Here comes Honey Boo Boo



  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    So because I was raised in a non urban, rural setting I should like trash television, talk like an uneducated baboon and make a general *kitten* of myself?
    You should like whatever you want, but why hate on what I like, because you don't like it?
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    So because I was raised in a non urban, rural setting I should like trash television, talk like an uneducated baboon and make a general *kitten* of myself?

    I guess I have some catching up to do. I'm going to throw my textbooks in the trash and hook up to reality television!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    We are all entitled to our opinions. And here's mine - the ads for that show are depressing. It's like the making of a monster. I can just picture that little "princess" 10 years from now. . . Exploiting children for profit and/or entertainment isn't cute or funny to me. :cry:
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    So because I was raised in a non urban, rural setting I should like trash television, talk like an uneducated baboon and make a general *kitten* of myself?
    You should like whatever you want, but why hate on what I like, because you don't like it?

    Because I loath stupidity it all its many forms. Because when confronted with said stupidity and the increasingly evident lack of intelligence in the average American, I get annoyed. Because if people say nothing, nothing will change. Because maybe if I say something someone else will read it and stop long enough to think. Because to say nothing is to condone the activity. When I am confronted with blatant stupidity, ignorance, hate, lack of any moral or ethical fortitude, racism or bigotry, I say something. Because America has gone so far down hill most people no longer have the courage or willingness to stand up for what they believe. Because network television and the mindless tripe they shove down the throat of viewers is as much a part of the problem as the viewer who watches it.
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    So because I was raised in a non urban, rural setting I should like trash television, talk like an uneducated baboon and make a general *kitten* of myself?
    You should like whatever you want, but why hate on what I like, because you don't like it?

    Because I loath stupidity it all its many forms. Because when confronted with said stupidity and the increasingly evident lack of intelligence in the average American, I get annoyed. Because if people say nothing, nothing will change. Because maybe if I say something someone else will read it and stop long enough to think. Because to say nothing is to condone the activity. When I am confronted with blatant stupidity, ignorance, hate, lack of any moral or ethical fortitude, racism or bigotry, I say something. Because America has gone so far down hill most people no longer have the courage or willingness to stand up for what they believe. Because network television and the mindless tripe they shove down the throat of viewers is as much a part of the problem as the viewer who watches it.
    They don't shove it down you're throat. You chose to watch it or you don't. But again, you missed the point in my post entirely. This was not a thread to argue on. I like the show, get over it? It doesn't make me any less of a great person. You don't like it, doesn't make you any less of a great person. No need to put me down over a show. No need to put anyone down.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' is not the worst thing on TV"

    "I don't hate the new reality series “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” but I should. Everything about this show screams, “You are wasting 30 minutes of your life by viewing this!” After struggling through a mini-marathon of five episodes, I've decided it's not the worst show on television. But it's close."

    "Other than having one of the more catchy titles for a reality show, there is not much here to recommend primarily because the show invites the viewer to sit in judgment of the family. Having said that, it does offer a version of family life characterized by love and support. I guess that's why I don't hate it."

    -Melissa Crawley
    GateHouse News Service
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    They don't shove it down you're throat. You chose to watch it or you don't. But again, you missed the point in my post entirely. This was not a thread to argue on. I like the show, get over it? It doesn't make me any less of a great person. You don't like it, doesn't make you any less of a great person. No need to put me down over a show. No need to put anyone down.

    Would you be less of a person if you enjoyed shows about mutilating animals or making homeless people fight for food?

    Not that the two are directly comparable of course. But the notion that "What I watch doesn't lessen me" is ridiculous. Of course it can.
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    They don't shove it down you're throat. You chose to watch it or you don't. But again, you missed the point in my post entirely. This was not a thread to argue on. I like the show, get over it? It doesn't make me any less of a great person. You don't like it, doesn't make you any less of a great person. No need to put me down over a show. No need to put anyone down.

    Would you be less of a person if you enjoyed shows about mutilating animals or making homeless people fight for food?

    Not that the two are directly comparable of course. But the notion that "What I watch doesn't lessen me" is ridiculous. Of course it can.
    Do you watch horror films? If you do, you enjoy watching people die. What you watch, doesn't lessen who you are. It's tv. Not the end of the world.
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    does anyone know or has anyone ever known a parent or parents who feed their kids an unhealthy amount of junk food?
    how would one politely confront them to achieve a positive result and not have them get defensive?
    does any parent on here allow their young child to have soda?

    My father once in a while lets my daughter have some of his rootbeer. Which has no caffeine. She doesn't get her own cup of it, just sips of his. I would just politely look at the parent and ask if that's what they eat all the time. Then ask why if it is the only thing they eat. My daughter models my behaviors. She loves healthy food, green beans, corn, all veggies really. She cries for "cold water" instead of juice or pop.
  • Alohathin
    Alohathin Posts: 360 Member
    From the commercials, the little girl seems like a pretentious little brat. I would not be able to sit through a full episode of that.

    And there is no excuse for jazzing up your 6 year old with Redbull.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    ********************************************MOD COMMENT*******************************************

    Lets keep it on topic please folks, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and you can debate as much as you like but please keep personal insults out of it.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    So because I was raised in a non urban, rural setting I should like trash television, talk like an uneducated baboon and make a general *kitten* of myself?


    Louisiana girl here, and I can tell you most people I know are NOT white trash simply because they are from the countryside.

    I refuse to watch the show as the commercials alone make me want to gag.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    it's interesting how angry this show makes people in regards to misrepresentation of southern folk...i never watched it and thought they were trying to imply that is how people from the south behave. i think that is a representation of how that particular family behaves.

    i mean you would really have to have never met a single working class person from the south in your life to think this is how everyone acts. there is a cultural stereotype for every region of the world, you have to be small minded/naive to think it encompasses every single person who lives or grew up in that region.

    i mean first of all they were involved in child beauty pageants for crying out loud. you already know they are not typical.

    my friends from the south don't behave like that family, but like the show because it's ridiculous

    remember: PAGEANT MOM. COUPON QUEEN. we are already dealing with some out of the norm, quirky people here.
    or are we?

    i wonder how many other honey boo boo children are out there that we don't know about...
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    Saw the show for the first time. I think it's sad and a commentary on gross TV. I will never watch it or its likes again. American TV has hit another low.

    I agree!!!!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    truly embarrassing.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Makes me want to drink bleach.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    it's interesting how angry this show makes people in regards to misrepresentation of southern folk...i never watched it and thought they were trying to imply that is how people from the south behave. i think that is a representation of how that particular family behaves.

    i mean you would really have to have never met a single working class person from the south in your life to think this is how everyone acts. there is a cultural stereotype for every region of the world, you have to be small minded/naive to think it encompasses every single person who lives or grew up in that region.

    i mean first of all they were involved in child beauty pageants for crying out loud. you already know they are not typical.

    my friends from the south don't behave like that family, but like the show because it's ridiculous

    remember: PAGEANT MOM. COUPON QUEEN. we are already dealing with some out of the norm, quirky people here.
    or are we?

    i wonder how many other honey boo boo children are out there that we don't know about...

    My main issue is not the representation of the south. It's the exploitation of this child. She is portrayed in a cringeworthy manner and if I were her I'd be appalled and embarrassed when I was old enough to understand the consequences of how this show make made me look. I would also be pissed at my parents for allowing it. Maybe it's me being a stick in the mud here but being used by a tv channel and shown in a light such as that wouldn't sit well with me
  • severins_obsession
    Tried to watch this last night (marathon), and it actually succeeded in grossing me out -- very few (if any) shows have ever done that to me!!!

    I do enjoy the delicious irony, however, in making "stars" of this subsection of the population. I first met Honey Boo Boo when she appeared on Toddlers & Tiaras: the epitome of laughing at them, not with them television.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    it seems like mothers trying to live vicariously thru their daughters!! i like teen mom better lol totally sarcastic...diners drive-ins and dives rules!!

    Totally with the Diners, Drive-ins and Dives!

    I cannot take Honey Boo Boo! :noway:
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    and to add to the mystery of it all...the mother continues to *earnestly* enter her crude mannered, hyper active, overweight child in these psycho beauty pageants to try and win "Grand supreme" always telling the child how adorable and pretty she is. Blows my mind!

    i wonder how this will effect her as she grows up. Im sure many people would think negatively, but i can somehow see her as a really confident, tough skinned woman capable of anything

    anyway at least now she gets to go to college since they are making a buttload of money of the show
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