How did you meet your significant other?



  • apoouahi
    apoouahi Posts: 3 Member
    I meant mine in 4th grade. We use to hang out and play together as children. We were boyfriend and girlfriend in high school for 3 years. We went our seperates ways in our senior year. We reunited af\ter 28 years and married 7 months later. 1 year and 4 month later he decided he didn't want to be married anymore. He told me this in an email he sent to me on New Years day this year.
  • LosingitinTX
    LosingitinTX Posts: 24 Member
    Driving down the road. People where cruising the strip and I was trying to get home. At the time I thought crap, should have gone the long way home. Now, 23 years later, I am glad. A lot of ppl theses days do internet. My kids has met some crappy liars online that were abusive or using her so I am a big supporter of the old fashion way.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Online, OKCupid. Honestly, I think online dating is the way to go. You get to meet so many more people and you really get a sense of what matters. It took a zillion dates, but I am so thankful to have met the love of my life.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    I met mine on line dating site. Been together 8 mths now and I would recommend good dating site's to anyone wanting to find someone. Don't get me wrong I went thru some major crazy's before finding mine but you do that in regular dating also. Just be careful, be smart, and dont' ever let your guard down...
  • amberiam
    amberiam Posts: 55 Member
    We met at a singles event at church that was in a coffee house. Someone brought him over to meet me because he said we "needed to meet." It took him almost 4 months to ask me out, but when he did, that was all it took! =) We're getting married in March...woo hoo!!
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    We met an an audition for my high school theatre department. I was 15, He was 17. We were married 4 years later. That was almost 10 years ago.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    We went to school together and dated during my junior and senior year of high school. After graduation I joined the military. After 10 years and traveling the world I came home and she was still single. We started dating again and soon after I asked her to marry me. 13 years later we are still married.
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    i had the same pernament campsite for 15 years.
    i gave it up to get married (the fiance really wasnt into camping).
    fast forward 3 years later, when the wedding was called off & we broke up; i went back to my favorite old campground only to find my campsite was taken!! :grumble:
    disappointed, i took the second best spot (right NEXT to my old spot)!!
    Thats how we met. As soon as he whipped out his bass fishing rod, I KNEW he was the man for me!! :love:
    We've been "happy campers" ever since!!
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • At a bar.. I saw a really tall (I'm 6'1.. so it's what I look for), good looking guy walk in.. asked, "so.. how tall are you?" and the rest is history :)
  • I meant mine in 4th grade. We use to hang out and play together as children. We were boyfriend and girlfriend in high school for 3 years. We went our seperates ways in our senior year. We reunited af\ter 28 years and married 7 months later. 1 year and 4 month later he decided he didn't want to be married anymore. He told me this in an email he sent to me on New Years day this year.

    That's awful - I'm so sorry :(
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    At the bank 17 years ago. It was the third of the month so all the senior citizens were in cashing their social security checks. The teller line was very long and I was impatient because I was on my way to work. He was one of the personal bankers and the waiting room was full of people to see him but he came to the line, addressed me by name, and asked me to step to his desk. He took my deposit behind the teller line so I skipped the entire line.

    I left with his number and the instructions to see him personally anytime the line was long. I found out later he had been watching me for a couple months waiting for his opportunity to talk to me.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    Love @ aol personals site. LOL And we only lived like 7 minutes from each other! That was almost 13 years ago. :heart:
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    He's the younger brother of my ex-boyfriend's college roommate. Became friends with the roommate and kept in touch after the breakup and then got to know his brother at his birthday party (at a bowling alley). My BF starting facebook chatting with me one day then texting, then visiting, then... *ehem*... then like 6 months later after MUCH debate about his brother's feelings we started dating... that was almost 3 years ago.
  • This is a funny story for a lot of our friends and family. I was working at the gym he had been working out at for 3-4 years. I saw him every Monday-Friday and thought he was so incredibly handsome, but I thought that he was entirely out of my league. One of his friends (Mike), who was also a co-worker and his workout buddy, asked me on a date. I was hesitant but threw all caution to the wind and said the hell with it. Well, one night I was out with a group of my friends and we met up with Mike and his friends. Well, as expected handsome frequent gym goer, Dave, was with him. Mike was too occupied chatting up some other friends that night, so Dave approached me and we started talking...come to find out we had a lot in common. He gave me his phone number and told me to call him the next day so that he knew I made it home safe. Well I called him and that transpired into dinner, and invitations to go out with him....the more we chatted the more we connected and the more we realized we were sort of made for one another. Dave told Mike that he wanted to be with me--Mike got mad (we only went on 2 casual dates) and now they are no longer friends. However, Dave and I are still together, madly in love, have a house together and are planning on getting married in the next couple of years. His mother always likes to tell me she was praying he'd meet someone like me at the gym...she says her prayers were answered!!
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    we met up working together in a Psychiatric Hospital... I was the Artist in residence, he was the Musician, we found we shared a sense of humour and a love of booze and the Arts... 25 years later and we are still alive and still love each other (the first is probably a miracle, the second no surprise at all...;-)
  • SMBL2
    SMBL2 Posts: 22 Member
    We went to seperate highschools and met through friends (my BFF and his highschool buddy were dating). Fast forward a few years and we ended up working at the same place. We reconnected, started dating the following year and got married 4 years later. We've been married for 9 years now.

    Side note, the friends who introduced us were still together and they (finally!!) got married last year. Yay!!
  • I met my Husband in High School, English class. He was 17 and I was 15. I thought he was the most sexy guy I have ever seen!!!! 26yrs and three girls (and one grandson) later, we are more in love than we ever have been. He is My King and he treats me like a Queen.
  • I met my boyfriend through Our one year anniversary is on Monday. :smile:

    There are some interesting characters on online dating sites, but there are also definitely some really great guys. IMO, it's a great way to find someone. If nothing else, you'll get to meet a lot of new people and maybe make some new friends.
  • I was sitting in the university cafe studying for a history exam the next day. I'd been there for two hours when this guy I'd never seen in before say's "Um, excuse me...hi...I was wondering if you'd like to go out for coffee sometime" I said yes gave him my number.

    He called later that day, and we went out for coffee, then back to my apt so he could meet my roommates, and more conversation. Our date lasted 10 hours and was awesome. We've been together ever since (11 years now, married almost 9, and we have a 3.5 YO daughter).

    I found out soon after our first date that he'd never seen me before on campus, he was also studying for a history exam (a more advanced one, as he was a history major), and he had been building up the nerve to ask me out since I sat down. He decided that he'd keep studying before his class started, and if I was still there when he left he'd ask me out. Two hours later I was still there, so he had to ask. He thought to himself that this could be the girl he could marry :)

    BTW - I was 25 at the time, and had dated A LOT (2 longer term relationships, and at least 15-20 short term ones). I was a bartender for years, met most of those guys at bars, and NEVER felt like any of those guy was the "one" after the first date, or after I getting to know them. I ended every relationship because I didn't want to waste anymore time on a person who I deep down knew was not compatible with me.

    Don't be afraid to break up with someone you know isn't the one. You will totally know when you meet the right guy. I couldn't believe how much my hubby & I had in common after our hours long conversation during our first date. I was sure he was it, and couldn't believe I was saying that either. After getting to know him further I was even more sure. After 11 years together we are happier than ever.

  • amberm912
    amberm912 Posts: 85 Member
    We met online 4 years ago...He messaged me one the longest and meaningful messages ever and it sparked from there...Went back and forth messaging and IMing..then we talked on the phone tons of times...He has FULL custody of his son and I have FULL custody of my daughter. So it was difficult to arrange when to meet def since he lived almost 3 hours away....But finally about a month or so later...I was going to be in the area & his son was at his mothers so figured why not...We drove around, walked on the boardwalk, and just sat in the car listened to music and talked until 2 in the morning...It was fantastic...We both couldn't believe how easy it felt, but due to the distance and all we drifted apart & stopped talking.

    I ended up started dating a guy a few months later and posted pictures of us on my FB/Myspace...Well about 3 months later I get a random text from "him<3" saying he cant help but look at the pictures and KNOW hes the one who's supposed to be beside me kissing me and holding me not the douche I was dating. I ended up breaking up with the other guy (he was an alcoholic & I just knew he wasn't IT for me) & became very close friends with "HIM<3".

    We talked everyday all the time....Finally he we decided to meet up again. He traveled 3 hours to come see me one weekend. We went to a haunted house (it was in October) He was soooo scared It was cute, we still laugh about it to this day...We actually plan on taking the kids this year, to the same one :-))). We went back to my house and just talked and hung out...No pressure it was amazing, our connection was UNREAL!...He stayed and the next day didn't want to leave but had too...It was a Saturday. Sunday we were talking on the phone and he talked about wanting to move here...I was like okay, not taking him seriously....Well Monday he gave him notice at work and 3 weeks later (before Thanksgiving) he became a resident of my city! :-))))...And now almost 3 years later...We live together, our kids LOVE one another, we have two doggies, and are completely happy...I truly feel as if I've found my other half with him, He's my best friend <3

    People can find love anywhere...Online, at work, at the grocery store, high school, on a bus, ANYWHERE...I mean anything is possible! I mean my boyfriend took a chance moving 3 hours away to a new place where he knew NO ONE...Just have faith :-))) You never know what the future holds! <3

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