flabby arms



  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Thanks for posting those Youtube video links. My upper arms look really bad and are bothering me alot. I have been having shoulder pain problems the last three months so I haven't been able to do any exercises on that area. I want to join a gym too but the physical therapist said to wait till I am not having shoulder pain issues. I do walk 1-2 miles a day, 1 mile in 15 minutes and 2 miles in 30 min. I have been seeing a physical therapist the last month for the shoulder pain and doing exercises at home daily to strengthen my shoulder muscles and middle muscle in my back between the shoulder blades since she thinks that is the issue since loosing weight. I never had shoulder pain issues till I lost this amount of weight. I was doing arm curls 50 with each arm with a 5 pound kettleball but once my shoulders started hurting in mid June I quit those. I am now doing a arm curls with a 3 pound weight in each arm this week and seem to be doing ok.
    I appreicate all the replies to this subject. Any other suggestions would be great!
  • sundaymiller86
    sundaymiller86 Posts: 48 Member
    Bump for video
  • Kyfrog
    Kyfrog Posts: 19 Member