Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 1/29 wk 5



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Had a pretty good day in yesterday but didnt accomplish much only cleaning things around the house.
    Have to run today Im late right now, but i will check back in later!
    WELCOME back mike and misssssss porka!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hey everyone!! This hasn't been a good week. I'm not feeling motivated at all. I NEED to snap out of it. I still haven't done C25K yet. Monday got scrapped because I forgot to download the podcast for DH and we just decided to go last night instead. We can't go Friday anyway, so doing Tuesday Thursday Saturday was a decent idea. I went home Monday and did level 2 of Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga. Yesterday I did my usual routine of getting on the treadmill to wait for DH to get there so we can start C25K. I was on there for 1/2 hr before I got off the machine because he hadn't shown up yet. I was more than a little ticked thinking he'd changed his mind at the last minute. I went to the locker room to get my stuff to leave when he finally made it. Apparently traffic was just that bad. We were actually still planning on doing C25K until we realized that there wasn't a single treadmill open. At this point both DH and I were in rotten moods and didn't feel like standing around for a machine so we left. And then we got pizza for dinner. :embarassed:

    But today is a new day! We are going back to the gym again tonight for C25K. I really need to get back into it before I end up giving up on my goal of running the 5K in April. I feel less and less confident that I can do it. But if I don't get my butt in there and try, I'll never know. I need to at least
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all!
    Went to the gym early today to get it over with,so i had to bring my little one with me, which was ok, did 30 mins on the percore machine and 10 mins on the rowing machine. Then took her over to the resistance machine room and did a round of circuit training with her which she loved. They have kid machines next to the adult machines that are awesome! so she got her little work out on! LOL
    did things around the house, ate really good for me foods and getting my water down, so all in all having a good hump day! Hope to skate tonight! woot
    Crystal~ I hate waiting for hubby too, we set up a plan that we were going to go to the gym at the same times because he gets an hour for workout time on mon,wed,and fri. But the last week and a half it is a freaking joke! because i am there an he has to stay back to do something, or someone hasnt come back from their lunch yet, ect....... I dont mind working out by myself, and i get to rub it in too! LOL but I feel like when he is there right besides me I push myself harder to show him that I am awesome LOL . You will get back into the swing of it all! I know you will
    Kelly~cant wait for my snow pictures, and i hope that your puggie will be ok!
    Sindy~No worries about the going over thing! This whole healthy choice lifestyle is SUCH a learning field, we can't do anything but hit and miss, that is how we learn the ways of it all:) I bet it tasted Yummy anyhow:)
    Porka~They do a spinning class at my gym but I heard it is always packed too! It must be the thing to do!
    My friend told me once that she waited and hour before and didnt even get a bike, so i asked her if she could just lay down on the ground and air bike :) I though it was funny, she did not!
    Hope taht it is fun you gotta tell me how it is!
    Angie~ Loved to hear about your outing with your son! sounds like you guys got a lot done taht day!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey everyone. I was hungry had celery & 1 serving of peanut butter. And 1 serving of cookies - so unless I get a 300+ calorie workout at Curves I will be over calories.

    Did run 1 mile today. Wanted to do more but didnt' want to push it. The time was crap but hey, I haven't run in maybe 10 weeks or more.

    Take care. Talk to you later.
  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey Peppers;

    Sorry to be so long in checking everyone else a crazy 2010 for me. Just caught up with my shgp reading; I love the way everyone encourages each other. You all brighten my day (or evening as the case may be). :smile:

    Jacque – glad your sister is doing well; she is blessed to have you as a sister what a help you are to her.

    Miss V – also glad your doggie is doing better; keep up the hugs they make everything better.

    Those under the weather – hope you feel better soon.

    Weight for last Friday - stayed the same at 235.

  • jacque509
    Wow my week is a mess, totaly feel bad, not having time to walk and can feel it too. Started good yesterday but by afternoon was eating crap. Last night kidos requested meat and potatoe pie since it was so cold out. Cold for Texas that is. Would of been ok but had 2 serving so into the comfort foods at the moment. Need to refocus and start fresh today. Brought lunch again so gonna try again.
    Hope everyone starts to feel better.
    Hey Christy & Mike!!! glade to see ya back
    Thanks everyone for kkeping my sis and I in your prayers
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Did better yesterday. I am learning last min. lunches are not good. I will try to get menu and figure calories before I go out to eat. I really did not know it was that many calories, but it is what it is. :laugh:
    My goal is to continue to log everyday and start drinking my water, with all the late hours at 2nd job I have been drinking more coffee, but I have to stop drinking so much coffee. cream adds up.

    I told myself that I would do this day to day and not worry so much if I slip up, I end up stressing about it and we know where that leads.

    Will check back, have to get some work done today. Have a great day :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    I did week 2 of C25K yesterday. :drinker: Plus another 15 minutes on the elliptical. No problems with my asthma at all and I forgot to use my inhaler before I started. I think I may finally be over all this chest stuff. Woo hoo!!!
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hey Kelly_a,
    Can I join again the group...been in and out for over a year now. :) Gonna get back on it!!!
  • Whitneyh29
    k i have a valid excuse for sue.. IT was my 21 birthday on the 29.. and i realize i have posted for a while but ya i am really trying now..

    MFP start weight: 145
    SHGP start weight : 145
    current weight: ?
    goal weight: 128-130..

    any help or work out ideas.. or eating ideas please let me know see you next week
  • Whitneyh29
    P.S.: how do you all put the weight lots thing on your post!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member

    Under tools, go to the "weight loss ticker". If you haven't created it, you have to do that first. When you are done, it will produce a code. Copy the entire code. From there, come back to the message boards and click on "signature". Paste the code in the box, save, and you're done!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Busy here....was my shoppin day, so to the city, 6 stores and back home, WHEW! still puttin it all away. dh is workin late today, so I plan to get on the treadmill or walk w/Leslie.

    Hope everyone is having a great day ** make it count **. will post more later...

    Lynette ~ we want ya back....have missed you!!

    Crystal ~ just saw the post on the LC cheese wedges.....I am in awe of all the ideas!! never thought of a potato, and tuna!! more taste and diff flavors! YUM!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    So the little one stayed home sick today:( took her to the doc and he said she just has a very nasty cold........she has a fever and vomiting too....odd but glad to hear shes ok!
    Went skating lastnight, didnt go out there much and left fairly early, just wasnt feeling real good.
    Hey I forgot the tell you all that I checked my BMI today! and now I am ONLY OVERWEIGHT!?!?!?!:flowerforyou: this is a great milestone, now the next one is to get under 200:) lol
    got little exercise in today slaving over the kido. talk to you tomorrow, hope you all had a great day!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi everyone...
    Because I need to be at an alternate location tommorrow, I won't be able to do a weigh in Friday morning.

    So, I did tonight... I know, not the best thing to do... weigh in evening after eating meals & drinking beverages....

    Tonight was 166.8

    I'm hoping the gain was due to unable to do lunch walks and my 3x week gym. I'm happy I was able to get to curves 4x this week.
    I'm also hoping the gain is due to horomonal cycles.

    Sorry Mike... I'm sure you've heard "I've gained weight this week due to monthly.... "

    Whitney - Happy Birthday!

    Miss V - hope you're daughter is feeling better soon. It sucks when our kids are sick.

    NJ is expecting a big snow beginning Friday night. Hopefully, it's just a wrong prediction by the weather forecasters....

    Take care all..

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Evenin All!

    Gosh, I am really tired...hoping to get to bed earlier tonite. We are suppose to get more snow, tomorrow, then more on Sun or Mon, then the temps are gonna plummet next week. Lovin' winter and all it's wonder! I have a bus trip Saturday, but it is close enough that I can just deliver the team and then go back to pick up. Wrestling will be over in 2 wks, and it's possible we will have a couple advance to state. This school year is flying for me...and my Sr son...:cry:

    Crystal ~ hey, I am proud of you! you are doing way more than me! so glad to hear your lungs are better and you did C25K wk 2!! I have started it 3-4 times now, and one of these starts, I'll finish, and so will you! We can do it...we just gotta keep on believing and pushin'!

    Miss V~ Yippy girl!! Congrats on being out of the obese range! I am so excited for you! I need to lose about 13-14 more lbs. That is so cool, exercise machines for kids. I have never heard of that! Hope your lil one is better soon! Take care! I'll get snow pics soon!

    Barb ~ so do you run outside or on a treadmill? that is so great!

    Christy ~ I will put 235 down for last week, t/y!

    Jacque ~ so, can you share that yummy soundin meat/potato pie? is it easy to make? we are meat and potato ppl here...well, my dh is.

    Cindy ~ I am so on the verge of becoming a capp/latte addict. I have never drank coffee, never liked it. A few yrs ago, on a long road trip, I tried one. OMG! I have to really be strong now! Even in the grocery isle, the aroma's! One would be so good on a bitter, cold day! Limit myself to maybe a few times a yr now....

    Mike and Porka ~ if you want your starting MFP or Smokin' Hot Green Pepper "start" wts on our chart, just let me know. I will try to post the updated chart by Saturday.

    Good luck at the scale gang! As Jacque says, last chance workout! Skinny vibes to each of you!!
  • n2dfire
    n2dfire Posts: 140 Member
    Starting weight is 320 when is first weigh in also I feel terrible about my numbers for today sorry team my dinner killed me
  • n2dfire
    n2dfire Posts: 140 Member
    Okay answered my own question trying to read and type on an iPod sucks wife has the computer as alwaysbut what can I say I love her lol. Welcome back Lynette and pork been awhile nice to see the green team plugging away together again. Well I'm going to figure this diet thing out again oh and by the way I did win the challenge last year I was at 279 37 pound loss. How I manage to screw up and gain so much weight back I don't have a clue but with y'all on my side and the awesome support system we all get from each other we will prevail over this plaguing problem we refer to as weight.
  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    Yuck! WAY over on my calories for today...I didn't plan supper just grabed food and ate...then plugged in food to check calories. Very bad idea! And we weigh in the morning!!

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Mike and Christy....a new day is soon to be here, no worries. Don't get down about today and just focus on tomorrow and do the best you can. One day at a time. We all slip here and there, and learn along the way. I think in the last 3 months I have lost and gained the same 10-15 lbs....horrible for my metabolism. So, let's just think of what we can change to make things better. One way or another, we're all gonna get there! I know we can do this! Believe in ** you **! :bigsmile:

    here is the link for Friday Feb 5th!! Good luck SHGP's!!