
  • Meh. I've tried it, and I think it's a waste of my time. I'd prefer to do something more hardcore, like p90x or Insanity.

    Edited to add: For just the dance value, I think it's pretty fun. But when I work out, I'm not looking for "fun". I want my @ss kicked. :)

    Everyone is different... Some people like puking after a session of P90X or Insanity... I prefer walking out of a successful zumba class with a big smile on my face! =)
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    I thought I was one of those "Half-ers" wasting money in a zumba class because I couldnt put my all into it any more - because of my knees. Said to myself, I can do this at home because I'm really not doing it any more. So I didnt go back. I miss it so. Now they have zumba for seniors.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    Meh. I've tried it, and I think it's a waste of my time. I'd prefer to do something more hardcore, like p90x or Insanity.

    Edited to add: For just the dance value, I think it's pretty fun. But when I work out, I'm not looking for "fun". I want my @ss kicked. :)

    It's funny you mention that, because my last Zumba session was actually A LOT like Insanity, just set to music. I think it depends A LOT on the instructor and their approach.

    I attend Zumba at my base fitness centre (we live on a military base), and I believe the instructor is a member of the forces herself, with the class being made up predominantly of fit capable women (versus some of the classes I have gone to which were catering to a very different crowd). I do not mean this as a judgement on those instructors/classes, just that it may be a fitness effort that requires finding the right "fit", not just accepting all Zumba classes as the same.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I zumba twice a week along running and dancing ballet and modern. I freaking love my zumba classes. It's been working for me!! I also love how you can dance as hard as you want. I always jump when I can and drop it as low as I can to get more of a burn.
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    ZUMBA = horrible parking options.
  • paulaz43
    paulaz43 Posts: 9 Member
    Didn't like the video, but take a class at the gym. It is so fun that you don't realize you are exercising! It's fun to mix it in with other exercises during the week so it doesn't get boring.
  • I have been doing Zumba for 15 months now and I LOVE IT! I take 2 classes a week and I have memorized choreography and made up my own for the days that I don't have a class I aim for 7 hours a week. I want to get licensed to teach but keep getting freaked out about it and not signing up! I have gone from a size 20 to a size 14. My confidence and self esteem are through the roof I am happy and I love myself. As long as I keep moving my psoriatic arthritis is kept in check without drugs. I have PCOS too and it is also under control with no drugs. I have a lot of non-scale victories as well as a 39 pound weight loss! I am an addict and I don't ever want to stop! If you have fun doing it it is the right exercise for you. I started with the Wii game but then I went to a class, the environment in class is intoxicating and it pushes you further! I took my first class in a hospital conference room it was part of their "be well" community outreach program, the class had older women and pretty much everyone was overweight and I knew if anything happened well there was a doctor or two nearby! I did not feel out of place like I would have if I had started in a gym setting.
  • NikkiGetsFit185
    NikkiGetsFit185 Posts: 93 Member
    I love Zumba and have been doing it for 2 years. It really depends on the instructors I have some who are fun but are at a low/medium intensity, and i have a couple others who i feel like i just did Tae Bo because its so fast paced and high intensity with the moves. I have lost weight and inches doing zumba. Is it my only workout, no, i do hip hop abs, and i do strength training as well. I want to go back to doing step classes and adding other types of cardio, but if two classes are scheduled at the same time and one of them is Zumba, um im going for the Zumba class!!!! :smile:
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    When I first started exercising I did Zumba. After a while, I did not feel as if I was burning enough. So for me, it was a great starting out point and then I challenged myself shortly after. Go for it. You may love it!!!
  • I think it's ok, but I can find other high intense exercises where I'm NOT booty poppin' and hip rollin'.
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    It definitely does depend on the instructor! I go to one instructor on Monday nights - called CLUB ZUMBA and man it is AWESOME!!!! She works your TAIL off!!!!! I go to another for Tues, Thurs and Sat. who also works your tail off and she also incorporates Zumba toning (dances with weights!) and I tend to burn more calories in that class. I love variety!
  • 580849.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Thank you Zumba! =)

    The instructor definitely plays a HUGE part.... My instructor is AMAZING. I started stalking her on FB just to see where else she taught her class! lol!
  • MrsNina1972
    MrsNina1972 Posts: 105 Member
    I Lovvvvvve, zumba. I take the classes at gold's gym and the ymca. Great cardio workout, it will have you sweating, laughing and enjoying yourself at the same time. It's super funnn!!! Find an exercise that you enjoy and run with it!! Have fun!
  • jc501
    jc501 Posts: 129 Member
    I love it! Zumba is a great calorie burner....that is how I lost so much weight in the beginning!
  • 580849.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Thank you Zumba! =)

    The instructor definitely plays a HUGE part.... My instructor is AMAZING. I started stalking her on FB just to see where else she taught her class! lol!

    I do this (so glad I'm not the only one)! She's also a great source of encouragement!
  • Lyndseed
    Lyndseed Posts: 79 Member
    I love Zumba, it's fun, and that's why it works for me: I've lost 41 lbs in about 6 months, and gone from a size 16 to a size 8. I've been going to zumba classes twice a week. Obviously I'm also eating healthy, plus walking/jogging with my dog, and some basic body weight strength exercises at home. So Zumba's not my only excercise, but it's the most fun so I do it consistently.

    The instructor at my local gym is awesome, she really pushes us, and I get a great cardio workout plus a decent ab/bum/leg burn--for $3 a class. It's so cheap!

    Find a few local classes and try them out... for me the wii game and the dvds are not nearly as fun or effective. And I'd suggest trying more than one instructor if you can--everyone's style is going to be a little different, you can find what works best for you.
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
  • I've rented the game for Kinect from Gamefly and I didn't think it was all that great. I prefer Dance Central because it's music I know and want to dance to. I feel like the zumba music is too.... workout like. I like to trick myself into thinking I'm not working out.
  • AndreaGrace29
    AndreaGrace29 Posts: 51 Member
    I love it! I've been doing Zumba for about 6 months and its the only exercise I really ENJOY. Its FUN. I take classes, and the ladies hoot, holler, and laugh the whole time. Our DJ couldnt find the song we needed last nigth so the entire class just started singing it and doing the routine to pass the time. Its a blast!

    I weigh just over 200 and according to my heart rate monitor, i burn about 700 cals in an hour. I've also tried it at home (I found alot of our routines on you tube) but its not as fun or motivating as taking a class.

    I found my instructors at zumba. com and am taking classes at a local church for about $5 a pop. Its fantastic. I've lost about a pound a week doing it.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    The classes are fun. I can not imagine how much of an *kitten* I would feel like doing it alone at home, though.