Your diet is not a test, DON'T CHEAT!



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress

    no I'm not jealous at all. I just wanted to point out something that was bothering me.

    Why does it bother you so much? I don't get it. You've found a way that works for you. Great. Others will need to find their own way that works for them. Is what they do derailing you in any way?

    All I wanted to do was point out that the weekend was not a freebie. I just wanted to say it. I don't want any hate, or disrespect, and I'm not judging anyone. But it still sucks for everyone who has a bad week because they ate bad on the weekend, and they'll probably do it the next weekend too. Maybe in some way, I was just trying to help.

    Assuming other people's goals should be like yours because they are better IS judging. You're not "helping" anyone.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    So you find cheating on tests acceptable?
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    We didn't get overweight snacking once on the weekend, we got this way by snacking everyday and having multiple servings. The fact is you don't get fat having a snack every once in a while.
  • ahart78
    Good for you for never having a bad day! But if you ever do and you want to feel like crap, you can just re-read what you wrote there.

  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Yep, it's everyone's own choice to eat what they want...I do understand getting irked by the people bishing about gains after they've clearly eaten their weight in food having a cheat day or going to an 'all you can eat' place (eugh, who does that?). IRL the people I know who have 'cheat meals' are the ones who are still fat. Go for it! Eat as much as you want, it's your choice...I'm busy looking after myself!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I see a lot of people on my friends list who have trouble with bad eating on the weekends. And it kind of aggravates me. Because they have so much potential and they could do so well with their weight loss if they just stayed on track. Sure, everyone has bad days, but the weekend is not a "get out of jail free" card! You can't just do well all week, and then say "oh it's okay to have a snack today, or it's okay to go to a chinese buffet tonight". I'm not sure what kind of diet everyone is on, but on my diet, cheating like that is not allowed. If I cheat like that, I WILL GAIN WEIGHT. I stick to the plan, and when my Tuesday weigh in comes around, I always see amazing results. Because this is a lifestyle change. This is my lifestyle change, it has become a habit. It is not something that I cheat on, and it is definitely not a test. I just don't get why you would waste a whole week of good work for one weekend of bad meals because it's what you want in the moment, but it's not doing your body any good.

    It all comes down to one simple question: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?
    I have more time to work out on the weekend, burn over 800 calories so I can eat pretty much what I want and as much as I want and still stay within my calories.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Before standing in front of all MFP and declaring others "incorrect" perhaps one should take stock and analyze any of their own shortcomings. Would you want one of your so called FRIENDS bad mouthing you (by name or inference)? Personally, I think the telephone pole in my own eye would stop me from bashing the little speck in someone else's.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Yep, it's everyone's own choice to eat what they want...I do understand getting irked by the people bishing about gains after they've clearly eaten their weight in food having a cheat day or going to an 'all you can eat' place (eugh, who does that?). IRL the people I know who have 'cheat meals' are the ones who are still fat. Go for it! Eat as much as you want, it's your choice...I'm busy looking after myself!
    That's not true, I'm not fat.
  • JamesterCK
    JamesterCK Posts: 109 Member
    I agree with some of the other people: cheat days work for some, and if it does, great! For me, personally, I can't have cheat days; I end up eating like crap, feeling bad about myself, and then just saying "screw it" to my healthy eating habits and totally blowing whatever weight loss I had. I don't eat especially clean though, I still eat things I want, they just have to fit into my daily allowances. Other people are able to have cheat days and stay on track, and I commend them for that! My history of binge eating just seems to rear it's ugly head, so I try to avoid situations that might trigger those feelings.
  • jjennasmithh
    So you find cheating on tests acceptable?

    No, I was using it as an example, other people cheat on tests lol
  • MikaelaBaird
    Each person has to find what does and doesn't work given various factors such as lifestyle, health, motivations and goals. It's good that you found what works for you, but there's more than one path to accomplishment and success.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Why do you care how other's want to work their plan? One size doesn't FIT ALL! This is a journey and my journey includes indulging on occasion because I CAN!!!!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Yep, it's everyone's own choice to eat what they want...I do understand getting irked by the people bishing about gains after they've clearly eaten their weight in food having a cheat day or going to an 'all you can eat' place (eugh, who does that?). IRL the people I know who have 'cheat meals' are the ones who are still fat. Go for it! Eat as much as you want, it's your choice...I'm busy looking after myself!
    That's not true, I'm not fat.

    Good for you.
  • jjennasmithh
    that's why i never call it a diet. i allow myself the occasional indulgence because otherwise i'll binge on it. once in a while WILL NOT HURT YOU IN THE LONG RUN. and i proved that this weekend.

    I call it a lifestyle change, but some people call it a diet. I'm not saying that once in a while will not hurt you at all, but I see friend after friend doing it. kinda makes me sad :/
    So if only ONE friend were doing it, rather than friend after friend, would you still be sad? No offense, but you kinda sound jealous. You said in you OP that if you cheat, you'll gain weight. I doubt it, but if that's how you feel, no wonder you're so bothered by other people cheating.

    no I'm not jealous at all. I just wanted to point out something that was bothering me.

    Why does it bother you so much? I don't get it. You've found a way that works for you. Great. Others will need to find their own way that works for them. Is what they do derailing you in any way?

    Fine, I'll just pay attention to me...and when my friends complain about why they didn't lose weight, well, maybe they'll learn all by themselves.
    But this is a message board and I was just trying to get my opinion out there, some people agree, some don't.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    It all comes down to one simple question: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?
    I want toffee covered macadamian nuts covered in chocolate covered in powdered sugar pretty bad actually...I'm eating them right now...and guess what? I haven't gained weight. Bam. :D
  • ems1583
    ems1583 Posts: 180 Member
    I pre-earn my chinese buffet, sushi binge, ben and jerry night. I plan it and go hiking that day, eat light and save up for whatever. It is good to feel that you can eat anything your heart desires if you earn it.
    If it is going to be long term everyone has to figure out what works for them.

    Same here, yesterday I burned 1300 cal with workout and now I'll treat myself with a pizza, been craving for it. It works for me. If I go over at times, like unexpected celebration at work or eat out, I just try to make up for it through exercise. I still eat chips, chocolates, etc. I do not deprived myself and its working for me. As long as I burn it through exercise I'm good. And true, its not a diet but a lifestyle change, u just have to learn self control, moderation and working hard to burn it off.
  • TauTheBull
    Not sure about this! I eat McDonalds, lattes and other so called forbidden foods. My diet is 80-90% clean then the rest is as dirty as it comes! To be withdrawn and eat like your on a diet all the time sucks
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    oops someone already said it
  • Khymera
    My nutritionist is trying very hard to drum it into my head that no food is "bad" or forbidden. She tells me that if I'm craving something, I should go ahead and indulge so long as I plan ahead and only eat the desired food in moderation... and that giving in to a couple of cookies on Saturday will keep me from scarfing down half a box on Wednesday.

    She's been right so far.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    I know someone who doesn't count calories one day a week, and she still always loses :)

    Also, snacking is good for you. I eat between 5 and 8 small meals instead of 3 large. It works for me. I get to eat every few hours. Makes me happy :D

    And I don't cheat on tests ... lol