I knew this would happen!



  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    Play the WII with the sick kid!!
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    You have to want it. I found that I struggle more if I don't want to do it. I HAVE to walk my dogs but I can't be assed half the time, however because they NEED walking I get out and do it...And when I am out, I love it. It's the same with running, I don't NEED to run but I know I enjoy it so I just find you have to almost reward yourself...sort of like "After my run I am going to have a nice bah" or "after my run I am going to eat that yummy treat". I know I struggle more the day after when I am sore but it is worth it in the end when you start to see results. Good luck :)
  • hayleyalb
    Check out this bodyrock.tv... 12 min workouts or even youtube for zuzana light workouts both are only 12 min of intense workouts and you can do them and be done or do as many as you want.... 12 min of your life everyday is nothing and youll feel great.
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
    I was so worried that if I didn't exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY that I'd find excuses to not do it!

    Last Wednesday, I had a stomach bug.
    Saturday, headache and depression set in.
    Sunday, was my regular day off (but I should have made up for Wednesday or Saturdat, but I didn't)
    Today, I'm gonna go for my walk, BUT kid home sick so it'll be shorter.

    See what I mean? I knew that if I didn't exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY that I'd come up with every and any excuse to not do

    The eating, logging, water part I'm handling ok, it'd just this exercise that my issue.

    How do I get back on the bandwagon? And how do I stop making excuses to not exercise?
    Read this and relate(it is always all or nothing for me) So I read someone said reward and I thought of the manicure b/c not for the coloring and such but the hand massaging oooh sooooooooooooo suuuch a goooooooooooood feeling to my hands. What do u say it would be 10 weeks then maaaaaaaaaaassssssssage?
  • Domi_BTGfit
    Stop looking at it that way, first of all.

    If you can't find the energy/time/motivation to go to the gym or whatever, just do things at home that burn calories. Surely you have some washing, ironing, vacuuming to do? They all burn calories! Do you have stairs at home, or need to move some furniture or heavy boxes? That burns calories! Failing that, lay down on a mat on the floor and do some planks and some crunches. Doing SOMETHING will help to get your head back in the game. Until then, set yourself a goal for the absolute longest that you'd let yourself get away with this (for lack of a better word) laziness. Then, kick your own *kitten* if you break that promise to yourself.

    I'll bet you excel and are back into a routine in no time! x