Why did you let yourself go?...



  • I had an accident which left me with severe PTSD and I used to eat to make myself feel better.

    That was 9 years ago and I still have not got a lid on it yet. I am a yo yo dieter and find it hard to eat in moderation.

    I lost 3 stones for my wedding earlier on in the year, but when I found out I had a heart condition and my exercise had to be cut down I started to eat and not exercise again and put the three stones plus some back on in the last 8 months.

    I feel awful and at the moment, until I have my heart operation I cannot exercise the way I want to so I just use that as an excuse not to do anything, and now I hate myself again.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    Good question. I have a confounding factor of a life-threatening illness that confined me to the couch for a few months, and doctor-prescribed reduced activity. I packed on 30 lbs. But it started before then.

    I was a twig my whole life, without trying. But an unhappy, long marriage to a man who told me that I wasn't very smart, was unattractive ("I didn't marry you for your looks"), etc. made me miserable. I found that I turned to food becaues I was already unattractive, right? Why bother?

    Dumb, dumb, dumb.

    Now I'm working my way back. I lost 250 lbs already (of ex husband), and have about 40 more to go of my own to get back to awesomeness. :happy:
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I know how it happened. I ate whatever I wanted. :) I also am camera shy so I never really saw myself. Never really wanted to see. I felt miserable, tired, and old. A friend snapped a photo when I wasn't looking and posted on facebook. When I saw that photo, I cried. I knew I had let myself go, but I didn't realize exactly how bad. My hubby has always been supportive and never said anything negative. I wanted to be a better Beth. :)
  • I just didn't care enough about myself
    Yes! I think once we realize we ARE woth living for it makes that turning point of not looking back easier
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I grew up and didn't adapt my eating habits. I am 23 now, but up until I was about 20 or 21 I could eat anything I wanted and never work out...and not gain a pound. I hit that normal curve in life where teenage girls turn into women and haven't been taught how to eat/act in a healthy manner. Now I have to lose some weight and relearn how to live.

    Yup. My metabolism changed and my lifestyle did not.
  • I was never overweight till my after my second child was born in my early 20's. When I am feeling emotinal I crave a certain endorphine boost. For awhile it was perfoming in public & being the center of attention that fixed this. Then it became male attention. And then I realized I could get it from foods. Once I became a stay at home mom not having any friends made me crave more food. Then I became single & that coupled with no social life became a huge void and I ate even more. Now I'm finding the more weight I lose, the more confident I become & the more ok I become with being so alone.
  • I know how it happened. I ate whatever I wanted. :) I also am camera shy so I never really saw myself. Never really wanted to see. I felt miserable, tired, and old. A friend snapped a photo when I wasn't looking and posted on facebook. When I saw that photo, I cried. I knew I had let myself go, but I didn't realize exactly how bad. My hubby has always been supportive and never said anything negative. I wanted to be a better Beth. :)
    Sooooo elated on your loss that is amazing cupcake!!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    Because our society allows mothers to use pregnancy and having children as a valid excuse to get fat and stay that way. Pure and simple. I used my children as an excuse to not work out.

    Ouch! I know. I keep telling people that my statute of limitations is running out on that excuse. lol
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    I had to protect myself from being hurt by a guy ever again.I figured if you can't take me as I am now (heavy) and see past looks, then why bother with you or love?

    THIS ^
    A huge reason why I let myself go. I was heartbroken a long time ago and I was tired of men looking at me so I allowed myself to gain the weight back.

    All is well now, but I had a very similar reason to let myself go as you did. It's refreshing to know I'm not alone in that decision.
  • Depression and losing sight of myself.

    I am so excited for finding yourself and making the change doll!!!
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    I was just plain stupid! I liked junk food, turned to it for support and filled in boredom with it and I wasnt overly active!

    I seen all the supermodels and how great they looked and I was the heaviest of all my friends growing up, who seemed to be able to eat everything and anything back then. Why should I not eat whatever they can?! My parents didnt really push me to eat healthy nor back in the day did they really eat healthy themselves... deep fried homemade chinese food used to be the way to go :) Not only have I changed my ways but it caught up to alot of my family as well. Knowledge is power and you grow from your mistakes.... no pun intended!
  • I had to protect myself from being hurt by a guy ever again.I figured if you can't take me as I am now (heavy) and see past looks, then why bother with you or love?

    THIS ^
    A huge reason why I let myself go. I was heartbroken a long time ago and I was tired of men looking at me so I allowed myself to gain the weight back.

    All is well now, but I had a very similar reason to let myself go as you did. It's refreshing to know I'm not alone in that decision.

    I think once we understand the why? The how to never let ourselves be broken again will keep us fighting and keeping the weight off ^u^
  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    I let everyone around me get me down. They were so unhappy they shoved it down my throat and made me feel like didn't deserve anything better. So I ate and drew myself in. And now I'm over them, the pity party, and kicking myself in gear :)
  • Initially depression. But then I got better and things levelled out.
    Once I got the implant (contraceptive) though it just piled on even though I was eating the same.
    I've been working out and eating reaaaaaallly well for about 6 weeks and only lost 6 pounds, half of what I should've lost.
    I'm getting the implant out tomorrow and hopefully that will make a difference.

    The same thing happened to me (I had mirena). My OB said there was no way I was gaining weight because of it & that I was probably eating more than I thought.I showed her my app & how my weight switched from consistently losing to consistently gaining though my eating & exercise habits hadn't changed. The only difference was the BC. I have beensteadily losing since having it removed, I hope it works just as well for you!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    My divorce started a depression that started me eating. I did not want to start dating again & become part of the "meat market" that was popular in the 90's (dance clubs, bars, cruising) so I turned to food to pass the time.I could eat whatever I wanted & not gain a pound.

    Now I'm in my 40s & my metabolism has changed, but not for the better. So I'm fighting a battle to get my body back into shape & I will win this battle by taking things one day at a time, one pound at a time.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I had an eating disorder (anorexia) in 2006 and got married in 2007 when I started eating again which made me gain a lot of weight. I am trying to lose half of what I gained right now. I am also trying to lose weight so I can have a healthy pregnancy some day.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Terrible grief and pain, associated depression and (weight gain) meds... Using alcohol as a blotter-out, and only remembering to eat enough to order Chinese takeaway every few days. It was hard enough to stay alive or to care about myself in even the most basic ways - I still struggle, but logging in to this website helps...
  • My divorce started a depression that started me eating. I did not want to start dating again & become part of the "meat market" that was popular in the 90's (dance clubs, bars, cruising) so I turned to food to pass the time.I could eat whatever I wanted & not gain a pound.

    Now I'm in my 40s & my metabolism has changed, but not for the better. So I'm fighting a battle to get my body back into shape & I will win this battle by taking things one day at a time, one pound at a time.

    Yes!!! Do everything with intention keep yourself on track and don't lie to yourself I wish you the best doll!!
  • xoleanne
    xoleanne Posts: 38 Member
  • Terrible grief and pain, associated deression and (weight gain) meds.Using alcohol as a blotter-out. Hard enough to stay alive or to care about myself in even the most basic ways - still struggle, but logging in to this website helps...
    Take it one day at a time and I know you will make it ^u^