Ladies how many NET calories do you usaully have a day?



  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    5'7.5", 174.6lbs, and my net is no lower than 1600, try to keep it up ate around 2000, on heavy workout days, this means I'm grossing over 3000.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    5'2", 153, net approximately 1000 on average. Goal is to net 1200 but I usually miss it by a few calories. I figure with the ever-present possibility of overestimated calorie burns and underestimated food calories, I probably am OK.
  • joconnor09
    I'm 5'7.5" and 190.7 lbs.
    My net without exercise is usually just under my goal of 1630 (though it just recently got knocked down). With exercise, it could be anywhere from 1600 to 1200 depending on how much I did and what I ate that day.
    (though the last week was pretty bad and I netted over my goal almost every day :( )
  • mommyrox05
    I'm 32, Currently 129 lbs (fluxuate between 125-130), and I am 5'8. I net 1500 a day not including exercise calories, sometimes I eat those back...sometimes I don't! Ps. I started my journey 4/29/11 @198 lbs and have been in maintinance since 2/12 =p
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    age: 40
    height: 5' 6.5"
    weight: last I checked (6 weeks ago I think) 141 [goal wt 136#]

    kinda need to recheck BMR/TDEE/Activity. I think I am usuallly set to abut 1450 calories a day and I usuallly net 1300-1450.

    BUT I was goofing and changed my goal to my BMR for vacation (1390 I think) and I really am not sure what I net. I record what I can, but usually have some fancy or yummy Hawiian dessert/dinner or drink that doesn't get logged. (in case you check my diary and it's a mess right now)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Let's see...I'm 33, 5'5" and am currently at 157. My goal is 130....
  • michelleindeed
    michelleindeed Posts: 117 Member
    5'11", 296. I net between 1300 and 1500 a day. I exercise at the end of the day (usually walking in the evening) and don't eat them back unless I'm hungry afterward.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 123

    I really hadn't been checking, but I went back and it looks like I'm netting between 700-1100 calories per day.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    5'6", 18, 180ish pounds (haven't weighed myself in awhile, so I'm not sure). My net goal is set at 1530, I usually always eat my exercise calories back. My diary is open. :)
    Lately I haven't been eating much, though. IDK what's up. Probably stress, it usually kills my appetite.
  • eriol1
    I am 5'4", 121 pounds and 41 years old. I used to eat 1200 calories or less per day, but was only gaining weight as I grew older and struggling with extremely low energy levels. Thankfully, a personal trainer friend of mine intervened 6 weeks ago. He explained that my body was in starvation mode so I was storing fat. He suggested that my calories should be between 1750 to 2000 per day of nutrient-dense foods (60% carbs, 20% fat, 20% protein) regardless of exercise calories. I've been sticking to a mostly healthy 2000 calorie diet (although today was a big cheat day - we spent the day at an amusement park :-), but usually I'm pretty good) with 60 minutes of exercise 6 times per week. In the first four weeks, I gained seven pounds, but my energy levels started to improve and continue to improve. At the five week mark, I suddenly dropped nine pounds and two inches in my waist. I still have some fat in my midsection that I'd like to lose, but I am definitely thinner, leaner, more toned, feel fantastic, and my skin looks a lot better too.
  • mcedes02
    mcedes02 Posts: 56 Member
    39 Yrs old 5'10 and currently around 212 from 256. I tru to net 1200-1400 but not over my cal goal of 1600. Eating back exercise doesnt work for me.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I am 43, 5'6.5" weigh 139.6. I try to net atleast my BMR+ 100 calories more, so about 1425 calories/day. I do my best to eat all my exercise calories back, usually an additional 400-650 calories/day.