off the BP meds. That was just one of my many small goals. Good for you!! 139 pounds is a heck of a lot of weight! Ever try to carry sacks of potatoes that weigh that much? Imagine you were lugging that around all over your body! Thats how I look at it. My hips, knees and spine are thanking me now!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My "aha" moment was really more of a "holy crap" moment. I'm 43 and getting married for the first time. I never thought I would get married so when I met someone that I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with I thought I would do it up right. My cousin and I went shopping for wedding dresses just to see what was out there. I tried on a couple and was not thrilled. I tried on the third and it was definitely THE ONE. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I took my Mom and MiL to be to see it along with a couple of my bridesmaids. I was so excited because I thought I looked so great in it. One of my girls took a pic of me in it. I was looking at it later and was honestly horrified that that's what I looked like in the dress. I don't know what's worse, that everyone thought I looked great (how bad do I look every other day?) or that I clearly have no clue how big I really am! The delusional filter on my brain has been working serious overtime I guess. So, I have joined up with MFP, I'm on my way to pick up our fancy new exercise bike tonight and I'm done pretending my knee is sore because of the weather. I'm fat, I'm not fit but I refuse to stay that way!

    Oh I hear you about the knee pain. My best friend complains all the time that her joints hurt but the dr. says she doesn't have RA or any other problems. She's at least 400 lbs. Her feet are so swollen she has to wear slippers. She is younger than me and has so many health issues all caused by her weight but she swears its something else causing the problem. THe root of her pain is her weight but she doesn't see it. I don't say anything to her about it and hope that some day she'll get it. I think we all need to get there on our own or in our own time. Just some of us have the ah ha moment sooner than others.
  • When I started to grow out of my "fat" clothes. I had lost nearly 100 lbs previously, but have slowly gained 40 of it back in the last few years. I got rid of all my 2x or larger clothes but was starting to outgrow the larger sizes I have left. I will not buy a new wardrobe! I will fit into the smaller one I already own.
    My other motivation is physical health. We have a lot of weight related disease on both sides of my family. I would prefer to learn how to maintain a healthy weight and skip all the expensive prescriptions required to control blood pressure, diabetes, chronic pain, etc. The stairs will not be my enemy!
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    When I weight 220 pounds at age 16 and was maybe 5'7" or so. I also was starting to notice that when I looked down, my feet were being eclipsed by my stomach. Ever since then I've been fighting the battle of the bulge, but didn't really get a handle on it until I realized that diet was just as important as exercise... and I have my wife to thank for that.

    Now, I can see my feet just fine.
  • I have had a few defining moments of late that I have conveniently chosen to ignore, clothes not fitting, feet aching, jaw line disappearing, my wedding and engagement rings tightening etc. Today I tried on my waterproof jacket and it didn't do up and then tonight my 5 year old said that I needed to go on a diet. She wasn't being malicious, just made a comment. She is right, it is time that I went on a diet and lose the 30 kilos that I have gained and get lean and healthy and be a great example to my kids.
  • Exactly!
  • cshelto44
    cshelto44 Posts: 26 Member
    My BG and LDL levels after my last physical.

    Same for me...And I was tired of wearing all black, thinking I looked skinny. I refused to go up another size in clothes, just fed up :)
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I joined my current fire department 1 year ago in August. They had a hard time finding bunker gear to fit me- which I knew that they would. I am really short (5'3") and at the time weighed 220 lbs. That wasn't even really the part that got to me. What got to me was the fact that I was winded and tired after just putting on the gear! :explode: How was I supposed to be any good to my community like that?? :brokenheart: So... fast forward 1 year- down 48 lbs, and running 30 minutes 3 times a week! Now to get strength training going!
  • When a guy I hardy knew on holiday said in conversation with my husband and I "oh he has lost a lot of weight, he was as fat as Lynne last year and look at him now". I couldn't believe someone who hardly knew me felt it was ok to make comment on my size. That was it for me...no one will make me feel that way ever again. I'm not going to be defined by my weight. Brave talk when I have only lost the first pound!
  • Amy_Lynn74
    Amy_Lynn74 Posts: 134 Member
    I went to the doctor's and stepped on the scale for my usual weight check. Well this time it said 249. A couple days later so was telling my sister that I really needed to do something. That I wanted to join WW but couldn't afford it. She suggested I try myfitnesspal. I started the next morning, Jan 7th. As of this morning I'm down 77 pounds.:flowerforyou:
  • Behl9
    Behl9 Posts: 95 Member
    My first time around, I got up to 192 lbs and was not comfortable with being that close to the 200s. On that go, I lost 40 lbs and gained back 30 lbs after a rough break-up. Realizing how close I was to gaining back ALL of the 40 lbs I'd worked so hard to lose made me kick it back in gear this time around.
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Having to wear one of those uncomfortable fat-tucker-inner shirts underneath my regular shirt on stage at a gig. I didn't want the moobs or gut stick to stick out so I ordered one of those silly things online. It's basically a girdle for men. Very funny stuff, but at the time incredibly frustrating.

    Eh...even though I've got a ways to go, I no longer need the man girdle. :glasses:
  • DrJeep
    DrJeep Posts: 37 Member
    The first time in many years I stepped on the scale and registered a whopping 174Kg (383lb) . That really scared me because I have always been a big guy, but I figured my weight had always been around 120/130Kg, not 174.

    For a good day I was knocked off balance and figured the only thing my weight was good for was snapping my neck on the way down. But then I grew determined, figured out this place, logged my stuff. And now I am feeling much better and healthier.
  • JessicaBR0
    JessicaBR0 Posts: 256 Member
    None of the jeans in my closet fit and my thighs had ripped holes in most of them. :sad: I caved, bought new jeans and discovered I went up TWO sizes! :sad: Oh and I tried on a fancy dress I hadn't worn in a couple years and the zipper broke because I was trying to force it closed.
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,255 Member
    My moment of "enough is enough" when I couldn't walk accross the street without huffing and puffing and out of breath! Everything was a chore and I was sleeping all the time that I wasn't working! And I stepped on my sisters scale and I was 255 lbs!!!!! Dang..I knew I had to do something. I just retired from work in May and I wanted to be a healthy 'RETIREE'...Well..today I weigh 225.8 lbs ! Thats almost 30 lbs I lost. I feel great and had a good report from Dr. 1st time my cholesterol and other things were down. Im a happy Camper. My goal is 50 lbs by Xmas and then would like to reach a goal weight of 160 lbs. Great question! thanks for asking.
  • RealMattHopkins
    RealMattHopkins Posts: 75 Member
    It was enough for me when I got on the scale and it said 332lbs. I realized it wouldn't take much to push up to 400lbs and then I'd be one of those people who can't do anything and is stuck in their house. I want a life! And now I am getting it...
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Buying a bras at 100$ and it was still painfull to wear. Yep need to lose at least half of the girls.
  • My personal "hit the wall" was when I had to use a cane to walk because my knees hurt so bad. Everything was denied up to that point because I could still do things (my way!) but I could still walk around. It came to a head when I stepped off a truck wrong & pulled my knee. The "good" knee couldn't handle the double load. That was One Year, Three Months and 96 pounds ago! Halfway there!:bigsmile:
  • km017198
    km017198 Posts: 8 Member
    I went over a speed bump and felt my stomach jiggle :)
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,255 Member
    I joined my current fire department 1 year ago in August. They had a hard time finding bunker gear to fit me- which I knew that they would. I am really short (5'3") and at the time weighed 220 lbs. That wasn't even really the part that got to me. What got to me was the fact that I was winded and tired after just putting on the gear! :explode: How was I supposed to be any good to my community like that?? :brokenheart: So... fast forward 1 year- down 48 lbs, and running 30 minutes 3 times a week! Now to get strength training going!

    This is very inspiring!! Good luck to you with the fire department. I bet they are so proud of you!