30DS Starting 9/3/12 Who is in???



  • lenibells
    lenibells Posts: 30 Member
    I managed to survive yesterday injury free so did Level 2 Day 1. I think I may have gone a bit to easy on myself as I remember sweat running into my eyes last time I did it for the first time and this one wasn't so bad. There were a few moves I couldn't achieve good enough form on, so that'll be what I work on tonight.

    How's everyone feeling in general? Has anyone seen an increase in energy levels? I did last time but this time around I'm desperately tired all of the time.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Didnt have the energy to do level 2 today, so I did level 1. Decided to take measurements today. Since Aug 24 I have lost 0.5 inches on thighs, and 0.25 on belly.
  • I have just bought 30DS, on D3L1 and my shoulders are burning! Also really annoyed with myself as I have lost my Fitbit and have only had it a wee!,so the exercise isn't been monitored, I will have to enter it manually. For those people who enter each time, is there a quick way? :smile:
  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    I log mine under circuit training... I hope this helps! Great job everyone!! I love checking in to see how everyone is doing:)
  • I am also on D3 level 1. I did not want to do it today as my muscles are on FIRE! Now that it's done I feel so much better. I think I will add her BFBM 3X a week for extra cardio! I am a lover of running and over a year ago was in great shape and had some surgery so was set back and put about 20lbs back on. I'm SO READY to get back to where I was and I LOVE/HATE Jillian lol. I would like to punch her in the face, then kick her-- but not hard as I will need her to get back up and motivate me like she does SO WELL!! Haha
    Anyway, I'm in!!
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    Question for the day: How do you know you are ready to move onto the next level? I have done Level 1 for 11 days. I took one day off. The past couple nights I have done it, I have been extremely tired and probably not pushing to my potential.

    Should you be able to do all the exercises like Natalie? I certainly can't do a boy push up yet and my abs are rocky at the end!

    I did look ahead last night at Level 2 and it looks hard but not undoable. How did you determine you were ready to move on?
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Not feeling the shred today - so heading down to the treadmill to do a 20-30 min brisk walk.
  • lenibells
    lenibells Posts: 30 Member
    Question for the day: How do you know you are ready to move onto the next level? I have done Level 1 for 11 days. I took one day off. The past couple nights I have done it, I have been extremely tired and probably not pushing to my potential.

    Should you be able to do all the exercises like Natalie? I certainly can't do a boy push up yet and my abs are rocky at the end!

    I did look ahead last night at Level 2 and it looks hard but not undoable. How did you determine you were ready to move on?

    For me it was just a mater of noticing that I wasn't countng down the circuits until it was over! To begin with, there were certain ones I knew I found really hard and dreaded but eventually I stopped noticing them go by so much, I still never got to like them and I didn't find them super easy, but I was ready for another challenge (or more circuits to dread!)

    I've got a pretty hard week at work this week and I'll be seeing my physio who's helping me with graded exercise this week so I'm not 100% that I'll manage every day but I'm going to give it my best as I have day 18 in my sights to smash, thats where I gave up last time and it seems such a waste now looking back. Tonight will be day 5 of level 2.
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    Well, I ended up taking 3 days off because I had a nasty head cold. I did do it the first night I was feeling well and it was very difficult to get through the cardio while trying to breathe!!! Thursday, Friday and Saturday I played the wimp card and didn't do it.

    Stayed on Level 1 last night and boy it was kinda rough getting back into it. I think because of that I will do Level 1 at least 3 more times to see if I can get back on track and then I will move on. And hopefully keep trucking until its over. Decided that it didn't matter if I didn't get it done in 30 days but matters more that I just get it done.
  • lenibells
    lenibells Posts: 30 Member
    Day 5 of Level 2 last night. Is it just me or is anyone else beginning to really hate it? I didn't enjoy it at all last night, I just wanted it to be over!
  • TeeNico1191
    TeeNico1191 Posts: 15 Member
    I set a goal, each level for 10 days. By day 3-4, I was comfortable with most the exercises except Jump Rope in L1, however, day 11 I moved on to L2. Someday were tougher than other, I must admit. First day on L2 was challenging, however, I pushed through and made it. I actually like L2 betta. Although the exercise are a greater challenge. I wasn't to keen on all the impact in L1. I can now do the Jump Rope from L1 in L2 instead of the Double Jump Rope. The impact aggravates my knee (had surgery some years back). On day 3 of L2 tmr! I skipped yesterday and walked 55 mins instead. Since I allowed time to escape me and I didn't wanna exercise too close to bed time, since it keeps me up!! so much for dat I'm still up! :ohwell: On that note I'm going to bed!
  • TeeNico1191
    TeeNico1191 Posts: 15 Member
    Question for the day: How do you know you are ready to move onto the next level? I have done Level 1 for 11 days. I took one day off. The past couple nights I have done it, I have been extremely tired and probably not pushing to my potential.

    Should you be able to do all the exercises like Natalie? I certainly can't do a boy push up yet and my abs are rocky at the end!

    I did look ahead last night at Level 2 and it looks hard but not undoable. How did you determine you were ready to move on?

    I set a goal, each level for 10 days. By day 3-4, I was comfortable with most the exercises except Jump Rope in L1, however, day 11 I moved on to L2. Someday were tougher than other, I must admit. First day on L2 was challenging, however, I pushed through and made it. I actually like L2 betta. Although the exercise are a greater challenge. I wasn't to keen on all the impact in L1. I can now do the Jump Rope from L1 in L2 instead of the Double Jump Rope. The impact aggravates my knee (had surgery some years back). On day 3 of L2 tmr! I skipped yesterday and walked 55 mins instead. Since I allowed time to escape me and I didn't wanna exercise too close to bed time, since it keeps me up!! so much for dat I'm still up! :ohwell: On that note I'm going to bed!
  • Hi there,

    Im a bit late starting but I just finished day 2 of 30DS, hope I can still join in??

    I HATE the 3rd strength circuit, where you lift the weights up to your eyes. I am cursing to myself while doing it haha. I have good fitness from running so I find cardio enjoyable but hate abs and strength.

    Feels good getting up early to work out before actual work :)

    My parents are away for 3 weeks and my boyfriend is away to work for 6 weeks so I hope they notice a difference when they get back!
  • misspancakes
    misspancakes Posts: 96 Member
    I started today! Loving it. I feel sore already! Only 20mins! Hope to see some results feel free to add me anyone :)
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    I did 30DS L2D7 tonight and I am completely wiped out. This was after I did a run/walk of 3.73 miles...
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    Getting back on track for me. I did Day 1 of Level 2 last night. It was hard but a nice change from level 1. Going to keep going on Level 2 and hopefully I can complete all 3 levels by the middle of October. Can't do the obligue jump thing in the cardio circuit 2, way to hard on my bad ankle. So I do punches.
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    Whew Day 2 Level 2 HARD HARD HARD. But I like the change.
  • lenibells
    lenibells Posts: 30 Member
    Level 2 Day 8 last night, this is where I got to before giving up before. I've not lost any weight and my measurements haven't gone down so trying not to be discouraged again! I know I should do more than the 10 days on level 2 as I've done up to 3 rest days at some points and moved from level 1 early but I just hate level 2!
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    That has to be very discouraging that you haven't lost any weight or inches from the time you have spent on the shred. For me, maybe not for you depending on your fitness level, I gave myself the goal of just finishing it. I didn't want to tie any accomplishments to the scale or inches, just knowing that I could do soemthing that hard for the whole program was my goal. I took a rest day yesterday. I didn't take any rest days through Level 1 and I think they hurt my dedication level. So tonight onto Day 3 Level 2.

    Just imagine, you only have 12 days left and you will have completed it! You are more than half way!