SAHM 2/1/10-2/7/10



  • Stacey & Shera--I cannot imagine getting more than 8 hours regularly. I am lucky to get 7 most nights. That is going to be my goal for February--sleep at least 7.5-8 hours a night. I do SO much better when I do that.

    Nicolee--glad that your jaw is better. I dread the dentist too. Cool on the heart moniter--I have considered getting one. How many of the rest of you use one. Why should I or shouldn't I get one?

    I managed to get my 1/2 my walk that I missed yesterday in this morning. I am going to try doing a 1/2 walk again this afternoon. We shall see. If I can fit them anyone can! Okay guys are you working out today? You'd better!

    Off to drink water,

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kim--yay you! i am planning to do arms and shoulders (p90x) today. maybe maybe 1 mi walk too.
    middle one is staying home today. slight fever and figured she can use extra rest b4 we drive to az on saturday.

    my day is otherwise pretty simple. little bit of laun, finish the menu for feb, and maybe clean 2 br's. little ones need baths too but that's no biggie.

    re: hrm. SOOOO glad i have one! mine's almost a year old. reebok xrt from $29.99 and free shipping. does all the fxns i need. and i can replace the batts myself (which i have had to do a cpl times). i even wear it when i do the "lifting" of the p90x cuz that burns cals too!
    also, some ppl come to change up their exer goals to be cals burned rather than minutes or miles of exercise. for ex, one person aimed to burn 500 cals/workout x days/week. make sense?
    so it adds another element of novelty to your exercise routine.

    that's my $0.02. :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sounds like liquid meals for poor Nicole. I hope pain diminishes soon.

    I actually did my Wii BL workout today. I think something is wrong with me. I have been feeling nauseous after just about every workout I do. For pete's sake, I only burnt 400 cals today! I usually do 600-700 at the RC. Sinus gambu kinda came back on me, so maybe my system is not as strong as it usually is.
  • Hey ladies,
    I've been at the church all morning volunteering, and this is the first time getting online fo rme today.

    Nicole- I'm glad your appt went well. I hope you're able to heal soon. yogurt, bananas, and smoothies. Take it easy!

    Trish- maybe time to change up the routine a little? When my cals go down, it usuallymeans my body is getting used to the routine and i need to push a little more. So far as the nausea...i know you're drinking plenty of water, but are you giving yourself too much/too little time to digest before working out?

    Stacey- you amaze me by how much you can get done in a day. Keep it up!

    Ok girls, I have to get some work done while DD is napping. I have maybe another 30 min before she's up and running around again! Have a great day y'all!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hadn't thought about digestion as the culprit, Hopey. Had toast & banana for breakfast with 8 oz serving of C-Boost juice, then did my workout 2 hrs later. Most days it's an hour or less after eating though. With my diabetes I'm afraid of my sugar dropping mid-workout. Will try to space meals from workouts better & see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    You've all been quiet today. Busy day? I finally got around to taking my measurements. I try to do it on the first of each month. Lost another 2" from my waist. Yay! That's a total of 10" lost since joining MFP in October.
    Just wanted to share good/positive news.

    Hamburger Helper for dinner, then off to Wally World to pick up some Rx's, and get some door knob thingies to keep Grace out of rooms now that she's figuring out how to open doors by herself.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Sorry guys..I have been quiet...I am still wiped from yesterday...not sure why, I guess the dental work took more out of me than I thought. Have a great night.
  • It has really been quiet today! Hope everyone is doing well. I am glad today is done. I did well with food today & already said that I walked earlier. I stayed at my calories(7 over ;) and I am ready for bed. The gray weather is making me tired and unmotivated!!

    Goals for tomorrow:

    Water--8 glasses
    Don't go over my calories by more than 100
    Walk for 30 minutes
    Primer the bathroom & 1 spot in ds's room

    See you all tomorrow!

  • Hey Ladies I need to check in more I've just been busy.

    Trish I think its great you lost more inches congrats.

    Nicole hope your jaw is feeling better I hate the dentist

    So I went to my first ZUMBA class today. LOVED it but I'm already feeling sore LOL Tomorrow if I can move I'm going to try my new Jillian Michaels DVD I got during nap time. But for now I'm off to bed. Night all
  • hello my name is lisa. i am new here. i am a sahm of a 2 yr old girl. i just looking for friends a lil moto to get moving on losing this weight. i have a wedding to be in on may 1 and i have to lose 40 lbs b4 then.
  • how do i get my ticker on here because i am assuming i didn't do something right.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome bensbama! this is an incredible group of women, if i do say so myself. we talk about lots of stuff--incl wt loss--and are very inspiring and supportive. so join in anytime!

    trish, that's awesome on more inches lost!
    and hopey--i don't always get stuff done. i mindlessly goof on the computer a lot. somehow my kids let me do that, but have a phone call? no way! and if you were to ask dh, he'd say....well, let's just say he himself does TOnS and has high expectations of others. plus i'm always changing as needs of kids change. it's just life as a sahm, right?

    i got laun and dishes done. dh fed kids and made chili. and i helped oldest with homework. i did not get my exercise in (yet) but i'm gonna do something in a minute. i'm way over on cals and need to get it in!

    shera, hope your day was alright, that you were able to get thru it with some energy left at the end. just asking---any chance you could be pg??? hope things continue to improve each day.

    and nicole, i would think all that dental work would leave you feeling weak. you had a lot done. rest up some more---we'll be here when you're ready.

    ***didn't exer. going to bed
  • ty very much. i hate to join and then run but it is midnight here and i need to go to bed for i have to get up early in the am. i look forward to hearing from everyone tom. have a great night.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Bensmama, welcome! You need to use BBC code instead of HTML. Basically it's HTML speak only you use brackets instead of fishies, like so:
    [ img ] image URL goes here [ / img ]

    Hope that helps!
  • Good morning!
    I'm trying to hard to keep a positive attitude right now. I'm up 1.5#!! Not only have I not lost in 2 weeks, I'm now gaining :mad: I hope I can get to the bottom of this because it's really ticking me off. I'm drinking 10+ glasses of water today in hopes that it's water weight. And no, it's not TOM yet so I know it's not from that. Going for a run at the gym to make me feel better.

    Bensbama- welcome to our group! You'll love it here; all these ladies are super sweet and very supportive.

    Nicole- I hope you're feeling better today. Keep taking it easy though!

    Curliegirl- WTG staying in calories! You're doing so well. and painting/home improvements is a great work out :tongue:

    Run 2 miles
    stay within my cals and make good choices
    Drink 80 oz water
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hopey, is it maybe time to increase your calories? I did that a few weeks ago & started dropping 2-4 lbs each week.

    Still experiencing weight increase from 5k, but it's coming down. Going to go to gym first thing this morning and work to get back under 218.

    Drink 90 oz water
    Push through c25k
    Get some ponies sealed, glossed, and ready to ship home
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Yesterday was pretty good, no luck on tackling the garage but I think your right stacey that's probably a little to ambitious right now. I did however make bread, had lunch with a friend and experienced our second big earthquake in a month...Definately not like the one last month but it still got my heart rate up there. hey, maybe a I burned a few extra calories LOL

    The rest of the day was spend with the kids cleaned up the house a bit and then talked to my dh on skype (which was great!)
    Today I'm setting myself some mini goals but I don't want to go over board because I am still feeling rather sluggish and VERY tired. I have my mom's club (MOPS) this morning so food choices might not be great but I had a piece of toast and coffee so I plan on filling my plate with fruit and having a little bit of what looks good.

    My mini goal for today is to get my water in, I was so good at it before getting in 90oz.+ but now i'm luck if I get in a few cups. Family reunions/vacations really seem to set me back ...gotta work on that.
    Have a great day! Hope to check back later on
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    trish--full plate for you today!

    hopey--i was going to say the same thing as trish. try adding 100-150 for the next 2 wks and see what happens. if no luck--check out the other boards too. post up there and see if some of our longtime mfp'ers have suggestions.

    time to make the lunches.....
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm everyone! I feel better today, but I am still going to take it easy!

    welcome Bensmama!

    Hopey- I am experiencing a gain this week too. I think it has to do with not running and I upped my cals last week. I just dropped them back today. ARGH...:grumble: we shall see.

    I will check back in later.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i just finished shoulders and arm. i LOVED it. why do i put it off so many times when i usually feel so good abt myself after? ridiculous.

    hope to do abripperx and then off to the library.
    thanks for letting me check in!

    nicole--good plan on taking it easy.
    and for all of us who've had slight gains--just keep moving forward and doing better. figure out where we went wrong and change it.

    as tony horton p90x master says, "knowledge is power and power is change."
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