


  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    Definitely pamper yourself in other ways! Go shopping, get a new hairstyle, get a mani/pedi, have a night out with friends, go on a nice nature hike! I know it's tough, but keeping busy and doing things you enjoy while staying healthy will make yourself feel better in the long run.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member

    It's his loss NOT yours. You are beautiful, take care of yourself and I am assuming a good person. Just get yourself all dolled up, grab a few girlfriends, go out and FLIRT with every guy that is in your sight..believe me, they will respond and you will feel better. Go dancing, to a wine tasting, a comedy club..somewhere...and just have fun.

    It will take time to get over him. I still hurt from my last break up..but I know he is not what is best for me. So know what you deserve, try not to fret too much.

    Though, when you are having those moment where it hurts SOOOO bad you feel like your can't breathe...I cried, cried, cried and cried myself to sleep..then I wasn't eating. Crying can be so tiring and catharticc as well...
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    My boyfriend of 3.5 yrs on and off broke up with me a month ago... we were trying to stay freinds...and then this weekend he started dating a woman who was a thorn in the relationship a lot of that time...so I had to make the uterally painful choice to completely end even the freindship..and let him learn his lessons on his own. He was my best earthly freind...( in a different way then my bestest sista freind...but you know what i mean..) and it trully sucks.

    It is NOT easy...but hold tight to WHY you are on this weight loss journey... it is for YOU...for YOUR HEALTH...and for YOUR PEACE... if you have kids, or are a person of faith, it is for those reasons as well.

    The old me would have dove into food as well. The new me, refuses to do that. Don;t bear yourself up if you slip a day or so, but don;t allow a downward spiral to derail all your hard work... you can do this! I have also heard it said, that if something is taken from you, it just means something even more incredible is on the horizon. I ever so TRULY hope that holds truth...as I thought this precious man was my soulmate.

    (((((hugs to you)))))

    PS~ you have a beautiful light in your eyes. Don't let any man, situation, heartache steal that light! Eyes are the *gateway to the soul* and you can see kindness and love in yours. Some GOOD man will see that in the future..and be captivated!!!!!!
  • AndiJoy812
    I'll tell you what a good friend of mine told me after a relationship that I was in ended after 5 years. She said, "The best way to get over a guy is to get under another one."


    It's not advice that I took right away, but it did make me smile. Best wishes to you. :flowerforyou:
  • sarahtams1985
    sarahtams1985 Posts: 1 Member
    everytime you reach for the ice cream you need to think about the next time you see him. imagine yourself being fitter, feeling healthier and looking fantastic. NOTHING feels as good as looking amazing in front of your ex :D it's a new start for you, all that independance. look at it as a fresh start, hes done you a favour :) chin up and keep going girl he's not worth it anyway. xxx
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    The fastest way to get over a man, is to get under another one. :tongue:

    I LOVE what my good friend Dawn said^^^^^ this is a good solution too...:wink:
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    Also, blare The Muppet Theme song. It is not possible to be sad while hearing it.
  • jpappal
    Don't give anyone the satisfaction, when they see you two years from now, of thinking 'Oh look, she got chunky since we dated!'.

    Make dat fool sorry for dumping your hawt *kitten*!!!!!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Exercise will be your best friend right now! Especially HIIT training, will get the adrenaline going and give you some endorphines... will make you feel a whole lot better! x
  • angelaaaad
    Hello there.
    I recently went through a break up, also. Don't give up darling. I did, and now it's the hardest thing to get motivated anymore. Go for a run, get things off your mind. When you get up set think of motivation, or come on here & we will motivate you. Remember you're doing this for yourself, but then again it doesn't hurt to think you're gonna be sexy as hell by the end.
    YOU CAN DO THIS SWEETHEART. Don't let us down!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    Last weekend was one of the best I ever had. I completed my first 5K, which was first on my bucket list.

    Today, I got dumped after being together for 4 years.


    The old me would immediately go home, get in my sweats along with my old pals Ben and Jerry and eat myself into a coma.

    I will NOT do that this time. I have come too far, worked too hard, accomplished too much to revert back to my old ways and a pint with a spoon.

    So....any advice on how to get past this without food? I worked out and that didn't really help. At this point, I am open to any suggestions.

    This sucks y'all. :frown:

    Wow...I feel for ya. I, personally, would workout like a mad woman, and then drink myself into oblivion, while spending a *kitten* ton of time with my girl friends. *hugs* Hang in there!!!
  • HealthylivingTIG
    HealthylivingTIG Posts: 174 Member
    You are beautiful... so finding the person you are to be with will not be too challenging. To get through the hurt, try to think you YOUSELF. how will over eating affect you? how will you feel after ben and jerry has left you on the couch? dont invite pity to stay over longer than a day... he will try to get comfortable and take over your life. Shake it off and get going again. Best of luck, Tara
  • nejaustin
    nejaustin Posts: 76 Member
    Get out there and start training for a 10k. I can't believe how many times I cried through a run while my father was dying. Running allowed me a time to be with my feelings in a positive manner. I can out stronger from it in so many ways.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Sorry to hear that. :(

    You need to do other things that you enjoy that don't involve food. Sitting at home moping will encourage you to eat.

    Go shopping, treat yourself to a new handbag or a new pair of shoes, immerse yourself in your friends.

    Failing that, take up boxing and pretend the punch bag is your ex. Angry workouts burn lots of calories. ;-)
  • SydneyBristowe
    Though, when you are having those moment where it hurts SOOOO bad you feel like your can't breathe...I cried, cried, cried and cried myself to sleep..then I wasn't eating. Crying can be so tiring and catharticc as well...

    I totally agree with this. Some people think that they have to be strong and that strong = not crying when sometimes its exactly what you need to release the feelings that would otherwise go into a pint of B&J. If you don't want to 'waste your tears' over this guy then put The Green Mile or Marley and Me or The Notebook on the TV and cry over something else.

    In a similar situation I found that at night trying to get to sleep i run conversations through my head that I wanted to have with him and that kept me awake. So I wrote down what I wanted to say in the form of a letter. I'll probably never send it, but it got it out of my head and allowed me to get some sleep!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    You did absolutely right to post. All of us have gone through something similar.
    The support you have here, as well as from friends and family, will help you get through it.
    It's not going to be possible to just shake it off - four years is susbstantial time.
    But know that YOU are an awesome child of the universe!
    (And your ex doesn't have the rest of us awesome MFPers to keep him company :))
  • Iceman1800
    Smart *kitten* answer- I'll be your online sex buddy ;)
    Serious answer is not to get bored. Idle time makes you think which brings memories. Join a gym or club. Take some classes. Avoid old stomping grounds for a while.
  • ftellstrom
    ftellstrom Posts: 28 Member
    After a breakup i get a second job... that way im too busy to deal with the drama and i have extra cash.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    I run when I'm angry. I just think about the thing that is making me angry and it makes me run faster and harder.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Omgosh, I am so sorry! I don't really have any advice, just wanted to tell you how sorry I am!