A latte a day?????



  • LupaNera
    One caffe-latte (around 200 ml of milk) in the morning and one or two expresso here (macchiato), one after lunch and one later. No sugar. But I don't use any creamer etc, just plain milk. I just cannot start my day without coffee and milk for brekfast.
    And still doing ok.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I think an addiction to anything is not a good thing. If not having something or not doing something affects your mood and how your treat others (in a bad way), well I just don't think that's good.

    I personally don't think there's anything wrong with having coffee. I have a cup every morning and have no intention of giving it up. If you think you use too much sugar or cream maybe you can cut back, but eating healthy shouldn't be so legalistic. But that's just me.

    I do love lattes...ummm.

    Addiction isn't a good or bad thing--it's just a thing. We all--every one of us--are addicted to many, many, many things. As long as it doesn't diminish your quality of life, it's value-free. I'm addicted to indoor plumbing, since the definition of addiction is that it causes distress if it's withdrawn, but I have no plans to eliminate that addiction. It's not a problem in my life.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Latest research suggest coffee has a protective effect against Alzheimer's, and coffee has more anti-oxidants than any other food source. Try as they might, no one has been able to definitively prove coffee is bad for you.

    Of course, once you load it with milk fat and sugar, some problems arise.

    Caffeine may have some negative health consequences if it prevents you from getting a good night's sleep, or if it causes heart palpitations and you have heart problems.

    But coffee it's self isn't bad for you, and may even be good for you.

    I drink a couple cups a day, stopping by noon, because I like the jump start in the morning and I like the taste. I put fat free milk in mine, mostly because it cools the coffee enough I won't scald my mouth on the first couple sips.

    If you like coffee, drink it (in moderation), but there is really no need to think of it as a vice to be given up. It's not causing harm.

    And if you want your coffee in latte form, and the calories fit, go for it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I have a skim milk Venti latte several times a week. It's a shot or two of espresso with lots of steamed milk. Incidentally, espresso has less caffeine in it than regular American coffee.

    I don't find that I have an increasing need for more caffeine in the morning. If I don't have coffee or espresso I do feel slightly out of it. Coffee is a stimulant. In moderate quantities, it's believed to be healthy.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Coffee is actually not bad for you. Like actual black coffee - not lattes and mochas and cappuccinos and stuff like that which are full of sugar and omg who knows what else.

    I saw a news story recently that coffee, when you drink a cup or two every day, is actually very beneficial to you in the long run in terms of your longevity and quality of life. It's when you drink 3, 4 or more cups a day where you can run into trouble. So it's finding that delicate balance. No real calories to speak of in coffee, either.

    I drink coffee every morning - usually a cup and a half to two cups. No sugar or creamer just a splash of almond milk.

    ETA - I should add that I will totally treat myself to one of those fancy coffee drinks once in a while :) White chocolate mocha is my favorite when I'm having a ****it day, lol. And of course - tis the season for pumpkin spice lattes! I haven't had one yet.
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    I drink my coffee iced with one cup of soy, flax, almond, or coconut milk in it. It's about as healthy as coffee gets. No sugar, no dairy.
    I only drink one cup, and very rarely will I drink a 2nd on a day. I don't think it's bad for you. What most people add to it, yes that is the bad.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I have a latte every day (cappuccino actually). Frequently 2 a day. The milk fits my macros, and I would probably drink the milk on it's own otherwise. I could give it up if I had to, but I would be sad - I like it.

    It's my only vice, it doesn't hurt anyone, it's not hurting me, I don't intend to give it up.
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    I LOVE mochas and lattes! I make my own version in the mornings (16 oz) of a lowfat/lower cal mocha. I do this every morning! I look forward to it actually!! It makes getting up early so much easier for me, LOL! Then, on occasion, I have gone after lunch to Starbucks to indulge again in a salted caramel mocha. The nonfat/no whip mochas are a lot lower in fat/calories. I just find myself to be more productive with having coffee in the morning, and at other times of the day, it's just a WANT, not a need. I definitely don't plan on giving it up! I'd drink more each day if I could! :)
  • sweetteacher123
    Research actually has shown that there is some increase in athletic performance from caffeine intake before athletic activities. However, the research implies that one-two cups is beneficial, but seven or more doesn't help more. Actually, if you do not have other health issues, the consumption of coffee is not harmful. Is it addictive, maybe? Can people get withdrawls from suddenly not having caffiene (from coffee or other sources)? Yes. What can make coffee unhealthy (if you are generally healthy), is the adding of fats and sugars in drinks. There are healthy versions of these drinks though. I mostly think people like coffee for the idea of having coffee! I love a hot drink in the morning, but I can rotate between coffee or hot tea. It makes me happy and feels like a comforting way to start a day.
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    Coffee is great! Yes, it's mildly addictive but generally it's the people around you who suffer the most when you don't get you fix anyway, so who cares?? (joking....)

    I have a latte and between several to 6 cups of black coffee per day. It might be a little excessive but I've been doing that for >10 years now.

    Caffeine has a mildly relaxing effect on smooth muscle - this makes it good for headaches and migraines (if your migraines come from constricted blood vessels), and good for 'regularity', since the bowel is lined with smooth muscle and relaxing the muscle can help with 'going' (so. many. euphemisms!). It's not so good for people with high anxiety and it can cause racing heartbeats in excess.

    I think for most people it's harmless, for some it's beneficial and for some it's not so good. If you haven't noticed any ill effects so far, I think you have nothing to worry about.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Coffee is actually not bad for you. Like actual black coffee - not lattes and mochas and cappuccinos and stuff like that which are full of sugar and omg who knows what else.

    Classic lattes and cappuccinos don't have sugar, unless you add them, just as with coffee. I always order them with skim milk. Espresso, which has less caffeine than American coffee, can be drunk black, although many people add sugar.

    I often go to Starbucks several times a week. I know I can have a Frappuccino once a summer.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    I stand by this....

    Everything in moderation.
