What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    realising I was going to be the fat one on holiday with 2 sets of friends at my own apartment complex....nah I was the fit one this year in only 10 weeks I lost 15lb and did it with diet and exercise so toned too.
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    ...when i was embarrassed to fold my clothes in front of my boyfriend of 4 years - that is BAD. now i love to fold my clothes in front of everyone because i still can't believe all these little clothes fit me! yay!
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    I was working on a campaign for the 2012 Canadian elections...the candidate kept buying us pizza, burgers, fries, anything that was "quick" that we could eat before we went out and door-knocked. It was delicious and all, but I knew I was just packing myself with crap. A final photo of the volunteers at the end of the elections made me realize "Holy hell, I need to lose weight!" So the very next day I joined MFP. 27 pounds down!
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    When my size 36 waist pants were getting too tight, it was either buy bigger pants or lose the weight!
  • when my MIL asked if I wanted to bring all the "fattening" leftovers home after a family weekend trip b/c her and my SIL were watching what they eat and the leftovers had too much sugar. It felt like she might as well have said, "you're the fat one, you take the cookies."
    I started tracking on MFP the next day and in the past 2 weeks, I've lost 2 lbs! Woot!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    When I almost said no to going on a beach holiday simply because I was going to be surrounded by a bunch of skinny girls in bikinis and I would once again feel uncomfortable in my shorts and tshirt routine.

    I ended up going along, not in a bikini but 15 pounds lighter. 15 pounds to go and I will finally be at my goal weight!
    this! when i realized i'd rather hide and be alone then be out in the beautiful sun i knew something was wrong.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    I was sitting on the floor in my living room (I was only 52) and it was hard to stand up without grabbing the coffee table for support! My knees hurt. I asked my doctor if losing a few pounds he would, he said eh, not so much....I showed him wrong! LOL!
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    I believe my enough is enough moment. Came when my ex said you really let yourself go. This was coming from him as I'm kicking him out. So I have moved on from that. I'm feeling very much at peace. My weight loss is coming together. 37 pounds since May 17th. I truly thank him for the kick in the butt. Peace Bless you all
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I keep thinking I've had it but apparently not yet.
  • Mine was after a heard someone tell me that it was harder to lose weight after 30 because that is when you start to loose muscle mass. I looked in the mirror and really looked at my self. I realized that what I saw wasn't going to get better unless I actually did something about it. It's been a slow weight loss, only a 4lb loss since I started running in June, but I am healthier now than I have been in a long time.
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    I was doing a firefighter training drill that is a confinement maze... the beginning is a tube just wider then my shoulders... you wear the fire gear and air pack... it's to small to get on your hands an knees... you just squirm through it... I did it but it was so hard... I figure if I can loose 70 pounds it will be easier next time...
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I've lost weight before, so I know I can do it. I gained almost all it back due to medical reasons and meds. So there has been many moments along the way where I knew i had to get this weight off.

    The meds I was on was stopping all efforts I was doing to lose the weight I gained. So I kind of gave up, every once in awhile (once a week) I would hit the gym or stay on track w calories but give up a day or two after.

    Now I'm finally at the point where its time to lose weight or buy bigger clothes... I refuse to buy bigger clothes so I'm wearing dresses, skirts anything that will fit. I'm tired of trying on clothes and worrying if it will fit. Or sitting at my desk for 8 hrs in pain bc my clothes r to tight. I only have so many dresses!

    My meds are being changed this monday so hopefully it will help me get back on track...
  • When a drunken coworker told me at the xmas party I was 'fat for a vegetarian' and then looking at photos and realising he was right. I will be at least ten kilos lighter at this years party.

    I can totally relate to this... I am also vegetarian and about 30 lbs overweight. Good luck with your weight loss, I'll be thinking of you fellow vegetarian!
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Mine wasn't quite an "enough is enough" moment (weight isn't a problem for me I'm actually looking to mostly maintain), but I did have an epiphany of sorts.

    At 25, doctors found a tumor in my chest. I'm not a smoker, and I only drink a few drinks a week if that much, so cancer was a big sucker punch. The tumor was so big and grew so quickly that it was forcing me into congestive heart failure and I was experiencing superior vena cava syndrome. Luckily, it responded quickly to chemo because the doctors said that if it didn't respond, I was a dead man. Only being as fit as I was kept me alive long enough to get treatment. It also was a tremendous asset as my body underwent the severe side effects of chemo and radiation therapy.

    So for me it wasn't about losing weight, but about surviving and then rebuilding and maintaining my fitness levels because I want to be ready and to give my body the best chances for any other surprises that may come my way.
  • FindingFit127
    FindingFit127 Posts: 69 Member
    After i had my son I was about 18 lbs heavier and 2 jeans sizes bigger then before I had him and decided that I was going to get back to my old size. I would always start eating healthier and working out then go back to my old habbits of being a couch potato and eating junk.. My son is 2 now and I think this pattern has actually really hurt me because I have gained about another 16 lbs just recently on top of the weight I gained 2 years ago from the pregnancy. AND I now weigh as much as I did when I was 9 monthes pregnant :( Which just freaks me out because my belly was HUGE when I was that far along!
    And on top of that I recently had dinner at my parents house and my mom was like your boobs look like theyve gottin waaay bigger, they look huge! I wish mine were like that you didn't get that from me.. then my dad whispered to her and giggled but thats not the only thing thats gottin bigger :(
    I know my dad loves me and didn't mean any harm.. i don't even think he knows I heard him.. but that's when I knew I had to do something about it! Plus when I look at pictures recently taken of me I always think I look way "chunkier" then I picture myself and look worse then how I feel I look! For some reason I thought I was hiding it well and that it was just a way I felt about myself and didn't realize that my weight gain was becoming THAT noticable to everybody else as well... but its become very clear that people have noticed!
    I'm hoping I can stick to it this time! I know I want to make a lifestyle change and I always start out very motivated, do well, and feel waay better when I'm working out and eating healthier but for some reason I can just never stick to it but I need to break this cycle because everytime I do lose the weight I always end up gaining it all back plus some more!
    My goal is still actually to get down to my pre-pregnancy size & weight.. If anything I'd even like to be in better shape then I was then! I'm too young to be this miserable.. this is when I should be in the best shape of my life! Hopefully this time I'll stick to it!
  • Enough is Enough when I filled the prescription for high blood pressure medication for 60 some odd dollars :mad: .... I thought this is stupid... I deal with health insurance at work... I know where this is going... I'm going to be paying out the ying yang for this extra weight if I don't get it off.... 17 months later and 139.5 pounds lighter... I still have 40 to go... but I'm a lot closer to it now than I was a year and half ago!!!


    Just get started and KEEP GOING!!!!!

    Thank you for this....I just had the same experience with my medication. Know that YOU are part of my A-HA moment as it is happening right now.
  • The breakdown (& up) of a LTR gave me more time & mental space to focus on me. The process itself was empowering; wasn't attached to outcomes, & exercise helped me deal with bad feelings.

    This is exactly what happened to me. I had the choice to either lose it completely or make my breakup the best thing that ever happened to me. I took the latter route. My life has multiplied in joy (and divided in pounds?!) since January 2011.
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    BUMP! to this fantastic post.
  • Kho1874
    Kho1874 Posts: 9 Member
    My moment occurred when I attended a week-long professional development seminar in Chicago. When I packed, I threw all of my usual "teacher clothes" into a suitcase and left. I got up to get dressed on the first day, and NOTHING fit. Not a single item of clothing in my suitcase fit, even though they all fit two months prior. I was devastated (and had to borrow clothes)! That's when I told myself "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" and got back on track. I've lost weight before, and now it's time to finish the race!
    LADYDEBORAH1984 Posts: 64 Member
    I look chubby in my wedding pics, and I hate it when its the summer and its hot and you're wearing a dress and your thighs rub together and get all sweaty! End up having to wear tights or leggings all the time!!!