BIKE HELMETS.....Do YOU wear one??



  • GREAT topic. As a kid I never did. As a parent (and person who wants to continue being a person) I always wear a helmet. I'm a decent rider with some experience on roads and trails, but no matter how good I might think I am, there's some idiot out there who isn't, and that dude can kill me through his/her idiocy.

    A local well-known/loved real estate agent was on a causal ride around her block and lost her focus for moment. On the other side of that moment was a shattered jaw, a few hours of lost consciousness, many hours of reconstructive surgery, weeks of physical therapy for her and a well reinforced notion of cycling safety for the community.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    Ashamed to say I didn't today (my first ride in 10years)
    My little barbie hat the used to fit then doesn't now and it was a last minute "ohh i got you a bike" sort of thing...

    definitely and undoubtably a helment next time, My stepdad got into a crash literally 2 minutes down the road from home when he was cycling...bust up ribs and cuts everywhere, broken bones dr. says if he hadn't had a helment it would've been a completely different story (he still cycles now !)
  • littlecar1
    littlecar1 Posts: 36 Member
    I have just bought my first one. I've never worn one before & I have been a real hypocrite as I am a foster carer & have always made the children that I look after wear one.

    Thought I'd better start leading by example!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,427 Member
    I always wear mine. Personally I don't care what I look like, I just want to stay alive and not be brain dead one day. Once you get use to it you never even realize you're wearing on anyhow!!
  • sharkweek
    sharkweek Posts: 165 Member
    I don't and I know I really, really should. I bike a lot - regularly 8 miles in the morning. I never bike in the road, always sidewalks and bike lanes, but if a small woodland creature darted out into the path in front of me, I have no doubt I'd wreck hard to keep from hitting it. I'm worried that if I wear a helmet I'll stop biking (I really can't communicate how much I hate the feel of a helmet on my head), but even that would be better than seriously hurting myself.

    Nice topic, I needed a nudge. :)
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I don't and I know I really, really should. I bike a lot - regularly 8 miles in the morning. I never bike in the road, always sidewalks and bike lanes, but if a small woodland creature darted out into the path in front of me, I have no doubt I'd wreck hard to keep from hitting it. I'm worried that if I wear a helmet I'll stop biking (I really can't communicate how much I hate the feel of a helmet on my head), but even that would be better than seriously hurting myself.

    Nice topic, I needed a nudge. :)

    The nudge I needed was when I saw that lady life flighted out of the park last week and blood everywhere. I was shopping yesterday for one...
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Always. I, too, never wore one when I was growing up, but got into the mountain biking scene in my 20s and have always worn one since then. Even when messing around in the driveway with my son.

    I also wear a helmet when I ski or skateboard.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    yep, always. I'm too cool not too. ;)
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    No never! And I ride my bike every day.
    Looks to funny all this helmet peeps out there....sorry :laugh:
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Yes I do. I didn't as a child but I make sure my children do.
  • shepismint
    shepismint Posts: 3 Member
    I ride a minimum of 14 miles a day commuting - wouldn't do it without my helmet as I bike on the roads!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I guess about 80% of the time.
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    Most of the time, I do. It just depended on what I was doing. The motorcycle is another story. I have three of them for it and yes, I do wear one all the time for that.
  • nc_moon_beam
    nc_moon_beam Posts: 38 Member
    I don't bike, but I ride horses and I wear a helmet. Every ride, every time.
  • djcon
    djcon Posts: 216 Member
    ALWAYS...Now it is like wearing a seat is a habit .... I cant stand to ride my bike without my helmet on
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I always always do.

    I work in an ICU, and have seen multiple kids come in who haven't worn helmets and seen what can happen. Not that a helmet will save your life every time, but why not wear a helmet? There is no harm. And it could save your life!

    Although, as a kid, I never really did. And even before I started working in an ICU, I only wore a helmet when biking on the road. Now I always do. Its just safer.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    no,,, but i should, i do steep hills and get a high on the speed, SHAME ON ME!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    ALWAYS wear a helmet, no excuses!
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    I always wear a helmet. I've never needed one, but would rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.

    I ride 8 miles to work everyday, half is on wooded trails, and half is on streets/sidewalks. I would wear a helmet even if it were all trails. It's not restrictive at all and I don't even notice it's on while I'm wearing it.
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    Yes, yes YES! There really isn't any reason not to wear one, I also used to not where one as a teenager because I thought it made me look like a "dork". Now, I really don't care! My head is more important! Especially if you are riding with your child... what if you were injured due to not wearing a helmet and he was on his own?? Plus they really aren't very expensive.