Hey tattoo people, a question for you...



  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    It reminds me of a needle being scraped across your skin. I would definitely eat a good meal before you go. My last one took two hours and I didn't eat beforehand, I felt so nauseous the last hour!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I have a dragon between my shoulder blades over my spine... It wasn't too painful, only a little uncomfortable. The painful part was them using one of those brown papertowels to wipe it every so often... I told the guy to go get some bounty before I ripped his head off! LOL!

    I will say, be ready to feel like they are tattooing on the wrong spot. The fact that it is over the spine gives some weird feelings... it felt like he was tattooing me on my lower back at times... I made him show it to me in the mirror so I knew he didn't screw up the placement.

    Also, taking a shower... if you let the water from the shower hit it directly it feels like a very BAD sunburn... I would avoid turning your back to the shower for a couple of days, just let the water run over it.

    The last part of that SO true. I'm an idiot & still almost always make that mistake when I get a new tattoo...hop in the shower & then "OMFG OMFG OMFG"

    Getting the tattoo will be a little painful...kinda feels like scratching. The ink on my lower back hurt less than the ink on my shoulder blade. I think it's because it goes over the bone in a couple spots. It's not that terrible though. Show us the tattoo when you get it!
  • childofArtemis24
    I have one, on my lower leg, and when she touched the my calf with the needle,I about came out my seat. But the stinging afterword was the worst. I mean you can't do anything about it, just stinging. Like getting your ears pierced , but a little bit harder.
  • purpleblaze
    its like a bee sting compared to giving birth to an 8p 14 heffalump...with no drugs..
  • Lacebopp
    Lacebopp Posts: 92 Member
    Like everyone is saying, it depends on too many factors. I was prepaired for it to be really bad when I got mine done, but 20 minutes into it, I was still fine. I will say that for ME, the longer the time, the more it hurt. Maybe because of going over an area multible times?? When I got my second time under the needle, I told my artist that the first one really didn't hurt (different artist) and his reply was, 'don't worry, mine do'... he said it so quickly and right before he started that I almost didn't catch it! But again, the further into it, the more it did hurt. Some parts were actually Cuss Worthy! :)
    Yes, you really can't stop at just one... be warned! LOL
  • purpleblaze
    its like a bee sting compared to giving birth to an 8p 14 heffalump...with no drugs..

    p.s shouldnt hurt that much where your getting it...worst place for me...inner arm...not nice but bearable :)
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have a fairly good sized tattoo on the back of my upper thigh. I giggled through the whole thing. I was actually a little disappointed by the lack of pain.

    Then there was about a week of tightness, discomfort, etc., but really nothing that bad.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I have a tattoo on my ankle and honestly i didnt think it hurt that much at all. I kept myself distracted by talking to my friends the whole time and it really wasn't bad. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being worst pain ever I would say 3 or less.
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    I think they kind of feel like a slight skin irritation like a sunburn, especially when doing a lot of shading. Really nothing to worry about. You are going to be anxious and the second the needle touches your skin you will say "OoooooHHhhhh, so it's not that bad"
  • angelatryingtostayhealth
    I found it felt like a sunburn and that was it. It was not a painful experience in my opinion. Stubbing my toe I find hurts more.
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    after 45 minutes of work on my sugar skull between my shoulder blades the endorphins wore off and every second was what i like to call "bearable agony." i could take it, but it was awful. its a rather large peice. the collar bone tattoo i have tickled.
  • Girl_Bomb
    I have a billion, they hurt, anyone who says they dont is a liar. Obviously pain is more or less for diff spots. Thigh was nothing, arms were nothing you can't handle, middle top of back hurt, ankles are death etc
  • DaneDillinger
    DaneDillinger Posts: 70 Member
    It's usually a good idea to eat something before you go. I've been in the shop multiple times while the artist next to mine has had to stop because their client was about to pass out. Their first line of questioning is usually "Did you eat something before you came?" (The answer is always no.) Keep a bottle of water nearby, also.

    As for the pain- it depends on the location. I have both of my feet done, and they didn't hurt at all. My right arm is now a dragon sleeve, and the spot where my forearm connects to my upper arm, that crook-of-the-arm area, hurt more than all of my tattoos put together. It's actually the only time I've felt "pain" while getting tattooed. Most of the time I've just felt a burn, like a sunburn, from the needle. It could also be possible that tattoos hurt more as you get older, which is what I've encountered- first 3 at 18, last one was a portrait done last year at 32.

    Oh yeah, they're crazy addictive. You need to start mapping out your real estate now, and think of how one will incorporate into another. Do NOT go in drunk or "altered" in any way- drinking thins the blood, which will cause you to bleed more and have the artist spend more time trying to drill ink into an area... and the feeling/sensation of the tattoo is part of the whole experience. Why numb yourself to it? Embrace it- it's like therapy for the soul. You'll walk out of the shop at peace with the universe if you do it right...
  • nbeth901
    nbeth901 Posts: 35 Member
    I must be masochistic because i find the pain of getting a tattoo quite nice

    Must be! I found my tats to be addicting! Heck.. I have had kids. Tats aint nothing!
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    I love my tattoo getting my arms done very soon
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    Shoulders aren't bad at all. Barely felt it and that day and for a couple of days after it just felt like a sun burn. If they were too painful there wouldn't be so many people with multiples. I have 5 and don't regret any of them.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I got mine near the same spot, shoulder blade area. I dozed through mine. My sister, however, got hers on the top of the foot and cussed a blue streak through the thing.
  • muffinmaster
    I have three tattoos,so I can tell you that it felt kinda like a hot knife I also enjoyed the pain be sure not to hold your breath
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    And I never ate anything before hand because I went right after work and ate supper afterwards. Didn't bother me at all not having any food.
  • kittiekat89
    kittiekat89 Posts: 20 Member
    i love getting tattoos... there really isn't much pain but then again it varies by person so i wouldn't take what anyone here says cause it all depends on the day. It'll hurt more if you're tired so get plenty of sleep before :)