Your diet is not a test, DON'T CHEAT!



  • cardsfanlv
    cardsfanlv Posts: 110 Member
    Sunday is usually my what you call "cheat" day. Though I prefer to call it my treat day. I've lost 24 pounds in 60 days. I even had a 4 day vacation in there where I ate pretty bad a couple of those days.

    You aren't going to undo 6 days of hard work with one bad day.

    That said, I don't go as overboard as I did towards the beginning. No need to over indulge. But no need to deprive yourself of things you enjoy. Just make it a rare treat and it becomes even more enjoyable that way.
  • Cassandram333
    Cassandram333 Posts: 36 Member
    what if eating healthy from Monday to Friday is already an achievment on its own? also, you still have to live and enjoy the foods that you deem 'cheating foods'. Rather than eating McDonalds during the week, people restrict to the weekends...may lunch on saturday...because weekends are for relaxing and not having to worry about things like this...this is my opinion...and on the weekends i am still conscious about the foods im putting in my mouth, however im not as strict as i am during the weekend.

    im sorry if my status updated made you sad last night....about how i struggle on the weekends...but i am proud of myself that i chose not to have take awy on saturday night when i was home alone having a good time by myself and instead had dinner at home...not calories counted and not necessarily healthy...but that's my acheivement...sorry if its 'cheating'
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'd almost bet my savings that you will cheat one day. Maybe not this week, next week, or next month, but one day you will. You will eventually eat at a restaurant again or McDonalds, BK, somewhere very delicious. You will.
  • Mountainbiker2015
    Mountainbiker2015 Posts: 129 Member
    For me this is a lifestyle change. I will not sit here and write that I will never have things I enjoyed before. I have been learning moderation and portion control. I exercise regularly, drink lots of water, count my calories here everyday, weigh in twice a week. Yes, I do have days where I treat myself. It is not a cheating thing for me or a cheat day. I know if I go overboard what the end result is. I hate diets. I did them off and on in my life and I always felt deprived. Guess what!? I don't feel deprived here as it is a lifestyle change for me, not a diet. If I want a little extra some days I will have it. At the end of the day it is my responsibility and one one else's to take this weight off and keep it off. I am very grateful for the support I have on this site but it is still my responsibility to continue on this journey. WE ALL do this differently in one way or another and as long as we achieve our goals and are happy and healthy, that is what is important. HOW BAD DO I WANT IT? I want is 45 pounds lost so far bad enough LOL. I am proud of anyone here whether they have lost 1 pound or 150 pounds. We are all winners, we must might have different opinions is all. Have a great night everyone. :wink:
  • This is a lifestyle (as you acknowledged), not a diet - and there is no "cheating" on your lifestyle because there are no rules. We ALL have to make this something we can live with.

    Do I cheat? No. I have one day, every 2 weeks, where my eating SUCKS because of my work schedule and the availability of healthy food. I don't cut anything out anyhow, I just modify it to make it healthier (ie. 4% fat beef, 1% milk), or I eat a smaller quantity than I used to.

    Pretty much, though, you have zero right to tell someone they're eating wrong, or don't want it bad enough, because it's THEIR life and we all have to decide FOR OURSELVES what works, and what we can live with. If you don't like what your friends are eating, then don't look, or remove them from your list.
  • I don't call it a "cheat day or meal", i call it a weekly "reward" for busting my *kitten* all week trying to get closer to my goal weight.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    As long as you have an overall deficit, you will lose weight. Sorry if it bugs you that people are enjoying themselves - as long as its working for them, I don't see the issue.

    I have to go with this. What works for you, doesn't necessarily work for the next person. Don't be judgemental on them and how they choose to do their own "lifestyle change / diet".

    If seeing them do that bothers you so much, then perhaps you should de-friend them.
  • As long as you have an overall deficit, you will lose weight. Sorry if it bugs you that people are enjoying themselves - as long as its working for them, I don't see the issue.

  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It wouldn't be a lifestyle change if I didn't have some kind of treat everyday and indulge now and again. I wouldn't be able to maintain that. I'd get discouraged and fall off the wagon.

    So, to keep myself from gaining weight, I run everyday and try to get a decent deficit going for the weekend. By the time it rolls around, I don't have to restrict \because I have the calories to spare to go out to eat and whatnot. However, if it's something a little more extreme, like those deadly Chinese Buffets, I'll work harder and eat less that day.

    It's all about logging honestly and trying to keep your net for the week at your goal.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    You arn't working out harder so you can eat more, you are doing it to be fit. else am I supposed to stay under my goal?
  • Everyone loses weight different, TO EACH HIS OWN!!!
    I totally agree.Like today i watched the Football game and wanted to enjoy myself so i had 2 beers and some chips .Of course i did it in moderation and dont feel guilty.I know we are on a weight loss journey but you have to enjoy yourself along the way.I have lost a lot and have a lot more to lose and i'm gonna do it and enjoy life while doing it.
  • I was going to Weight Watchers meeting and the one thing that the coaches said was if you make it a "diet" YOU WILL FAIL. If you cheat yourself out of the foods you like everyday while watching everyone else enjoy themselves, you will give up and defeat yourself. You can have a slice of cake or a piece of pie, just don't eat the whole thing. Life is too short to not live it to the fullest. You can loose weight and still enjoy what you eat, just don't over do it.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    How about you worry about your weight loss journey and let others worry about theirs?
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    This is precisely why I do not have an open diary. I don't need people putting their judgy pants on when they try to see what I'm doing. Heck, I don't even log my food half the time because I eat pretty much the same stuff every day, and after several months, I know what works and what doesn't and how many calories those snacks and meals have. I'm still losing 1-2 pounds per week, even though I have the occasional soda or Mexican food or pizza or whatever.

    Your friends are probably "cheating" because they feel like they can never, ever have the things they like, and by the time the weekend comes around, they want to stuff their face. It's because so many people think a diet has to be super strict and if you dare eat a cupcake, ZOMG YOU CHEATED. You're already setting yourself up for failure with that mentality. Your friends need to learn they can eat stuff they love, in moderation, which will prevent going overboard on the weekends. If people like you stopped using words like "cheating" and reminded them that they can have a cupcake every night if it fits into their calories, maybe this journey would be easier for them.
  • Guilty as charged! I had a horrible weekend and now, I must pay the price. Your post was thought-provoking. I mean, really, how bad do I want it???? I need to stay focused...even if it is a wedding. :(
  • I sooo hope you are right. I had a lot of good food this weekend at a wedding and I hope it doesn't blow the last 15 days of extremely hard work. :(
  • 2011Eileen
    2011Eileen Posts: 63 Member
    To me the word diet means something temporarily, but mine is a lifestyle change. With that said if we did not eat out or have a treat etc., I don't think we'd learn about portion control or eating out, or etc.
    If this is something I plan to be on for life, I ask myself could I stick so strictly to the menu with no extra's, I don't think so as life go on , and sometimes it is not always possible, to go as planned
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Lol the only reason I eat healthy all week is for my crazy awesome weekends.

    Livin' it up!
  • luvtcuk
    luvtcuk Posts: 69 Member
    I see a lot of people on my friends list who have trouble with bad eating on the weekends. And it kind of aggravates me. Because they have so much potential and they could do so well with their weight loss if they just stayed on track. Sure, everyone has bad days, but the weekend is not a "get out of jail free" card! You can't just do well all week, and then say "oh it's okay to have a snack today, or it's okay to go to a chinese buffet tonight". I'm not sure what kind of diet everyone is on, but on my diet, cheating all weekend is not allowed. So I stick to the plan, and when my Tuesday weigh in comes around, I always see amazing results. Because this is a lifestyle change. This is my lifestyle change, it has become a habit. It is not something that I cheat on, and it is definitely not a test. I just don't get why you would waste a whole week of good work for one weekend of bad meals because it's what you want in the moment, but it's not doing your body any good.

    It all comes down to one simple question: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

    Even though
  • luvtcuk
    luvtcuk Posts: 69 Member
    Even though I am agree with a lot of people here that "Everyone lose in there own rate and method". It's a trial and error kind of thing.
    But I also agree with JJeana (original post). Because she speak of my case. I usally ruin my effort by the end of the day. And it is painful. And I am the kind that can't just indulgence just one meal or even one day and get back on track. If I change I have to be on track all the time, and that for sure is suck. I am telling you, I lost 20 pounds in 1 year and ruin it by the end of the summer vacation. Now it's over 1 year and I still struggle to get back to lose all 20 + pounds.
    Thanks JJeana for posting. You wake me up. I have to ask myself every morning, an every time I want to eat something bad "HOW BAD DO I WANT IT"
    Thank you,