Hair weight?

How much does hair weigh? I use to have mediem to long hair, but I got it cut short a couple days ago.
I wanted to know how much hair weighs so I will know what's weight loss and what's hair loss at the end of the week when I weigh in?


  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Buy a pack of hair at the store, and weigh it...I bet it's next to nothing, even if it's really long...unless it's wet, it probably doesn't weight anything.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Seriously? This is a joke thread right? Please tell me it is....
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    And in case it is real... a full head of long hair extensions weighs around 200 grammes.
  • Konpeito
    I didn't mean it as a joke ^^;
    I didn't know if it would affect me or not, my head fells a lot lighter at least without so much hair.. seince I don't know about hair I was just wondering..
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Hair weighs almost nothing. That is the technical, scientifical answer. Look it up!:smokin:
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    It's probably negligible, but even if it contributes anything to this week's weight loss, it will not affect the coming weeks, so just blow it off.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Reality threads are stranger than parody threads.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Lol! Your hair doesn't way enough to make any significant impact on your weight- even if it's wet!
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    About 15 lbs. :tongue:
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    My beautician once asked me how much hair I wanted her to cut off.. As a joke, I told her to cut off a pound as I am dieting!
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    Seriously? This is a joke thread right? Please tell me it is....

    lol this.. How much hair are we talking about.... like cousin it or just regular hair??
  • MusicInMyHeart
    About 15 lbs. :tongue:

  • alapoint89
    It verys because u lost four pounds in hair and mine was mid back in length and I have very thick hair
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    OP is so adorable =P
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    This reminds me of an episode of Ellen, when she went to a weight loss spa and carefully removed her contact lenses prior to her weigh-in. :happy:
    LOL I love her.

    As for me, I feel like my hair might make a tiny difference—I have thick hair, and a ton of it. But even then I doubt my hair would register as anything important on a scale. Your scalp is really sensitive; hair definitely can feel heavy as a result, but as for being anything to worry about on a scale, I heavily doubt it, unless you've got Sailor Moon hair streaming out for miles behind you. XD
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    It weighs the same as a pound of fat that has turned into muscle, but as muscle weighs more than fat you might be in trouble come weigh in day. :wink::laugh:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    My hair is 3 1/2 feet long and very very thick. I asked my doctor once if it made a difference in my weight and she said No, even hair as long and thick as mine would not even weigh a quarter of a pound soaking wet, if that.

    So yah, don't worry about it. Although I have seen people on MFP 'subtract' for their long hair :laugh:
  • mommyrox05
    I didn't mean it as a joke ^^;
    I didn't know if it would affect me or not, my head fells a lot lighter at least without so much hair.. seince I don't know about hair I was just wondering..

    You cuttingu hair isn't going to affect your weight on the scale.
  • blackcoffeeandcherrypie
    I just plaited my long hair and put it on the scales. It weighs 55grams - about 2 ounces! :-D