Contemplatin a boob job...

So, I was a nice size 38 c/d.. Now... 34 a/b. deflated is all I can say. I have been contemplating a boob job...nothing BIG and stripper-ensue, but maybe full C. The problem is, it goes against every natural grain in my body... I hate the idea of losing time from the gym, being that vain and also that most people will know they are fake. I don't want that imagine and judgement. I'm also worried tht what if they turn out nasty. I have seen some horrendous boob jobs. I also dont like the idea of having to maintain them every 10 years... But, my boobs are, well... Worse than nonexistent... Their like over-stretched water balloons with not enough water in them. :(
Anyone else having this same dilemma?


  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I've been thinking about it too. I am a 36 b/a.5 (always gotta have one bigger than the other), it is soooo depressing. I'm with you, I would love to be a C again.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Why not use gel inserts that you put in a regular bra for a while to help you decide? It's non-invasive, completely safe and will get you the effect you need with minimal cost.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Why not use gel inserts that you put in a regular bra for a while to help you decide? It's non-invasive, completely safe and will get you the effect you need with minimal cost.

    good ideal- wear a water bra- see if it helps you make up your mind.:wink:
  • brendas026
    brendas026 Posts: 68 Member
    Dont like boobs, but im comtemplating (no Im 100% sure) that in january im getting a tummy tuck, I deserved it after 3 kids. Good luck with your decision.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    I say u get a set of DD's
  • FLCullen
    FLCullen Posts: 49 Member
    Think loooooooong and hard about this decision- it is a life long commitment! I have never had implants, but from what I have read they need to be replaced after a certain amount of years? So you aren't just getting one boob job- you'll be getting a few! If you're willing to accept the expenses and the recovery time, and you really think it will make you happy, then you should book a consultation. I think there is a procedure now where they put the implant under the muscles in the chest, which makes the shape more natural (there is nothing worse that that hard, super-separated, mini-bowling-ball look!).

    You weren't happy with your body, so you worked hard and you fixed it. If something is stopping you frome enjoying your new figure, then it makes sense that you would work hard (albeit a different type of 'work'!) and fix that too.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I checked out liposuction long and hard last spring after I reached my goal weight and still had "some pockets of fat"... now that I have gone below my original goal weight and added activity, my body is leaning out and I am focused on committing to not getting any such thing done. Also, I have researched the long term prognosis and possible things that can go wrong with liposuction. So it is off the table for me.

    As far as enhancing the bust line,I would try the amazing array of bras, inserts,etc before I made a decision. I know two kinds of people with implants, those who have had to have additional surgeries and those who will.

    I do think many women who have had implants truely feel better about their looks, and exude more confidence. I would suggest two things - 1) research the heck out of it and the doctor you chose to go to (I think there are many websites to do this and guide you and 2) save up the money to have it done double - a) it gives you time to reseach and b) you will need new bras and clothes!
  • Iceman1800
    Just my opinion. The only advice you should heed are those who've had it done. They are the only ones with real life experience to tell you the pros and cons.
  • hello0okitty
    hello0okitty Posts: 31 Member
    once you work long and hard getting to the weight you want and scupting your body the best you can, your poor boobies can really have a toll taken on them : ( especially after children! If you've worked that hard to achieve something you want, there's no reason you shouldn't get exactly what you want. I totally understand being apprehensive about the moral side of things, but it doesn't sound as if you want some crazy beverly-hills knockers. It can really do wonders for your self esteem and appearance as long as you know exactly why you want it, and are okay with your decision. On the other end of the spectrum, i had a breast reduction a year ago, and I honestly feel like i've had a boob job. They are awesoooooome, and i've never felt so cute and perky! i have ZERO regrets, and as long as you get a qualified surgeon and somebody you trust, YOU won't even have the misfortune to have scars like i do. good luck with your decision. i would totally support it, but make sure you listen to yourself. Researching what you want can really help alot with the decision making process. Honestly, i was on so many pain killers afterward, i was in muuuuuuuch more pain the time i got cellulitis on my boob : (
  • TaraKathleen5
    TaraKathleen5 Posts: 34 Member
    You sound a bit hesitant so i really would take some time to think about it. Also do you have children? If not do you plan on it? Because that may affect them afterwards.
  • stephalvarez5
    stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm on the same boat as you are. i was a 34D now a 32 B. to top it off i breastfed my daughter for a year so that deflation was ten fold. i've made a decision to get something done about it. but i'm not sure what, either a lift, augmentation or a combination of both. i actually enjoy having a smaller bust line then when i had a fuller chest, i feel more athletic and well... not weighed down. i really don't give a crap about what the opposite sex thinks because being healthy and fit is more important to me then some idiots opinion of what a woman's body should look like. but i know the feeling of standing there naked in the mirror when everything BUT that one area of your body looks great and it's enough to send you crying. as a lot of people have said think long and hard because it is a lifetime commitment. do your research and please be safe.
  • Lisamar74
    I had a boob job last year because my boobs had become saggy bags of nothingness due to losing weight and not wearing a good sports bra when working out.
    It is the best thing I have ever done and let me tell you why.
    I don't obsess as much about my weight anymore. I don't feel bottom heavy now that I have a bust to even me out. If I put on a bit of weight, I don't feel I look as bad as I did when I had no boobs.
    Yes, I was worried about not being able to exercise for a couple of months but it actually stopped me from being over obsessive about exercise.
    Go for it, you won't regret it, it will change your attitude in more ways than you imagine.
    And if you look after them well (wear a bra at all times - sports bra for bed), they can last a lot longer than 10 years. You don't have to get them replaced for any other reason than if they go out of shape.
  • Lisamar74
    Dont like boobs, but im comtemplating (no Im 100% sure) that in january im getting a tummy tuck, I deserved it after 3 kids. Good luck with your decision.

    Think long and hard about a tummy tuck. It leaves a horrendous huge scar (quite a bit higher than your bikini line) which is a lot more unsightly than an overweight belly. Although it does actually work in the fact that it gives you a VERY flat torso which looks great in tight tops!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Something that may work to a small extent is to increase your chest workout. (More pushups, etc.) This "should" build up your chest and make your A-cups stick out more appropriately.
  • Lisamar74
    Something that may work to a small extent is to increase your chest workout. (More pushups, etc.) This "should" build up your chest and make your A-cups stick out more appropriately.

    This is something I tried for a long time prior to getting a boob job and it actually made them look smaller as my shoulders got wider. Might work differently for different people though.
    Oh and don't take up swimming - you'll get even more flat chested. You never see a swimmer with big bazookas!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I've been thinking about not a boob job per se... but a lift. Nearing 40, my chest has decided to move south for the winter :(. Except of course they're not coming back. I've always been really large chested (before working on my weight loss I was a 40 I, yes as in after H). My issue isn't that I've lost too much cup size, but that they're flattening out. Some of it is weight loss, but honestly I think it's more weight and inactivity that's ruining them. I am working hard on arm/chest exercises to try and work the muscles under the breast tissue but that won't help with pancake flat breasts. I would love to go back down to a D or even C cup after this weight comes off but I've always been large even when I was thin and healthy.. so I am not sure how much weight/size I will lose off my chest. After I get to my goal weight, I will reevaluate and decide if I can get just a lift to bring them back up.. I wanted a breast reduction for years but I knew it wasn't going to help with as large as I am (SW here was 241 lbs, now I am at 229 as of this morning). I know people who had surgeries without really losing weight (healthy ways) and all they did was swell back up shortly after :(
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I have never thought I would be ever considering it but it's something I've started to think about. I seriously doubt I'll ever be able to afford it, but the thought is starting to cross my mind.

    I've gone from a 40 DDD/E to a 34 C/D depending on the bra. I'm not yet done losing weight and I'm scared that when I'm done I'll be a B/C and I already have just a handful. I'm happy with where I'm at right now and hope they do not go down further, but they do need a lift because they look deflated to me. I have hoped that pushup's would lift them some but I haven't noticed a lift at all.

    BTW my photo everyone says "Oh you're so lucky you have kept your boobs." Nope! That is a bomb shell bra haha.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Just my opinion. The only advice you should heed are those who've had it done. They are the only ones with real life experience to tell you the pros and cons.

    Don't agree with this advice, others can add valuable insight and a different perspective despite not having had it done. For example a husband of a woman who has had implants might be in a position to say how it affected their relationship, how her confidence grew/shrunk, or how he felt about his wife's change

    You lift weights, would you offer no opinion on a guy thinking of getting Synthol injections? Taking steroids? I'm assuming you've done neither of course
  • raverhayley
    raverhayley Posts: 112 Member
    i had mine done 4 years ago going from b to dd- best thing i ever did i feel so much more confident! make sure u research for a good surgeon and go for it! but will warn u if u want kids have them before having it done as u will probs need them redone otherwise :)
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    Don't do it...bigger is not better. I was a 40DDDD and was only a 40 because the bigger around you go so did the cup size get...I had mine reduced. I now wear a comfortable 36B sometimes C depending on the brand of bra and I love them! I feel better, clothes look better and I can actually work out without having to wear two bras. I guess it is up to each person, but I'm glad to be smaller. They removed 5.5 pounds of mother also had hers 15 pounds!!!! That's 3 bags of sugar...WOW!