


  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Keep yourself distracted. When I got dumped I channeled that energy into working out and I got mad and lost a lot of weight. Also, you can go and hang out with friends. Go walking together or shopping. If you have to eat try Super Salad. It's delicious. Try homemade shakes. Good luck with that. I'm sure you will find someone else. Find someone with similar goals. This is opening the door to new opportunities.
  • msuhsm
    Congrats on your 5K!! That is awesome. If you have a hobby, spend some time doing that. Go out to a movie with friends, read a good book, take a class to learn something you have always wanted to and pamper yourself!!
  • samlankford
    go shopping, eat some sushi, enjoy having the bed to yourself!! :bigsmile:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You're already doing great as you've not gone back to your old ways for this situation....keep going you'll get through this and be damn hot too!!
  • hiddensmiles21
    After a breakup i get a second job... that way im too busy to deal with the drama and i have extra cash.

    I've done this too. It was always helpful to be with people who didn't know about the break-up and just kept me busy. Don't turn to food or booze, neither of them make you happy afterwards. [voice of experience here!]

    It takes time to heal, my thoughts are with you.

    Oh and... CONGRATS ON THE 5K!!!!!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    It might help to ponder these two things:

    1. There are about 6.7 billion people in the world and approximately 2.4 billion of them are single adults; and
    2. If those 2.4 billion single adults stood in a line, it would take about 76 years to count them all.
  • shadoewz
    You have been hurt by someone else, so don't hurt yourself, too. Sometimes it's hard, but it truly is important to love yourself and care for yourself just as if you were your own little kid. Be your own best friend!

    If all else fails, get some sugar-free fat-free substitutes for your favorite comfort food, and go to town ;)

    I'm sorry that happened to you, but if someone leaves you when you are trying to do things to improve yourself, it's probably for the best that they are gone.
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    You have come so far, you are half way to your goal. Don't stop, don't give up. Go out and spoil yourself. be sad, be angry, be mad at him. It is his loss, not yours. Pamper yourself with a manicure or pedi or massage or GNO or something.

    what he said!!!!!!!
  • sclangley
    While being 'dumped' is not the same as losing someone to death is can hurt just as bad. Like with all loss you need to mourn and everyone does that differently. Being an emotional eater myself I have to be very careful of the things I surround myself.....bad food....destructive people....etc.

    Whether the breakup was about you or not it is all about you now. People do a lot less damage to us than we do to ourselves. I am my own worst enemy and I have to tell myself all day everyday with EVERY decision I make 'I am worth it. I deserve the best of every situation'. I don't always believe it but I say it anyway.

    Find a punching bag and picture it as your old self. Work away at all the negative that is rising from this situation. Time is a great healer but when you are heart broken time has a way of standing still. Make the best of it while you wait.
  • yeahforme
    yeahforme Posts: 18 Member
    Obviously he feels insecure because you are now sooo secure...some folks have a hard time understanding the perks that come along with a strong, confident woman who worked very hard to make herself that way. Have a big drink and do something you absolutely love to do. Plan a vacation - visit a friend you haven't seen in a while - and if Ben and Jerry happen to invite themselves along, take a log walk and thank them for helping you through.

    Like Gloria Gainer (sp?) you will soon be singing..."I will survive...!"
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Sign up for another race, and focus on your training for that. Time and distraction will heal the wound.
    Congrats on your first 5K!
  • Chgosportsgal
    My boyfriend left me for someone else 2 years ago. Sadly, that's part of the reason that led to my depression and endless eating. But if it happened today..I KNOW I would handle it much better! Give yourself a good cry and get it out of your system! Right now working out isn't helping because this just happened. Give yourself time to grieve, be pissed off..all that.

    But these affirmations helped me. He dumped me..it's his loss. He wasn't meant for me...there is someone better out there. Plus, I don't want anyone who doesn't want me. You're on a road to a new life with your weight loss, maybe this guy wouldn't be able to handle it. I can tell you right now, my old boyfriend would no way in hell be able to handle the person I am today from 2 years ago. I know it's very, very hard to see it now, but this is a blessing in disguise. Keep your chin up..you're a GODDESS !!
  • jesseyluvspurple
    I tell my teenage kids this ( I tell myself too when I need to): every heart break hurts worse than the last. But when you fall in live again, it will feel better than the last as well. Remember the good times, learn from the not so good times. Think about what you really want in a partner and what are deal breakers. Do some things for yourself. Be selfish for a change. Hold your head up high, you are a strong, smart and beautiful woman. Transform yourself into who YOU want to be and your confidence will shine through and when YOU choose to be ready again, the right man will come along. We are ALL here to support you!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    His loss
  • Chelsrf
    Chelsrf Posts: 194 Member
    Do things for yourself that make you happy... mani/pedi, massage, new outfit, etc. Talk to friends and/or go for a run to clear your mind. I agree with the other posters though do not go back to him.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    don't give up. You look fantastic. Keep yourself busy. Call someone when you feel like eating. Get a therapist if you can and you have the time to go. Stick to your routine.

    This too shall pass.
  • tessex
    tessex Posts: 15 Member
    Just remember " this too shall pass" and good job with the 5k just keep up the good work for you. Hang in there!!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I have not been through all of the posts so I do not know if this has been suggested-

    Treat yourself to a day about YOU. Get your hair done, get a pedicure, manicure, massage (whatever sounds good)-go shopping....treat yourself to a healthy dinner and a glass of wine (or *makey happy* beverage of your choice)...go to a movie...

    By the way, these are all things I've done after a breakup or a bad day...

    On the opposite end, do something for someone else! Go to your local animal shelter and take a dog for a walk (pets have as profound an impact on your mood as antidepressant medication :) ), clean out your wardrobe of clothes that are too big for you and donate them to a local charity...

    Lastly, remind yourself you deserve better...even if he was not a bad guy (I am not going to make a judgement), you deserve to be with someone who makes you happy and who enhances your life...why settle?

    Cheer up, Charlie :(

  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    A really through work-out will get your endorphines flowing, and you'll feel better. And if you don't feel better, you'll be so tired, it doesn't matter, and if you cry you can tell yourself it isn't over his sorry *kitten*, but because you're tired and hurting. Also - working out like crazy while keeping your diet will give you energy, make you look awesome, and give you the strength and confidence to go back out and find the right guy, when you're ready for it.

    Go Go Go!
  • CyclngChick
    CyclngChick Posts: 57 Member
    I'm sooo sorry you were dumped, but you are beautiful and you will find someone even better! Don't worry about it, just focus on yourself and someone amazing will come along!!!