30 lbs GONE by Halloween



  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Ok so I didn't lose anything this week, but on a good note I didn't gain either. These are my challenges from last week:
    * Had to work the booth out at West Fest so beer and fattening food were a given...
    * Labor Day BBQ
    * And TOM is on its way, sorry if TMI

    This week's plan:
    * Workout everyday
    * Eat better
    * Actually plan everything out for the week and stick to it.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I injured my back during a workout late last week, then got sick during my family vacation to Los Angeles. I didn't weigh in this week, but probably have a gain. I'm getting better and hope to be back on track by the weekend.
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Have seen anything from anyone recently. Hope I'm not alone in this now. Since I had to check in Labor Day, I've changed my weigh day to Mondays. No loss since Labor Day - so sad. I'm looking for something this week. Good luck to all - hope stress isn't taking you out.
  • Sorry I haven't been on so long; I have been crazy busy. Weighed in this morning at 150.8, so down 10 lbs!! Happy about that!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on so long; I have been crazy busy. Weighed in this morning at 150.8, so down 10 lbs!! Happy about that!

  • arianacrane
    arianacrane Posts: 2 Member
    I hope I'm not too late, I would love to join if I can...
  • annathomas88
    annathomas88 Posts: 27 Member
    I would love to join. My current weight is 137lbs and i would be thrilled if i could be at 125lbs by Halloween.
  • i had plan 15 pounds only, but If I get to the 30, yay I will be double happy
  • uidb5259
    uidb5259 Posts: 138 Member
    Ok....I made it to the half way point! 15 down. Time to take it to the next level!