

  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    good! In moderation. (as the yolk is high in fat) and cholesterol so if that is an issue, beware.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I simply don't eat them because they're one of the most cruel foods you can eat, but I won't get into it. It's bad for my karma. :p

    Cage free or free range issue?
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    18 hardboiled eggs a week.

    Same here! My cholesterol has never been so low either!
  • adaptingfitness
    I looooove eggs! Try eating the egg whites only. (I scrambled 'em.) The yolks are the part full of all the cholesterol and fatty stuff you don't want. The whites taste the same, are crazy low-cal and full of protein! Guilt free. :)
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    I ate/eat lots of them, sometimes 3 a day. I'm down 89 lbs. I'm no heath expert, but they work for me. Good protein, compact packaging (in lunchbox), etc.
  • babecon
    babecon Posts: 136 Member
    I simply don't eat them because they're one of the most cruel foods you can eat, but I won't get into it. It's bad for my karma. :p

    Whatcha mean?
    Cruel if they're battery eggs maybe, but the 4 hens in my garden seem totally okay with us eating what is essentially a period. (dwell on that the next time you're having scramblies y'all ;) )
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i was brought up on eggs as a kid every day my kids grew up eating eggs every day. im 64 my kids are all grown up, we arnt dead yet.
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    i eat two boiled eggs everyday,so ten a week:) well i think they are healthy
    Healthy, but not good for your brain by all accounts!
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I love my eggs. I eat at least one a day, sometimes more if I want a quick sandwich I'll scramble a couple, cook them up in some peppers, onions and shredded cheese and make a quick wrap that will keep me going for hours.

    Sunday night/Monday morning I'll cook up 5 eggs, break the yolk cook in a frying pan with a little cooking spray, refrigerate after cooking, work days I can pop it in the micro for 20 seconds and throw it on a mulit-grain english muffin for my workday breakfast.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I simply don't eat them because they're one of the most cruel foods you can eat, but I won't get into it. It's bad for my karma. :p

    Whatcha mean?
    Cruel if they're battery eggs maybe, but the 4 hens in my garden seem totally okay with us eating what is essentially a period. (dwell on that the next time you're having scramblies y'all ;) )

    I love it! I pointed that out to my family on a few occassions too....and I've been contemplating making a place in our yard for a few hens myself.
  • Eggs are a great source of protein - in the whites only.
    Yolks are where all the vitamins and fat are.

    If you eat them regularly, try a 2/3 ratio. 2 whites to 1 yolk.

    If you scrap the yolks all the time you miss some great natural healing nutrients.

  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I eat two a day. I always get the cage free/grass feed eggs for the omega -3 fats in the yolks.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    I eat several eggs a week. Good protein, good nutrition.

    Cholesterol has never been an issue for me, and the latest is eggs aren't really the culprit they were previously thought to be.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Excessive cholesterol in your bloodstream is a sign that you are eating too much bad carbohydrate. Your liver produces cholesterol on its own and maintains your cholesterol at a healthy level. However, if it is being overworked by excessive bad carbohydrate (I say "bad" carbohydrate because things like veggies and fruits don't cause harm unless you eat tons of sugary fruit all day, haha!) your liver won't be able to naturally regulate your cholesterol level. Hence, it is large amounts of things like grains, added sugars, etc. that cause high cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol in things like eggs, meat, etc. is NOT bad for you at all. Eggs are a great source of nutrients...I feel much better when I eat them than when I don't :)

    Do you have a source for all this information?

    The whole article is very interesting - but to your question - page 20 gives you the answer to the carb cholesterol connection. ""........http://www.cambridgemedscience.org/reports/CholMythCamb.pdf
  • babecon
    babecon Posts: 136 Member
    I simply don't eat them because they're one of the most cruel foods you can eat, but I won't get into it. It's bad for my karma. :p

    Whatcha mean?
    Cruel if they're battery eggs maybe, but the 4 hens in my garden seem totally okay with us eating what is essentially a period. (dwell on that the next time you're having scramblies y'all ;) )

    I love it! I pointed that out to my family on a few occassions too....and I've been contemplating making a place in our yard for a few hens myself.

    I've had mine for about a year, they're great! They're super low maintenance, eggs every day (less at this time of year when they're moulting) and chickens running is one of the funniest things you'll ever see
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    I simply don't eat them because they're one of the most cruel foods you can eat, but I won't get into it. It's bad for my karma. :p

    Whatcha mean?
    Cruel if they're battery eggs maybe, but the 4 hens in my garden seem totally okay with us eating what is essentially a period. (dwell on that the next time you're having scramblies y'all ;) )

    Thanks for that! :-) ewwww.......
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    there are three people living in my house right now (myself and my 12 and 13 year old) ... we go through about 10 dozen eggs a month... if I make scrambled for the fam I make 12-18 at a time... the 12 year old (who JUST hit the 5th %ile... btw) will make 4-6 for a snack...

    I boil 1-2 doz a week... and keep them in the fridge... they make a handy snack... they are great for making "dirty rice".... adding to tuna salad... egg salad... with regular salad .... sliced on bread... just out of the shell... I like to pack them to go because they are portable... and filling...

    I learned in nursing school that 85% of the cholesterol in the body is produced in the liver... I was trying to find a source to back that up....

    I found this link... (http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsweek/Understanding_Cholesterol.htm) which discusses how/why the body makes cholesterol

    Your blood cholesterol level is determined by the sum of how much cholesterol your body makes and how much you take in from food, minus how much your body uses up or excretes. High cholesterol can result from a problem in any of the variables in that equation—your body may produce more cholesterol than it needs due to a genetic predisposition, you may be getting too much from your diet, or you may not excrete cholesterol in your bile efficiently. The fact that Americans have higher blood cholesterol levels than citizens of the Far East or Africa could be due to differences in genetic factors, but most evidence suggests that our higher cholesterol levels are largely a product of our high-fat, high-cholesterol diet.

    Your body does need food to fuel the cholesterol production process, but it can be virtually any kind of food, even the cholesterol-free kind. As long as the food contains carbon—which carbohydrates, fats, and proteins all do—it provides the body with the building blocks to make its own cholesterol. Cholesterol is made out of the carbon that is recycled from the food you eat. Saturated fats, however, raise blood cholesterol levels more than other types of food, which is why people watching their cholesterol are told to avoid them. This is true even if saturated fat (which doesn't have any cholesterol in itself but is often found in foods with high cholesterol) is eaten in a cholesterol-free food. Why saturated fat does this is still something of a biological mystery.

    long story short.... all things in moderation... don't avoid the egg because of fear of cholesterol... if you have tremendously high levels of cholesterol... then consider limiting your intake of foods high in cholesterol... but... most people need not worry :)
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    Excessive cholesterol in your bloodstream is a sign that you are eating too much bad carbohydrate.

    I also wonder about this? I've never heard of cholesterol resulting from carbs. It is from fat and red meats, etc. See, e.g. this quote from WebMD:

    "But after 25 years of study, it has become evident that cholesterol in food is not the culprit -- saturated fat has a much bigger effect on blood cholesterol. Full-fat dairy products and fatty meats are examples of foods that are loaded with saturated fat and which trigger the body to produce cholesterol."
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I also wonder about this? I've never heard of cholesterol resulting from carbs. It is from fat and red meats, etc. See, e.g. this quote from WebMD:

    "But after 25 years of study, it has become evident that cholesterol in food is not the culprit -- saturated fat has a much bigger effect on blood cholesterol. Full-fat dairy products and fatty meats are examples of foods that are loaded with saturated fat and which trigger the body to produce cholesterol."

    from what I have learned... basically any food that has carbon in it will be used in cholesterol production... I could be totally misreading it.... but that is how I understand it...