If eating every 2-3 hrs...



  • taylorromanyk
    That's pretty much how my day goes. I eat two actual meals and everything else is a dessert that I turn into a protein meal. My 2 o'clock snack was a homemade german chocolate protein cheesecake.

    Saying something like this and not posting a recipe is just mean.
    I second this.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    That's pretty much how my day goes. I eat two actual meals and everything else is a dessert that I turn into a protein meal. My 2 o'clock snack was a homemade german chocolate protein cheesecake.

    Saying something like this and not posting a recipe is just mean.

    I totally agree!

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Most of us have no problem with people doing whatever they want.

    What I HATE is when people tell other people, especially new people, that they must do things a certain way. It's sad when you see some neophyte posting "I'M NOT HUNGRY AT BREAKFAST, AM I IN STARVATION MODE?!?"

    Eat frequently or infrequently as you see fit. Maintain an overall deficit and you will lose weight

    true. I guess I just felt this thread was created to mock people that choose to eat every 2-3 hours. I didn't mean to take it our on you individually,

    I agree- It bugs me when people say there way is the ONLY GOOD WAY works for everyone! Whether is is vegan or paleo or frequent or fasting.

    Incorrect it was to highlight the silliness of eating every 2-3 hrs with the rationale of it speeding up your metabolism, by the same logic, eating even more frequently should really speed up your metabolism

    And I get a kick out of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies and sure enough we witnessed a few of those
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    everybody different and I used to eat every hour. I now follow the leangains.com approach. Which is fasting and eating all your calories in a time window. I've seen more results switching to this style than when I used to eat every hour. Mind you I still eat the same amount of calories, just during a certain time frame. Sounds crazy but Martin on that website has some GREAT scientific evidence to prove why it works and why it really doesn't matter when you eat and how much you eat at one time as long as you are in control of your calories. Maybe it won't work for everyone (both ways work for me but I've leaned out more with leangains approach) but worth a read. A good book is 'Eat Stop Eat' that also explains this. I follow the primal nutrition approach and that ties into it as well. Our caveman ancestors weren't eating every 2 hours. They would spend the majority of their day looking/hunting for food and ate big meals randomly, while fasting the rest.

    that's my 2 cents anyways. to each their own of course!

    hmm really makes me wonder about my eating style. I usually don't eat my first meal until about 2pm and then I am eating/snacking until maybe 1 am. I dont go to bed until about 4 am though. So I wonder is this slowing me down? You hear so much about not eating after 6 but hell I don't even get home from work until midnight.

    It is not about meal timing. It is all about what helps keep compliance with your calorie deficit, along with having a reasonable calorie deficit. If you want to eat it all in few meals, good for you, that is what I do and it works fine. I did the 6 small meals when I started. That worked fine as well, but I was miserable. I like big meals, and small meals never satisfied me, even after doing it that way for 6 months because everyone said I was supposed to. Find what eating pattern helps keep you most in compliance with your calorie goals, and eat that way.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    That's pretty much how my day goes. I eat two actual meals and everything else is a dessert that I turn into a protein meal. My 2 o'clock snack was a homemade german chocolate protein cheesecake.

    Saying something like this and not posting a recipe is just mean.

    I totally agree!


    He posted it on page 2!
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member

    Most of us have no problem with people doing whatever they want.

    What I HATE is when people tell other people, especially new people, that they must do things a certain way. It's sad when you see some neophyte posting "I'M NOT HUNGRY AT BREAKFAST, AM I IN STARVATION MODE?!?"

    Eat frequently or infrequently as you see fit. Maintain an overall deficit and you will lose weight

    true. I guess I just felt this thread was created to mock people that choose to eat every 2-3 hours. I didn't mean to take it our on you individually,

    I agree- It bugs me when people say there way is the ONLY GOOD WAY works for everyone! Whether is is vegan or paleo or frequent or fasting.

    Incorrect it was to highlight the silliness of eating every 2-3 hrs with the rationale of it speeding up your metabolism, by the same logic, eating even more frequently should really speed up your metabolism

    And I get a kick out of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies and sure enough we witnessed a few of those

    It can speed up or repair a damaged or slow metabolism. As seen with chronic yoyo dieters or chronic cardiophiles. But the food needs to digest. It doesnt in 15 minutes
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    That's pretty much how my day goes. I eat two actual meals and everything else is a dessert that I turn into a protein meal. My 2 o'clock snack was a homemade german chocolate protein cheesecake.

    Saying something like this and not posting a recipe is just mean.

    I totally agree!


    He posted it on page 2!

    Doh! I thought I had checked the whole thread!

  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I just cannot eat full meals with so few calories.

    I realized when I started this that I was eating WAY too many calories.

    So I've changed my snacking habits, but still eat similar meals. So now I am eating 600-800 calorie meals (twice a day) and my snacks are barely any calories. Things like raw veggies or fruit.

    I just find it works better that way, and I'm not going WAY overboard on calories. Otherwise, I'd eat the same meals but with bigger calorie snacks and then not lose.

    There is no way I can eat such small meals. To me it's just about what you eat throughout the day and your final total.

    But to each their own. Do whatever works for you!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Most of us have no problem with people doing whatever they want.

    What I HATE is when people tell other people, especially new people, that they must do things a certain way. It's sad when you see some neophyte posting "I'M NOT HUNGRY AT BREAKFAST, AM I IN STARVATION MODE?!?"

    Eat frequently or infrequently as you see fit. Maintain an overall deficit and you will lose weight

    true. I guess I just felt this thread was created to mock people that choose to eat every 2-3 hours. I didn't mean to take it our on you individually,

    I agree- It bugs me when people say there way is the ONLY GOOD WAY works for everyone! Whether is is vegan or paleo or frequent or fasting.

    Incorrect it was to highlight the silliness of eating every 2-3 hrs with the rationale of it speeding up your metabolism, by the same logic, eating even more frequently should really speed up your metabolism

    And I get a kick out of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies and sure enough we witnessed a few of those

    It can speed up or repair a damaged or slow metabolism. As seen with chronic yoyo dieters or chronic cardiophiles. But the food needs to digest. It doesnt in 15 minutes

    Any proof source for that?
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    It can speed up or repair a damaged or slow metabolism. As seen with chronic yoyo dieters or chronic cardiophiles. But the food needs to digest. It doesnt in 15 minutes
    I don't know why I'm bothering to respond to this, but I have to know: why would eating more food stop you from digesting the food you ate 15 minutes ago? Do you have any idea how digestion works? What exactly do you think happens to this food that never gets a chance to digest?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I never heard that is boosts you metabolism unless you are hypoglycemic like I am. I think a lot depends what you are eating and how your body processes it and the insulin ups/downs.

    The reason to eat more often with hypoglycemia is to keep your blood sugar levels more constant, not to boost metabolism.
  • emilyjross
    emilyjross Posts: 3 Member
    I have tried everything and cant lose weight! it just keeps goin up and i train 5 times a week!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have tried everything and cant lose weight! it just keeps goin up and i train 5 times a week!

    Have you seen a doctor to see if you have thyroid or other homonal problem?
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member

    Most of us have no problem with people doing whatever they want.

    What I HATE is when people tell other people, especially new people, that they must do things a certain way. It's sad when you see some neophyte posting "I'M NOT HUNGRY AT BREAKFAST, AM I IN STARVATION MODE?!?"

    Eat frequently or infrequently as you see fit. Maintain an overall deficit and you will lose weight

    true. I guess I just felt this thread was created to mock people that choose to eat every 2-3 hours. I didn't mean to take it our on you individually,

    I agree- It bugs me when people say there way is the ONLY GOOD WAY works for everyone! Whether is is vegan or paleo or frequent or fasting.

    Incorrect it was to highlight the silliness of eating every 2-3 hrs with the rationale of it speeding up your metabolism, by the same logic, eating even more frequently should really speed up your metabolism

    And I get a kick out of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies and sure enough we witnessed a few of those

    It can speed up or repair a damaged or slow metabolism. As seen with chronic yoyo dieters or chronic cardiophiles. But the food needs to digest. It doesnt in 15 minutes

    Any proof source for that?

    Do a google search. Anorexia nervousa treatment. Erik Ledin and Scott Abel specifically work with physique competitors that have starved and cardio-ed their bodies into oblivion. Its not really an issue of fire up the metabolism to burn away the fat in a fitness sense, its to get it's functioning normalized again and regulate hormones.

    The majority of people it doesn't matter. Most people that say their metabolism are slow, barring some sort of thyroid dysfunction, are just using it as a excuse for poor dieting habits or lack of energy expenditure. I do it for psychological reasons and the fact I have to eat a lot.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    This is off subject, but this quote got the nerd in me thinking...
    Does that mean if I put a gallon of petrol in my car 6 times instead of six gallons in one go, my car will go faster too?

    I dont know for sure where the tradeoff is, but think about this:

    Gasoline is heavy. 1 US Gallon is 6.1 lb (2.8 kg... or 1 liter is .7 kg aka 1.6 lb )

    Filling a tank, like say my Jeep, with 20Gallons is ~120 pounds of fuel.. If I only put 3 gal in, its only ~20 pounds.. Now everywhere I drive, I must haul around an extra 100 pounds because I filled the tank.

    At some point there would be a tradeoff on MPG by filling up more often, vs driving around with a full tank.

    It may only be a small diff. but I suppose not hauling around 100 extra pounds for 60 miles ( 3gal x 20mpg) would help.. and then not hauling another 94 pounds for the next 20.. and another extra 88 for the next 20...etc

    it can only help.

    This doesnt account for the offset time at the gas station, and any fuel explicitly spent going to the station multiple times of course.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Most of us have no problem with people doing whatever they want.

    What I HATE is when people tell other people, especially new people, that they must do things a certain way. It's sad when you see some neophyte posting "I'M NOT HUNGRY AT BREAKFAST, AM I IN STARVATION MODE?!?"

    Eat frequently or infrequently as you see fit. Maintain an overall deficit and you will lose weight

    true. I guess I just felt this thread was created to mock people that choose to eat every 2-3 hours. I didn't mean to take it our on you individually,

    I agree- It bugs me when people say there way is the ONLY GOOD WAY works for everyone! Whether is is vegan or paleo or frequent or fasting.

    Incorrect it was to highlight the silliness of eating every 2-3 hrs with the rationale of it speeding up your metabolism, by the same logic, eating even more frequently should really speed up your metabolism

    And I get a kick out of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies and sure enough we witnessed a few of those

    It can speed up or repair a damaged or slow metabolism. As seen with chronic yoyo dieters or chronic cardiophiles. But the food needs to digest. It doesnt in 15 minutes

    Any proof source for that?

    Do a google search. Anorexia nervousa treatment. Erik Ledin and Scott Abel specifically work with physique competitors that have starved and cardio-ed their bodies into oblivion. Its not really an issue of fire up the metabolism to burn away the fat in a fitness sense, its to get it's functioning normalized again and regulate hormones.

    The majority of people it doesn't matter. Most people that say their metabolism are slow, barring some sort of thyroid dysfunction, are just using it as a excuse for poor dieting habits or lack of energy expenditure. I do it for psychological reasons and the fact I have to eat a lot.

    And is it due to increased meal frequency or increased caloric intake that helps people in the situations you described?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Most of us have no problem with people doing whatever they want.

    What I HATE is when people tell other people, especially new people, that they must do things a certain way. It's sad when you see some neophyte posting "I'M NOT HUNGRY AT BREAKFAST, AM I IN STARVATION MODE?!?"

    Eat frequently or infrequently as you see fit. Maintain an overall deficit and you will lose weight

    true. I guess I just felt this thread was created to mock people that choose to eat every 2-3 hours. I didn't mean to take it our on you individually,

    I agree- It bugs me when people say there way is the ONLY GOOD WAY works for everyone! Whether is is vegan or paleo or frequent or fasting.

    Incorrect it was to highlight the silliness of eating every 2-3 hrs with the rationale of it speeding up your metabolism, by the same logic, eating even more frequently should really speed up your metabolism

    And I get a kick out of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies and sure enough we witnessed a few of those

    It can speed up or repair a damaged or slow metabolism. As seen with chronic yoyo dieters or chronic cardiophiles. But the food needs to digest. It doesnt in 15 minutes

    Any proof source for that?

    Do a google search. Anorexia nervousa treatment. Erik Ledin and Scott Abel specifically work with physique competitors that have starved and cardio-ed their bodies into oblivion. Its not really an issue of fire up the metabolism to burn away the fat in a fitness sense, its to get it's functioning normalized again and regulate hormones.

    The majority of people it doesn't matter. Most people that say their metabolism are slow, barring some sort of thyroid dysfunction, are just using it as a excuse for poor dieting habits or lack of energy expenditure. I do it for psychological reasons and the fact I have to eat a lot.

    I will take a look. Thanks
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    It can speed up or repair a damaged or slow metabolism. As seen with chronic yoyo dieters or chronic cardiophiles. But the food needs to digest. It doesnt in 15 minutes
    I don't know why I'm bothering to respond to this, but I have to know: why would eating more food stop you from digesting the food you ate 15 minutes ago? Do you have any idea how digestion works? What exactly do you think happens to this food that never gets a chance to digest?

    Yes I know how digestion works. Just because food is floating around in stomach doesn't mean your experiencing any energy /nutrient partitioning from that food at that time(that its sitting in your stomach). So eating every 15 minutes won't mean anything in term of arguing about meal frequency vs metabolic rate. Because the act eating food in of itself has nothing to do with it. It is the mechanics of the bodies ability to the put in action the hormonal/chemical functions for nutrient partitioning in a normalized way. It is impractical to eat every 15 minutes for most people so those that need to consume certain quantities of food (on purpose) might make it easier to get some of that out of the gut for the next coming meal. I believe, depending on how dense the food is, your stomach can empty itself about 50-75% 2-4 hours and upward to 6 hours for complete movement from the stomach. Complete digestion (total nutrient absorption and waste elimination) can take a day or more.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member

    Most of us have no problem with people doing whatever they want.

    What I HATE is when people tell other people, especially new people, that they must do things a certain way. It's sad when you see some neophyte posting "I'M NOT HUNGRY AT BREAKFAST, AM I IN STARVATION MODE?!?"

    Eat frequently or infrequently as you see fit. Maintain an overall deficit and you will lose weight

    true. I guess I just felt this thread was created to mock people that choose to eat every 2-3 hours. I didn't mean to take it our on you individually,

    I agree- It bugs me when people say there way is the ONLY GOOD WAY works for everyone! Whether is is vegan or paleo or frequent or fasting.

    Incorrect it was to highlight the silliness of eating every 2-3 hrs with the rationale of it speeding up your metabolism, by the same logic, eating even more frequently should really speed up your metabolism

    And I get a kick out of post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies and sure enough we witnessed a few of those

    It can speed up or repair a damaged or slow metabolism. As seen with chronic yoyo dieters or chronic cardiophiles. But the food needs to digest. It doesnt in 15 minutes

    Any proof source for that?

    Do a google search. Anorexia nervousa treatment. Erik Ledin and Scott Abel specifically work with physique competitors that have starved and cardio-ed their bodies into oblivion. Its not really an issue of fire up the metabolism to burn away the fat in a fitness sense, its to get it's functioning normalized again and regulate hormones.

    The majority of people it doesn't matter. Most people that say their metabolism are slow, barring some sort of thyroid dysfunction, are just using it as a excuse for poor dieting habits or lack of energy expenditure. I do it for psychological reasons and the fact I have to eat a lot.

    And is it due to increased meal frequency or increased caloric intake that helps people in the situations you described?

    I assume a mixture of both. My assumption would be if hormones are out of whack, leptin and serotonin are low, the metabolism is slow or not working effectively, shoving large meals down these individuals mouths would probably not work. They probably would need something more therapeutic. Slow introduction of foods at timed intervals until the body can do an, "ahhhhh, I'm safe again," . Again I'm assuming.
  • fitsin10